Fighter against the elite

Fighter against the elite

World February 9, 2016 14:56

- The maligned and lane outputted Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis (54) makes its presence felt again. Today in Berlin, he presents a 'Plan C' to save Europe from ruin.

He sets up a new European movement, DiEM25 that Europe should encourage to be more democratic. 'The power has gone to the ruling elite. '

The name of the think tank says it all, Democracy Movement in Europe 2025. 'If democracy is not widened, the European Union will be at enormous cost shatter,' predicts Varoufakis, which themselves as 'erratic Marxist' dubs, already.

Varoufakis, a professor of theoretical probability, gambled in the Council of Ministers a little wrong about the will of his colleagues to again pull the purse for Greece, without which there is sufficient savings was offset. The argument ran high and even there would have been almost a scuffle between Varoufakis and Eurogroup chairman Jeroen Dijsselbloem.

Varoufakis' new move comes just at a time when there is a heavy reliance on the unity of the EU Member States by the flow of refugees. Precisely Greece is leaking sluice which come in all of Europe. Maybe Varoufakis think tank is there first focus on.

In early April he comes to Amsterdam as a speaker on philosophical and economic festival of the G10.

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