Employees Clinton heard by FBI

Employees Clinton heard by FBI

World May 6, 2016 06:35

- The FBI has interviewed several employees of Hillary Clinton about her use of a personal e-mail server as foreign minister. The Democratic presidential candidate himself also likely to be questioned in the coming weeks, CNN reports.

One of the respondents Huma Abedin, the deputy chairman of Clinton's presidential campaign.

The now nine-month investigation focuses on whether Clinton has violated the law by the Minister more than 2,000 emails to send and receive secret government information on a server in her home in upstate New York. For security reasons, they had the minister must use a public email address.

Clinton denies having received secret information or dispatched her private server. She accuses the State Department and other agencies of the excessive fault of her emails as secret. They did so after a judge had stipulated that if secret classified e-mails should be made public. The campaign of Clinton called earlier also to release as secret classified messages.

Tuesday, Clinton still denied that she or her staff had been approached by the FBI.

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