'Virus scanner and firewall are not always enough'

October 14, 2015 10:26

- The threats on the Internet continue unabated and the attackers are becoming more cunning. Unceasing vigilance and sustained attention to the protection against cyber crime , espionage and sabotage his commandments. "You can work out today, but tomorrow should be listening in".

That concludes Klaas Dijkhoff Minister of Security and Justice, with the appearance of the Cyber ​​Security Assessment Netherlands 2015. From 26 October to 6 November, the campaign Alert Online.

Everyone is responsible for the safety of his computer and above all (government) companies and organizations need to realize they are no longer there with ordinary protective measures as a virus scanner and firewall alone, the minister warns. They often do not know how interesting their information for spies and other malevolent can be.

It should be according Dijkhoff be a central responsibility of these companies to continuously keep an eye on what they need protection. At the same time should be shared as much as possible information about threats and is known there as a notifiable incidents.

And also in international relations vigilance is necessary, according to the cyber security picture. There is an increase in the number of countries & quot; that digital attacks carries on or through the infrastructure of Dutch organizations. & quot; In the majority of cases, economic espionage.

The past year has also seen cyber attacks and cyber operations with a political background, such as malware attacks that have to do with the conflict in Ukraine. There will also espionage threat from foreign intelligence services.

It is generally already better with the awareness of all kinds of dangers, but people often go back so bad in the crypto were, a kind of digital hostage. They pay to get rid of it and that makes matters worse, of course. Upon infection with a crypto true, files are encrypted on the computer. Then, prompted by cybercriminals ransom for decryption.

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