• Hindus angry Belgian beer label
    0 Comment 118

    Hindus angry Belgian beer label

    September 8, 2016 09:33 Hot Recent News

    A label with the image of the Hindu god Ganesha on Belgian beer bottles Shoot down the wrong way by Hindus. The use of Hindu deities for commercial purposes is offensive to believers, according to the Universal Society of Hinduism, which claims to represent Hindus worldwide.

  • Kerkrade spell affair

    Kerkrade spell affair

    kerkrade September 3, 2016 11:18 Hot Recent News

    The municipality of Kerkrade start an integrity investigation VVD alderman Dion Schneider. Following is an affair that he started with the head of the Department of real estate and land development.

  • EU Parliament president to visit Erdogan

    EU Parliament president to visit Erdogan

    brussels August 31, 2016 15:30 Hot Recent News

    The President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, will Thursday on an official visit to the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The German Social Democrat wants,, political dialogue Getting back on the right track 'and,, all relevant issues, from security to the refugee crisis, openly discuss.'

  • 'Merkel decided in 2017 about candidacy '

    'Merkel decided in 2017 about candidacy '

    August 27, 2016 09:27 Hot Recent News

    CDU leader Angela Merkel makes until the spring of 2017 known whether they reset candidate for the post of Chancellor, reports Spiegel. The reason is that President Horst Seehofer of the CSU Bavarian sister party then will decide whether he will stand again behind Merkel, learned the leaf in CDU circles. The problem for Merkel is that at the CDU congress in December will be re-elected for two years as party chairman, but only to answer to her party to a new chancellor candidacy.

  • Erdogan discharges mayors

    Erdogan discharges mayors

    August 25, 2016 21:18 Hot Recent News

    The Turkish ruling party AKP has expelled four mayors that would have links with the Islamic cleric Fethullah Gulen. Reported CNN Turk. Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused his rival Gulen, who lives in the United States of involvement in the coup attempt last month.

  • Trump throws his campaign staff again

    Trump throws his campaign staff again

    August 17, 2016 10:48 Hot Recent News

    Donald Trump has made significant changes again in the top of his campaign. He has Stephen Bannon, the chief executive of the conservative news website Breitbart, hired as director and Republican strategist Kelly Anne Conway promoted to campaign manager, a new position.

  • 'Erdogan Action resembles Nazi ideology '

    'Erdogan Action resembles Nazi ideology '

    berlin August 7, 2016 06:33 Hot Recent News

    The chairman of the German liberal party FDP, the actions of the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan after the failed coup last month compared to that of the Nazis. According to Christian Lindner Erdogan is building an authoritarian regime in which all power is vested in himself, so he told Bild am Sonntag.

  • Trump endorses still behind Ryan

    Trump endorses still behind Ryan

    washington August 6, 2016 05:51 Hot Recent News

    In an attempt to approach the Republican party board has presidential candidate Donald Trump Friday (local time) yet expressed its support for Comrade Paul Ryan, chairman of the House of Representatives. The decision is notable because Trump earlier this week said to be still not ready and expressed his admiration for an opponent of Ryan.

  • Juncker Turkey not now find worthy EU

    Juncker Turkey not now find worthy EU

    August 4, 2016 16:45 Hot Recent News

    As the country stands now, Turkey can not join the European Union. That chairman Jean-Claude Juncker of the European Commission said in an interview with German broadcaster ARD. Calls on the other hand Juncker sure to continue the talks with Ankara over membership.

  • Wrong phone bugged by 'fat fingers' spy

    Wrong phone bugged by 'fat fingers' spy

    canberra August 3, 2016 14:12 Hot Recent News

    The spies of the Australian Secret Service are not perfect and make sometimes disappoints. Thus it could happen that security agents were monitoring the wrong phones because they had entered the wrong numbers. The reason: 'fat fingers'.

  • Trump refused support comrades

    Trump refused support comrades

    August 3, 2016 05:51 Hot Recent News

    Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump refuses its prominent party member Paul Ryan as yet to support his struggle for re-election for deputy of his district. Trump is,, not quite so far, 'he confided to the Washington Post Tuesday.

  • Trump Ryan refuses his support

    Trump Ryan refuses his support

    August 2, 2016 22:45 Hot Recent News

    Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump still refuses to support his prominent party member Paul Ryan in his battle for re-election. Trump is,, not quite so far, '' he confided to the Washington Post Tuesday. Republican senators John McCain and Kelly Ayotte for sure, according to Trump weak and faithless, supports can anyway write on their stomachs.

  • CSU Merkel blames naivety

    CSU Merkel blames naivety

    gmund July 29, 2016 16:57 Hot Recent News

    In the top of the CSU's resistance raised against the analysis that Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has on terrorism in Germany, and the solution of the refugee crisis.,, Me personally, she has not convinced, '' said Bavarian Finance Minister Markus Söder Friday after a limited cabinet meeting at the Tegernsee.

  • 'Hillary should be president '

    'Hillary should be president '

    July 26, 2016 06:09 Hot Recent News

    During the first day of the Democratic party convention in Philadelphia, where Hillary Clinton is appointed formally as presidential candidate, have include Bernie Sanders and Michelle Obama himself commended her.

  • Democrats party leader not at convention

    Democrats party leader not at convention

    July 25, 2016 20:06 Hot Recent News

    The chairman of the US Democratic party will not officially open Monday, the convention of her party. That Debbie Wasserman Schultz told newspaper The Sun Sentinel of Florida. Wasserman Schultz is under fire because of leaked emails showing that the party she led was trying to favor behind the scenes Hillary Clinton in the primaries at the expense of Bernie Sanders.

  • Democrats party chairman booed

    Democrats party chairman booed

    July 25, 2016 15:57 Hot Recent News

    The chairman of the US Democratic Party booed Monday leading up to the Democratic convention. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is under fire because of leaked emails showing that the party she led was trying to favor behind the scenes Hillary Clinton in the primaries at the expense of Bernie Sanders. She submitted her resignation, but leaves after the convention.

  • 'Lifeguards like swimming asylum seekers'

    'Lifeguards like swimming asylum seekers'

    July 21, 2016 13:39 Hot Recent News

    The Association of German Lifeguards (BDS) want quick refugees are trained lifeguard. That integration is good for everyone, argued BDS chairman Peter Harzheim Thursday against the Rheinische Post.,, We have far too few people, why not tap into that resource? '' Asked Harzheim, himself. It may also help, according to him to reduce ethnic or cultural frictions in public pools or prevent.

  • Filip kicks off heavily protected holiday

    Filip kicks off heavily protected holiday

    brussels July 21, 2016 12:30 Hot Recent News

    The Belgian royal couple Philippe and Mathilde Thursday under very heavy security kicked off the National Day in Brussels with the traditional Te Deum in the St. Michael and Gudula Cathedral in Brussels. Their four children were with.

  • Criticism after tweet on train attack Germany
    0 Comment 108

    Criticism after tweet on train attack Germany

    July 19, 2016 10:54 Hot Recent News

    The German politician Renate Künast (Green) has its reaction on Twitter to the attack on a train by an Afghan boy triggered a storm of criticism. Künast called the incident tragic, but also wondered why the boy was shot dead by the police and not injured such that he was off.,, Questions! '' Said Künast.

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