• How hard does Italy play the euro game?

    How hard does Italy play the euro game?

    brussels May 21, 2018 18:03 Hot Recent News

    The new Italian government is in the starting blocks, but makes all alarm bells go off in Brussels. The fear is that Italy will have a clear financial policy, especially now that there was a little peace in the EU tent again.

  • Seoul wants to mediate between N Korea and US

    Seoul wants to mediate between N Korea and US

    seoul May 17, 2018 09:57 Hot Recent News

    South Korea wants to act more actively between North Korea and the United States. This should ensure that the planned summit meeting between the leaders of the two countries can be 'successful and based on mutual respect', the Korea Times newspaper quoted from a government statement.

  • Games boost profit Tencent

    Games boost profit Tencent

    May 16, 2018 14:27 Hot Recent News

    Gaming is becoming a growing source of income for tech companies. Internet company Tencent recorded a record quarterly profit of $ 3.8 billion and a 65% increase on the wings of mobile gaming.

  • 'Handling asylum applications Germany badly'

    'Handling asylum applications Germany badly'

    berlin May 15, 2018 13:51 Hot Recent News

    Asylum applications are poorly investigated in Germany. For example, the identity of the applicant is barely checked and poorly maintained or asylum seekers can return to their own country. This appears from an internal document of the German immigration service that the newspaper Die Welt has.

  • Italy close to agreement on new coalition

    Italy close to agreement on new coalition

    rome May 14, 2018 12:09 Hot Recent News

    The Five Star Movement (M5S) and the Lega in Italy are close to an agreement on the formation of a coalition government. Later Monday, the leaders of the parties will briefly meet with President Sergio Mattarella to explain the policy they want to implement.

  • Berlusconi does not stand in the way of coalition

    Berlusconi does not stand in the way of coalition

    rome May 9, 2018 20:36 Hot Recent News

    The Italian former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi says that the formation of a government with only the Five Star Movement (M5S) and the Lega does not stand in the way. With this, the politician takes away a major stumbling block in the conversations between the two parties.

  • Swastika on sleeve? Then free to theater
    0 Comment 148

    Swastika on sleeve? Then free to theater

    konstanz April 18, 2018 16:42 Hot Recent News

    If you wear a sleeve band with a swastika on it, you can enter the Stadttheater of the German Constabulary on the day of Adolf Hitler's birthday. However, those who want to show solidarity with their Jewish victims and therefore want to pin a Star of David, simply have to pay to have the premiere of a new version of \u0026 # x27; Mein Kampf \u0026 # x27; from George Tabori.

  • Brussels forbids TV screens World Cup Red Devils

    Brussels forbids TV screens World Cup Red Devils

    brussels April 18, 2018 13:54 Hot Recent News

    Belgian football fans can not follow the performances of their Red Devils at the World Cup in Russia this summer on big TV screens in the center of Brussels. For security reasons, the city council forbids fencing in public places such as the Grote Markt and also cafes may only turn on within the TV.

  • Trump: man who threatened Stormy does not exist

    Trump: man who threatened Stormy does not exist

    washington April 18, 2018 13:00 Hot Recent News

    According to US President Donald Trump, porn actress Stormy Daniels (Stephanie Clifford) invented the threat of a man against her in 2011. 'A drawing years later of a non-existent man. A scammer trick to play the Fake News media. (And they know that!), \u0026 # X27; \u0026 # x27; wrote the president on Twitter.

  • Russia is blocking Telegram

    Russia is blocking Telegram

    moscow April 16, 2018 11:00 Hot Recent News

    Russians can no longer use the chat app Telegram since Monday. The service is blocked. The telecom watchdog has passed that assignment to the providers. Russia also wants Telegram from the Apple App Store and the Play Store from Google.

  • Privacy watch dogs dive on social media

    Privacy watch dogs dive on social media

    brussels April 11, 2018 17:24 Hot Recent News

    European privacy watchdogs will jointly develop a strategy for dealing with social media that collect and use personal data. The reason for this is the data leak at Facebook, as a result of which user data came into the hands of data analysis company Cambridge Analytica.

  • Russian request transferred to Skripal

    Russian request transferred to Skripal

    new york April 5, 2018 23:09 Hot Recent News

    The British ambassador to the United Nations, Karen Pierce, has said that the Russian request to visit Joelia Skripal has been passed on to her. The wait is for her answer. 'We must take Mrs. Skripal's personal wishes into account.'

  • Puzzle mini-mummy solved: Ata is not alien
    0 Comment 226

    Puzzle mini-mummy solved: Ata is not alien

    san francisco March 22, 2018 17:39 Hot Recent News

    The origin of the enigmatic mini-mummy from Chile, which was seen by many as an alien creature, is well known. The tiny, only 15 centimeter long mummified skeleton with the strangely stretched skull and the big eye sockets is human, feminine to be precise. That is certain after five years of intensive DNA research and comparison with the genome of chimpanzee and rhesus monkey.

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