• Impasse in Austria

    Impasse in Austria

    May 22, 2016 23:30 Hot Recent News

    Anxiously awaits Austria who the new head of state. The two remaining candidates went up late last night head-to-head. Today 720,000 letter voters are counted. Therefore, it remains unclear whether the far-right EU critic Norbert Hofer (45) is President in the Hofburg.

  • EgyptAir: Another body found

    EgyptAir: Another body found

    May 20, 2016 18:00 Hot Recent News

    In the search for the airliner EgyptAir have regained body parts.,, The Egyptian navy was able to store even more remains of the plane, some belongings of the passengers, human remains and aircraft seats. '

  • Christian Kern Chancellor of Austria

    Christian Kern Chancellor of Austria

    May 17, 2016 18:15 Hot Recent News

    Christian Kern Tuesday in Vienna sworn in as Chancellor of Austria. The fifty-Social Democrat SPÖ is the thirteenth postwar chancellor of the Alpine Republic. He succeeds Werner Faymann who unexpectedly resigned his post on 9 May.

  • Sanders and Trump win

    Sanders and Trump win

    charleston May 11, 2016 06:08 Hot Recent News

    Bernie Sanders on Tuesday (local time) won the Democratic primary in West Virginia. After 88 percent of the votes counted, showed that 51.3 percent of voters had opted for Sanders. Hillary Clinton got 36.1 percent of the electorate behind him.

  • 'Top incredibly corrupt countries' in London

    'Top incredibly corrupt countries' in London

    london May 10, 2016 17:40 Hot Recent News

    British Prime Minister David Cameron said in an interview with the Queen that on an anti-corruption summit Thursday in London, leaders come from 'incredibly corrupt countries'. 'There are a number of leaders of incredibly corrupt countries to Britain from Nigeria and Afghanistan, probably the most corrupt countries in the world,' Cameron told the queen.

  • German court rejects new requirement Erdogan

    German court rejects new requirement Erdogan

    May 10, 2016 15:00 Hot Recent News

    The chairman of a German media group last week sided with the satirist who watch the wrath of the Turkish President on the neck made it does not on its words. This has given a German court Tuesday. Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan had a gag order requested by Matthias Döpfner, the CEO of Axel Springer, but then received no reply to the court.

  • French parliamentarian resigned to sexism

    French parliamentarian resigned to sexism

    May 9, 2016 20:40 Hot Recent News

    A leading French parliamentarian on Monday resigned as vice chairman of the Assembly after other MPs had accused him of sexual harassment. Although the French parliament known for his sexist undercurrents, it rarely happens that having consequences.

  • Employees Clinton heard by FBI

    Employees Clinton heard by FBI

    May 6, 2016 06:35 Hot Recent News

    The FBI has interviewed several employees of Hillary Clinton about her use of a personal e-mail server as foreign minister. The Democratic presidential candidate himself also likely to be questioned in the coming weeks, CNN reports.

  • Republican Ryan not ready for Trump

    Republican Ryan not ready for Trump

    May 5, 2016 22:21 Hot Recent News

    Republican Paul Ryan, chairman of the US House of Representatives, there is not yet ready to support Donald Trump as a candidate of his party in the US presidential election. Ryan, a key Republican leaders, let it know Thursday.

  • Keeper (18) dies after lightning strike

    Keeper (18) dies after lightning strike

    May 1, 2016 16:21 Hot Recent News

    A 18-year-old Australian goalkeeper did not survive a lightning strike. The talented Stefan Petrovski was on April 5 with his Malaysian club Melaka United on the training ground, when suddenly lightning struck and hit the 18 year old keeper. More than three weeks after the fatal accident, he died in hospital.

  • Ex-president US Congress in jail

    Ex-president US Congress in jail

    April 27, 2016 20:00 Hot Recent News

    Dennis Hastert, a former chairman of the US House of Representatives on Wednesday sentenced to fifteen months in prison and fined $ 250,000 because of a financial crime that he committed to keep quiet about the sexual abuse of a child. The abuse of several children Hastert could not be prosecuted because those issues have already been barred.

  • Republican hope: no bid for White House

    Republican hope: no bid for White House

    April 12, 2016 22:42 Hot Recent News

    The Republican chairman of the US House of Representatives, Paul Ryan, has ruled out a bid for the presidency in November Tuesday. Ryan, who many Republicans who do not warm up to the flamboyant Donald Trump or the arch-conservative Ted Cruz had pinned their hopes, indicated that he would not accept a nomination by his party.

  • Fast Veteran leave McDonald's

    Fast Veteran leave McDonald's

    April 7, 2016 07:35 Hot Recent News

    One of the longest serving managers in the fast food industry, the president of McDonald's, retires. The 86-year-old Andrew McKenna was a quarter of a century in the government of the world's largest hamburger chain, with more than ten years as supervisory chairman (chairman).

  • 'Panama should not be a scapegoat '

    'Panama should not be a scapegoat '

    panama April 5, 2016 23:35 Hot Recent News

    Panama should not be used as a scapegoat and is certainly not a tax haven. This minister and close associate of President Juan Carlos Varela Rodriguez, Alvaro Aleman, stressed Tuesday in response to the publication of the 'Panama Papers. Showing to all appearances in detail what the Panamanian financial and legal consultancy Mossack Fonseca amp; Co. has done in helping setting up offshore companies for many clients.

  • Establishment talks with Trump

    Establishment talks with Trump

    March 31, 2016 20:56 Hot Recent News

    Presidential candidate Donald Trump claims to have had 'a nice conversation' with Reince Priebus, the party chairman of the Republican Party. Trump had to Thursday excited to know through Twitter. The meeting comes as a surprise.

  • 'Russia put itself offside '

    'Russia put itself offside '

    March 30, 2016 06:14 Hot Recent News

    The Russian government 'isolates himself 'by not participating in the Nuclear Security Summit held in Washington on Thursday and Friday. That takes at least the national security of US President Barack Obama. 'This is above all a missed opportunity for Russia itself,' said the vice chairman of the board Tuesday.

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