• 'Fleming can learn about Dutch pride '

    'Fleming can learn about Dutch pride '

    brussels July 11, 2016 13:09 Hot Recent News

    Flanders must work more closely with its 'related northern neighbor'. Flanders and the Netherlands share a 'long common past '' and' if there is a nation that what we can learn about pride and self-consciousness, it is the Dutch '.

  • Tackling terrorism must central France

    Tackling terrorism must central France

    July 5, 2016 15:45 Hot Recent News

    The French intelligence services have been reorganized and one service should be fighting terrorism. This is the conclusion of a parliamentary inquiry committee scrutinized in Paris the terrorist attacks of last year. During such attacks have failed existing services, according to committee chairman Georges Fenech.

  • Sarkozy confirms candidacy presidency

    Sarkozy confirms candidacy presidency

    July 3, 2016 05:48 Hot Recent News

    Nicolas Sarkozy on Saturday confirmed to his party that he represents a candidate for the presidential elections to be held in France in 2017. Before that, he puts his current position as chairman of Republicans down. It reports the Guardian.

  • Former Prime Minister Rocard deceased

    Former Prime Minister Rocard deceased

    July 2, 2016 19:45 Hot Recent News

    The former French Prime Minister Michel Rocard is Saturday at the age of 86 deceased. That French media reported. Rocard was prime minister in 1988 to 1991 François Mitterrand as president. He died in a hospital in Paris.

  • London rudderless

    London rudderless

    london June 27, 2016 07:15 Hot Recent News

    London is in a political vacuum. The country is rudderless. Prime Minister David Cameron promised to stabilize the British ship before departing in October as prime minister. These is nothing to criticize. He shined last weekend by its absence.

  • Internal motion of censure against Corbyn

    Internal motion of censure against Corbyn

    london June 24, 2016 12:45 Hot Recent News

    Party members have submitted a motion of no confidence against Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn. In a letter to the chairman of the parliamentary branch of the party giving two parliamentarians of no confidence to have more in their leader.

  • 'Voters showed prescribe nothing '

    'Voters showed prescribe nothing '

    london June 24, 2016 07:00 Hot Recent News

    Chairman of the Brexit camp, Gisela Stuart, looking with satisfaction at the outcome of the referendum on whether Britain should remain in the EU. She is delighted that people have had to write anything by the establishment.

  • Clarity on Brexit from 04.30

    Clarity on Brexit from 04.30

    June 22, 2016 15:42 Hot Recent News

    Or the British voted for or against membership of the European Union, according to British media Friday clear around 04:30 hours Dutch time. Then about half of the 382 constituencies have to pass the results and is generally emerged a clear picture on the rise.

  • 'Brexit-baroness' runs over to EU camp

    'Brexit-baroness' runs over to EU camp

    london June 20, 2016 12:51 Hot Recent News

    Baroness Warsi, former chairman of the Conservatives and former Minister in the cabinet of Prime Minister David Cameron, the brexit camp has turned his back. She is now for EU membership, the Financial Times reported Monday.

  • Merkel: 'No benefit to Brexit '

    Merkel: 'No benefit to Brexit '

    brussels June 17, 2016 11:03 Hot Recent News

    With only just six days before the Brexit referendum rains scenarios about what should happen if Prime Minister David Cameron on June 24 to admit early in the morning that he has lost the battle and the UK to leave the EU.

  • 7.5 billion to Greece

    7.5 billion to Greece

    luxembourg June 17, 2016 10:27 Hot Recent News

    The Greek Government early next week 7.5 billion face in her bank account. The finance ministers of the euro on Thursday in Luxembourg before the light put on green.

  • Hazard zika seems gone

    Hazard zika seems gone

    geneva June 14, 2016 21:45 Hot Recent News

    ,, There is a very low risk 'of further spread of the zikavirus by the Olympics in Brazil, the heart of the current outbreak. That said, experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday.

  • New strikes easyJet afoot

    New strikes easyJet afoot

    amsterdam June 14, 2016 14:30 Hot Recent News

    Pilots union VNV intent on new work stoppages at easyJet. The strike on Tuesday followed a spokesperson good, but did not yield any new discussions with the airline still.

