Trump: man who threatened Stormy does not exist

Trump: man who threatened Stormy does not exist

World April 18, 2018 13:00

washington - According to US President Donald Trump, porn actress Stormy Daniels (Stephanie Clifford) invented the threat of a man against her in 2011. 'A drawing years later of a non-existent man. A scammer trick to play the Fake News media. (And they know that!), \u0026 # X27; \u0026 # x27; wrote the president on Twitter.

Daniels' lawyer distributed a composite account of the alleged attacker on Tuesday. He would have told her to stop saying she had an affair with Trump and threatened to do something about her if she did not stop. There is a reward of 100,000 dollars (81,000 euros) promised for the golden tip that leads to the search of the man.

On the drawing you can see a beard-bearing man of between 20 and 30 years old. Daniels stated on television that she is paying the reward because she is tired of being constantly threatened.

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