• All of Europe hit by attacks

    All of Europe hit by attacks

    brussels March 22, 2016 17:24 Hot Recent News

    ,, Europe as a whole has been hit by the bombings in Brussels. '' That showed Tuesday namely the European Commission in response to the attacks in Brussels.,, The EU and its institutions must work united in the fight against terror. ''

  • Rich migrants sport plane to Italy

    Rich migrants sport plane to Italy

    messolongi March 18, 2016 08:31 Hot Recent News

    Not through the mud or in crowded trains: rich immigrants flights from Greece to Western Europe. In the west of Greece is rolled up a gang that brought people for 5,000 to 7,000 euros per person a small airport in Italy. Two Iraqis and four Greeks were arrested, as police reported in the western Greek Patras Friday.

  • Peruvian no longer need a visa

    Peruvian no longer need a visa

    brussels March 14, 2016 18:24 Hot Recent News

    Peruvians who want to have as of Tuesday, no longer need a visa to the Schengen area. Minister Bert Koenders (Foreign Affairs) on Monday as chairman of the Council of the European Union signed a visa abolition agreement with Peru. EU citizens can already longer visa-free Peru of entries.

  • Ryan angry own supporters

    Ryan angry own supporters

    March 10, 2016 23:45 Hot Recent News

    The prominent Republican Paul Ryan has distanced himself from supporters who see him as a presidential candidate. The chairman of the US House of Representatives does not feel anything for participation in the presidential elections this year.

  • Medal of Merit for SS assassin

    March 9, 2016 16:07 Hot Recent News

    An embarrassing mistake by the city council of the municipality of English Fire in Germany. Last weekend a year ago, aged 94-year-old Wilhelm Kusterer received an award pinned to social achievements in the municipality. Now the man turns out, however, in Italy to be sentenced in absentia to life imprisonment for genocide. Also justice in Germany is since 2013 the corridors after the former SS sergeant.

  • Kim right on US blacklist

    Kim right on US blacklist

    seoul March 3, 2016 06:14 Hot Recent News

    The United States Thursday harsh measures taken against the right hand of the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Together with sixteen other North Koreans Hwang Pyong So imposed a travel ban and assets freeze all his money. The measures follow a unanimous decision of the UN Security Council to impose tougher sanctions on North Korea for nuclear tests.

  • Parliament denounced President Brazil

    Parliament denounced President Brazil

    March 2, 2016 23:56 Hot Recent News

    Brazil's Supreme Court Wednesday gave permission for the prosecution of parliamentary chairman Eduardo Cunha for taking bribes. Cunha, a bitter rival of President Dilma Rousseff, recently had every possible effort to keep two other corruption charges of the body.

  • 'Brits important for EU'

    'Brits important for EU'

    February 26, 2016 10:14 Hot Recent News

    It is both politically and economically very important that Britain remains part of the European Union. That Finance Minister and Eurogroup chairman Jeroen Dijsselbloem said Friday on the sidelines of a G20 meeting in Shanghai.

  • Parliament examines new year Cologne

    Parliament examines new year Cologne

    cologne February 18, 2016 14:56 Hot Recent News

    A parliamentary inquiry committee of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia will investigate the series of incidents during the last New Year's celebration in Cologne. The committee was installed Thursday by the state parliament.

  • World Press Photo for photographs refugees baby

    World Press Photo for photographs refugees baby

    amsterdam February 18, 2016 13:00 Hot Recent News

    A photo of a refugee baby has been named the best picture of the year. Someone is giving the baby in the middle of the night through a hole in the barbed wire to a man, on the border between Serbia and Hungary. The blurry photo was taken by Australian photographer Warren Richardson. He is the winner of the World Press Photo 2015, the jury announced on Thursday in Amsterdam.

  • EU agreement with Turkey canceled after attack

    EU agreement with Turkey canceled after attack

    February 18, 2016 07:07 Hot Recent News

    Special meeting of eleven European countries with Turkey over the refugee crisis, Thursday in Brussels, has been canceled. After the terrorist bombing Wednesday in Ankara decided the Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Wednesday as not scheduled to leave for Brussels.

  • 'Brexitkamp 'runs into advocates EU

    February 15, 2016 20:42 Hot Recent News

    There are still more British in favor of membership of the European Union than there are British opponents. But their arrears according to a poll published Monday by market researcher ComRes walk opponents.

  • Fighter against the elite

    Fighter against the elite

    February 9, 2016 14:56 Hot Recent News

    The maligned and lane outputted Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis (54) makes its presence felt again. Today in Berlin, he presents a 'Plan C' to save Europe from ruin.

  • Brussels not impressed

    Brussels not impressed

    brussels January 28, 2016 14:49 Hot Recent News

    The plan of the government to send refugees on Greek islands by ferry back to Turkey in exchange for the inclusion of 250 000 refugees in Europe, has beaten no dent in a packet of butter in Brussels.

  • Mark Zuckerberg is now the sixth richest person

    Mark Zuckerberg is now the sixth richest person

    January 28, 2016 11:49 Hot Recent News

    Mark Zuckerberg is a place risen from the list wealthiest people in the world, after Wednesday presented the quarterly figures from Facebook. The 31-year-old CEO of the social network, who last month became a father, was Oracle chairman Larry Ellison passed and is now in sixth place. This was reported by Forbes.

  • Carnival Parade canceled in Rheinberg
    0 Comment 149

    Carnival Parade canceled in Rheinberg

    January 14, 2016 19:49 Hot Recent News

    The refugee crisis is the celebration of Carnival in Germany. The site of Rheinberg, near Duisburg, has fearing problems like the carnival in Cologne canceled, German media reported Thursday. It is the first city in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia which deletes the carnival.

  • First reports of data breaches within walking

    First reports of data breaches within walking

    January 8, 2016 09:42 Hot Recent News

    The Authority Personal Data last week ingested approximately twenty reports of suspected data breaches. That said Chairman of the Authority Personal Jacob Kohnstamm Wednesday at the presentation of the new logo of his organization. Businesses and governments are starting this year required the leakage of personal information to report them immediately.

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