• Justin Timberlake cycles through Dutch dunes
    0 Comment 160

    Justin Timberlake cycles through Dutch dunes

    schoorl August 24, 2018 13:48 Hot Recent News

    Coincidentally such a sense to cycle through the dunes? World star Justin Timberlake cycled Friday on a cargo bike through the dunes at Schoorl! He placed a photo of his cycling adventure on his Instagram account with more than 50 million followers.

  • Putin for discussion with Merkel

    Putin for discussion with Merkel

    berlin/moscow August 17, 2018 15:00 Hot Recent News

    Russian President Putin speaks Chancellor Angela Merkel on Saturday evening in her official residence, the castle of Meseberg north of Berlin. This dialogue is the first they hold in Germany since relations cooled in 2014 after the Russian annexation of Crimea and the uprising in eastern Ukraine. Merkel began her fourth reign in March and Putin was re-elected in the same month. In May, Merkel visited Putin in Sochi.

  • Merkel supports Spain in immigrant politics

    Merkel supports Spain in immigrant politics

    sanlĂșcar de barrameda August 11, 2018 20:21 Hot Recent News

    Germany supports the efforts that Spain is making to curb the flow of refugees from Morocco into Europe. Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Saturday in SanlĂșcar de Barrameda that Spain is in charge of negotiations with the North African country about possible solutions.

  • Germany allows swastika in computer game
    0 Comment 158

    Germany allows swastika in computer game

    berlin August 9, 2018 17:39 Hot Recent News

    Computer games now also come through the age verification in Germany if they contain swastikas or SS signs. The organization that controls the content of games (USK) has stated that it is going to assess anti-constitutional symbols differently.

  • Soon lying around like Spider-Man

    Soon lying around like Spider-Man

    amsterdam August 8, 2018 11:21 Hot Recent News

    After a short period of absence, the superhero Spider-Man is back again. The superhero not only gains ground in various cinema films that he appears in, but also in the game area, the hero winds up our living rooms.

  • Breathtaking operation Mossad now filmed

    Breathtaking operation Mossad now filmed

    jerusalem August 7, 2018 17:03 Hot Recent News

    One of the most daring missions of the Israeli secret service is now being filmed at Red Sea Diving Resort. The breathtaking operation saved the lives of thousands of Ethiopian Jews in the 1980s, reports the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.

  • North Korea worried about US position

    North Korea worried about US position

    pyongyang August 4, 2018 21:27 Hot Recent News

    North Korea is increasingly concerned about the attitude of the United States towards the regime in Pyongyang. Foreign Minister Ri Yong-ho said it was alarming that the United States 'is increasingly calling for international sanctions against North Korea to be maintained.'

  • Review: The Crew 2

    Review: The Crew 2

    August 4, 2018 21:24 Hot Recent News

    Racing in the craziest vehicles on public roads in a reduced version of America. The Crew 2 is a party for anyone who loves car, boat and racing races.

  • Live from Belgium: everyone is ready

    Live from Belgium: everyone is ready

    antwerp July 10, 2018 18:33 Hot Recent News

    The whole of Belgium turns black-yellow-red again, because our southern neighbors play a blood-curdling semi-final at the World Championships against France. Reporter Niels Kalkman mixes between the festivities.

  • Marriage ended by Messi

    Marriage ended by Messi

    July 5, 2018 12:36 Hot Recent News

    A Russian has requested a divorce after a quarrel with his wife about Argentinian footballer Lionel Messi got out of hand. After Argentina's match against Nigeria, which was won by Messi and his teammates, a discussion got out of hand. After 14 years of marriage, this was the drop for the man.

  • Japanese eat World Cup octopus

    obira July 4, 2018 12:51 Hot Recent News

    Octopus Rabiot, who knew how to predict the outcome of three World Cup matches in Japan, has been eaten. The octopus that became a national prominence was sold on the market after the third correct prediction.

  • 'Trump abolishes positive discrimination'

    'Trump abolishes positive discrimination'

    washington July 3, 2018 20:54 Hot Recent News

    The government of President Trump wants ethnic origin or race no longer to play a role in accepting or recruiting pupils and students. The president breaks with the education policy of his predecessor Barack Obama who was in favor of positive discrimination, which in the US is called affirmative action.

  • North Korea hides part of the nuclear arsenal

    North Korea hides part of the nuclear arsenal

    washington July 1, 2018 08:24 Hot Recent News

    North Korea is trying to keep part of its nuclear arsenal hidden from the international community. US intelligence officials reported that the Pyongang regime keeps information about its nuclear program confidential because it does not want to give up all nuclear weapons.

  • Premier Belgium gives May shirt Red Devils

    Premier Belgium gives May shirt Red Devils

    brussels June 28, 2018 15:12 Hot Recent News

    The Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel has given his British colleague Theresa May a shirt of 'his' national football team, nicknamed the Red Devils. He did so in Brussels just before the start of an important EU summit. The shirt is to the great laughter of the other EU leaders and May itself number 10, the house number of Mays official residence in Downingstreet in London. England and Belgium play against each other on Thursday-evening.

  • Belgian police fears semi-final World Cup

    Belgian police fears semi-final World Cup

    brussels June 28, 2018 08:12 Hot Recent News

    The Belgian police are very concerned about the workload when the national football team, the Red Devils, goes through to the semi-finals at the World Cup. The semi-finals of 11 July in Belgium coincide with a NATO summit in Brussels, the Flemish 'national' holiday with numerous events, and a pop music festival in the Walloon Dour, where many tens of thousands of people come every year.

  • 'Die Mannschaft ist raus!'

    'Die Mannschaft ist raus!'

    munich June 27, 2018 17:54 Hot Recent News

    'Oh nein!' Sounds baffled after the German elimination. 'Die Mannschaft ist raus!' Says the commentator full of horror. All those present in the beer cellar Franziskaner in Munich collectively put their hands in the face.

  • EU foreign chef: top crucial for Korea

    EU foreign chef: top crucial for Korea

    strasbourg June 12, 2018 12:24 Hot Recent News

    The meeting of US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was a 'crucial and necessary step' to build on the improved understanding between the two Koreas. The statement that both leaders drew gives a clear signal that the ultimate goal- making the peninsula nuclear weapon free- can be achieved.

  • Benelux still ambitious after 60 years

    Benelux still ambitious after 60 years

    brussels June 3, 2018 08:12 Hot Recent News

    The Benelux, the partnership between the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg that celebrates its 60th anniversary this year, still has plenty of plans for the future. The Heads of State, Prime Ministers and Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the three countries meet in Brussels Tuesday to look back and look ahead. Despite the somewhat old-fashioned image, the Netherlands sees the Benelux as 'more relevant than ever'.

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