Keeper (18) dies after lightning strike

Keeper (18) dies after lightning strike

World May 1, 2016 16:21

- A 18-year-old Australian goalkeeper did not survive a lightning strike. The talented Stefan Petrovski was on April 5 with his Malaysian club Melaka United on the training ground, when suddenly lightning struck and hit the 18 year old keeper. More than three weeks after the fatal accident, he died in hospital.

Petrovski was taken to hospital after lightning urgently. At first he was making progress and he was allowed after a short stay in the intensive care unit to the ward. His condition was stable and he needed only assistance in breathing. Sudden worsening his situation and lack of oxygen increased the pressure on his brains to. He died on May 1.

'When I heard of the incident, I was in shock,' describes vice chairman Khairi Anuar Ahmad Melaka United strange incident with the lightning. The club mourns the death of Petrovski. 'He was a devoted keeper and worked hard to get better. He was eeb good kid who was good in the group. Inconceivable that he's gone. '

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