'Brexitkamp 'runs into advocates EU

World February 15, 2016 20:42

- There are still more British in favor of membership of the European Union than there are British opponents. But their arrears according to a poll published Monday by market researcher ComRes walk opponents.

In the latest poll by ComRes is 49 percent in favor of the EU and 41 percent would leave the union, called Brexit. In January, it was the difference between pre- and EU opponents much larger. Then it was 54 percent pro-Europe and 36 percent pro-Brexit.

British Prime Minister David Cameron hopes later this week to get a European summit in Brussels EU commitment to mildly about 'Brussels' will vote the British voter. Tuesday Cameron talks in Brussels with European leaders, including committee chairman Jean-Claude Juncker and European Parliament President Martin Schulz.

European Minister Donald Tusk said Monday that negotiations with the British at a critical stage and sometimes even fragile.

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