• Widow Litvinenko: take tougher measures

    Widow Litvinenko: take tougher measures

    london March 14, 2018 21:45 Hot Recent News

    The British reaction to the nerve gas attack on former double spy Sergej Skripal and his daughter Yulia is not far enough. That said the widow of the 2006 Aleksandr Litvinenko poisoned in England, an ex-officer of the Russian security service FSB.

  • Left frowns eyebrows for new name FN

    Left frowns eyebrows for new name FN

    paris March 11, 2018 21:48 Hot Recent News

    The left wing in France immediately frowned when they heard the proposal to baptize Front National in Rassemblement National. The new name looks suspiciously like a French party that was raving against the German Nazis during the Second World War. The symbol of the old Rassemblement National Populaire, founded in 1941 and disappeared in 1944, was a variant of a swastika.

  • 'Cyber ​​attack Play was' false flag ''

    'Cyber ​​attack Play was' false flag ''

    pyeongchang March 9, 2018 11:12 Hot Recent News

    The cyber attack on the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics was a feint. The perpetrators pretended to be North Korean, Russian and Chinese hackers, says security guard Kaspersky. The Russian company says not to know who is behind the attack. You occur as someone else is called a 'false flag'.

  • Netflix introduces PIN codes for series

    Netflix introduces PIN codes for series

    scotts valley March 5, 2018 18:21 Hot Recent News

    Netflix users can put each series and every film behind a wall. Then a special pin code is needed to view the production. For example, parents can prevent their children from watching a film for which they are still too young.

  • 'American can not even make our steel'

    'American can not even make our steel'

    amsterdam March 2, 2018 20:45 Hot Recent News

    Dutch metal companies such as Tata Steel lobby the cabinet and the American ambassador to limit the damage of the announced steel and aluminum tax by President Trump. 'At the same time, Americans can not do without our high-quality steel,' says Theo Henrar, CEO of Tata Steel Netherlands.

  • Column: Long live Europe

    Column: Long live Europe

    February 24, 2018 08:12 Hot Recent News

    At the end of this week, European leaders started the first discussions on the new multi-annual budget of the EU. At the same time, there is already informal consultation about the future of Europe, with Germany and France taking the lead. These countries want more European cooperation, at the expense of the current powers that EU countries still have. This mainly concerns more Brussels in the financial-economic field and more money for the EU.

  • Ivanka Trump to play closing ceremony

    Ivanka Trump to play closing ceremony

    washington February 21, 2018 21:15 Hot Recent News

    The White House has confirmed that Ivanka Trump attends the closing ceremony of the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang. Her father, the American president Donald Trump, asked her personally, let Washington know Wednesday. The purpose of her journey is twofold. She is going to pay tribute to American athletes and to emphasize the good relations between the US and South Korea.

  • Police warn of life-threatening hype

    Police warn of life-threatening hype

    mechelen February 19, 2018 13:42 Hot Recent News

    The Mechelen police warn of a life-threatening game played by some young people in the Belgian city. They suddenly jump for a moving car, so the driver has to brake immediately. That writes Gazet van Antwerpen.

  • New leader Irish nationalist Sinn Féin

    New leader Irish nationalist Sinn Féin

    dublin February 10, 2018 16:42 Hot Recent News

    The Irish nationalist party Sinn Féin has a new leader on Saturday after more than 34 years. At a congress of 2000 party members in Dublin, the party installed Mary Lou McDonald on Saturday as the successor of Gerry Adams.

  • The current president leads Cyprus in elections

    The current president leads Cyprus in elections

    nicosia February 4, 2018 17:15 Hot Recent News

    Incumbent President Nicos Anastasiades (71) seems to be heading for a victory in the Greek Cypriot presidential election. Exitpolls immediately after the closing of the polling stations show that he received between 54.5 and 59.5 percent of the votes.

  • Greek Cypriots again to the polls

    Greek Cypriots again to the polls

    nicosia February 4, 2018 08:06 Hot Recent News

    The Greek Cypriots go to the ballot box on Sunday for the second round of the presidential election. The incumbent president Nicos Anastasiades (71) takes on the leftist candidate Stavros Malas.

  • Wildwest along E40

    Wildwest along E40

    great bearings/zellik January 30, 2018 04:33 Hot Recent News

    Additional safety measures should make it more difficult for migrants to climb on board trucks. Belgium is full of problems along the E40 highway towards the coast and hopes that people smugglers will be moved by firmer action.

  • Well-known Flemish TV reporter from now on through life as a woman
    0 Comment 121

    Well-known Flemish TV reporter from now on through life as a woman

    brussels January 29, 2018 19:54 Hot Recent News

    VTM journalist Boudewijn Van Spilbeeck, a familiar face on Flemish television, is now going through life as a woman. That made his employer VTM known Monday night. 'This will happen to many as totally unexpected, but for me and my environment it is not,' Van Spilbeeck said in a personal message. According to Belgian media, the news is a shock to many outsiders, but far less a surprise for his environment.

  • Airlines are experimenting with child-free zones

    Airlines are experimenting with child-free zones

    london January 29, 2018 12:51 Hot Recent News

    George and Amal Clooney took their six month old twins on a flight to London last month. They were well prepared: the couple had taken earphones and an excuse letter for everyone in the first class, already for any inconvenience. But it is not the same everywhere, so some airline companies are now going to experiment with child-free zones.

  • Fake app WhatsApp spies on people
    0 Comment 121

    Fake app WhatsApp spies on people

    san francisco January 19, 2018 13:39 Hot Recent News

    Hackers have copied frequently used apps like WhatsApp, Signal and Adobe Flash Player. The copies worked exactly like the real apps, so that the victims did not get suspicious. But secretly the apps could take photos with the camera of the affected smartphone, intercept text messages and apps, find passwords, see where someone is, listen to the microphone and read contact lists.

  • Victim 'Big breast survey': 'Then you feel fooled'

    leuven January 3, 2018 19:18 Hot Recent News

    A Belgian person in his twenties who turned out to be a research student at the KU Leuven has, with a false survey, extracted at least 26 young women from all kinds of sexual confessions. VTM NEWS reports that. Two underage girls also passed intimate images. One of the victims anonymously tells her story to VTM News. 'Then you feel a bit fooled.'

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