  • Dozens injured after soccer riots

    Dozens injured after soccer riots

    June 12, 2016 06:51 Hot Recent News

    Approximately thirty people have been injured in clashes Saturday between football supporters, shortly before the start of the football match between England and Russia in Marseille, the French channel BFMTV. According to the British broadcaster Sky News, the condition of two British supporters criticism.

  • Trump campaign must tighten

    June 12, 2016 05:24 Hot Recent News

    The Republican Party is going to interfere more with the campaign of its presidential candidate Donald Trump. The party is because a tight organization of Trump's campaign is still lacking.

  • Paul Ryan also denounces 'racism' Trump

    Paul Ryan also denounces 'racism' Trump

    June 7, 2016 16:00 Hot Recent News

    Paul Ryan, one of the Republican leaders, Tuesday fierce criticism of the presidential candidate of his party. The critique of Trump on a court case against the so-called Trump University treats,, is the definition of racism, '' Ryan said Tuesday. The chairman of the House of Representatives Trump, however, will continue to support.

  • Merkel has a problem with it

    Merkel has a problem with it

    June 6, 2016 19:03 Hot Recent News

    German President Joachim Gauck (76) throws the towel down there, he announced on Monday in Bellevue palace in Berlin. That creates headaches for Chancellor Merkel, who has to find a suitable successor to the East German ex-minister.

  • Ryan finally endorses Trump

    Ryan finally endorses Trump

    June 3, 2016 08:09 Hot Recent News

    Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump can finally count on the support of the chairman of the House of Representatives. Paul Ryan rallied openly behind the billionaire. Previously, wanting to work the two already know together to unite the party, but Ryan supported the controversial real estate magnate was still not explicit.

  • Paul Ryan yet for Trump

    Paul Ryan yet for Trump

    June 3, 2016 07:27 Hot Recent News

    Donald Trump has a new voting recommendation by. Republican Paul Ryan, chairman of the House of Representatives and, until recently, an outspoken opponent of the businessman, in a column has a 'endorsement'.

  • Many ignorance owners drones

    Many ignorance owners drones

    June 1, 2016 10:48 Hot Recent News

    The trade association for drones (Darpas) welcomes the fact that the government has started a campaign for users of the unmanned aircraft.,, All the attention is welcome. The majority of people do not know namely what is and what is not, '' said chairman Rob van Nieuwland.

  • Senior official North Korea in Beijing

    Senior official North Korea in Beijing

    May 31, 2016 06:57 Hot Recent News

    Ri Su-yong, vice chairman of the North Korean Workers' Party and former foreign minister, arrived Tuesday in Beijing. He is the highest-ranking North Korean official to visit China since North Korea's anger Beijing woke to a fourth nuclear test in January.

  • AfD'er under fire: 'People do not like Boateng neighbor '

    AfD'er under fire: 'People do not like Boateng neighbor '

    May 29, 2016 21:18 Hot Recent News

    The vice-president of the German Nationalist Party AfD in Germany for quite some commotion caused by insinuating that people Jerome Boateng, defender of the German team, would not want as a neighbor. Although he did not explicitly said to it, Alexander Gauland referring to the color of the 27-year-old footballer, who has a Ghanaian father.

  • Wagenknecht preaches independence Linke

    Wagenknecht preaches independence Linke

    magdeburg May 29, 2016 16:03 Hot Recent News

    Sahra Wagenknecht on Sunday in her closing speech at the congress of the Left Party in Magdeburg heavily in independence.,, The lot is used, '' the group president in the Bundestag held her audience of about 580 deputies. A 'red-red-green' coalition is not what her concerns addressed.

  • Opposition party Die Linke reelect leading duo

    Opposition party Die Linke reelect leading duo

    magdeburg May 29, 2016 10:33 Hot Recent News

    German opposition party Die Linke continues Katja Kipping (38) and Bernd Riexinger (60) as figureheads. The leading duo, since 2012 to power Saturday received during the congress in Magdeburg a new term for two years. The aid in the rank and file were less massive than the last time, although there were no opposing candidates.

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