• Governor refugees back to Ramadi

    Governor refugees back to Ramadi

    ramadi December 29, 2015 13:42 Hot Recent News

    After the reconquest of (large parts of) the Iraqi provincial capital Ramadi on fighters IS displaced people must return all the coming days. That said Governor Sohaib al-Rawi of the province of al-Anbar.

  • Britons are braced for more rain

    Britons are braced for more rain

    london December 29, 2015 10:07 Hot Recent News

    While areas in northern England the floods of recent days are barely above is again bad weather ahead. Britain's national weather institute warns again for heavy rain and strong winds that draw from Tuesday night on the north of the country.

  • US extreme weather disrupted traffic increasing

    US extreme weather disrupted traffic increasing

    December 29, 2015 08:42 Hot Recent News

    Rare 'winter tornadoes', floods and snowstorms in the United States undertakes to transport more and more flat. The extreme weather has a major impact on air traffic. Nearly 3,000 flights were canceled Monday around midnight (local time). Another 4,000 flights had been delayed.

  • US storm death toll goes up

    US storm death toll goes up

    jackson December 27, 2015 08:56 Hot Recent News

    The death toll from tornadoes, heavy rains and flooding in the southern United States continues on. According to US media are certainly 26 people have been killed by the storm.

  • After extreme weather emergency Alabama

    After extreme weather emergency Alabama

    December 26, 2015 09:21 Hot Recent News

    Severe weather continues to plague parts of the United States. Friday night (local time) was mainly the state of Alabama hit by severe thunderstorms. A tornado swept through the city of Birmingham and heavy flooding forced the governor of the state to the state of emergency.

  • Bicycle thief strikes thanks app

    Bicycle thief strikes thanks app

    manchester December 23, 2015 14:07 Hot Recent News

    An app that allows runners and cyclists can store their route traveled, distance and speed, and parts can also be used by thieves to find a location where expensive items such as bicycles, are available. A user of the Strava app from Failsworth experienced that firsthand, reports the Manchester Evening News.

  • Norway will separate immigration minister

    Norway will separate immigration minister

    oslo December 16, 2015 14:42 Hot Recent News

    To manage the large influx of refugees in the right direction, Norway receives a separate Minister for Immigration and Integration. This made the government in Oslo on Wednesday. Previously, both parts were placed in two ministries.

  • Astronauts arrive at space station

    Astronauts arrive at space station

    baikonur December 16, 2015 08:28 Hot Recent News

    The astronauts Tim Peake (Great Britain), Timothy Kopra (United States) and cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko (Russia) are Tuesday night arrived at the International Space Station. The astronauts were six hours earlier launched from Baikonur in Kazakhstan.

  • Minke whale washed ashore decompose

    Minke whale washed ashore decompose

    harlingen December 15, 2015 13:35 Hot Recent News

    Granted, it does not look really nice, but if it is properly dissecting this minke whale delivers a wealth of new information. Employees of Naturalis get the nine meter long mammal Tuesday in Harlingen apart to learn more about the cause of death. The animal washed ashore Sunday to Razende Bol on Texel.

  • Facebook testing offline News Feed

    Facebook testing offline News Feed

    December 10, 2015 10:49 Hot Recent News

    Facebook wants Newsfeed accessible to users who are temporarily offline or have a slow internet connection. The company is currently testing this possibility, which is primarily intended for new users in emerging markets, according to a blog post Wednesday.

  • Trigger alert smog Beijing

    Trigger alert smog Beijing

    December 7, 2015 14:07 Hot Recent News

    The Chinese authorities have for the first time Monday in the capital, Beijing announced the highest smog alarm. The state news agency Xinhua reported that this ' red alert ' runs from Tuesday 07:00 am to noon (12:00 pm) on Thursday.

  • Ford calls nearly half a million cars back

    Ford calls nearly half a million cars back

    December 5, 2015 21:49 Hot Recent News

    Car manufacturer Ford calls 451 865 cars back to the garage, the majority in the United States, due to a security problem with the fuel tanks. According to the company, there may be a crack in the tank, so that fuel may leak, which can lead to fire.

  • Samsung pays Apple for Patent Infringement

    Samsung pays Apple for Patent Infringement

    December 4, 2015 18:56 Hot Recent News

    Samsung, Apple will pay within ten days, over half a billion euros as damages for patent infringement, reports Foss Patents. The Korean smartphone maker has suited the lingering struggle, the company has been pursuing for years with Apple. The settlement seems to acknowledge that Samsung copied the parts of the original iPhone and iPad.

  • Many deaths by floods in India

    Many deaths by floods in India

    December 3, 2015 14:45 Hot Recent News

    The floods in southeast India have been 269 human lives. Interior Minister Rajnath Singh of Tamil Nadu spoke Thursday,null, a catastrophic situation. '' Especially the metropolis Chennai is threatened. The army has deployed 2,000 troops to help.

  • ' Doubts about employability Luftwaffe '

    ' Doubts about employability Luftwaffe '

    December 2, 2015 12:45 Hot Recent News

    Even before the German Bundestag has decided on the possible deployment of German soldiers over Syria, the parliament has received a chilling glimpse behind the scenes of the Luftwaffe. The German Air Force is in a deplorable state, reports the largest German newspaper Bild. Fewer than half Tornadoes can be used and the much newer Eurofighter, the percentage is 55.

  • Major flooding in southwest India

    Major flooding in southwest India

    December 2, 2015 11:48 Hot Recent News

    In the southeast of India paralyze major floods Wednesday public life. It has, according to meteorologists in a hundred years rained so hard. The rains have driven in large parts of the state of Tamil Nadu, thousands of people from their homes and businesses paralyzed.

  • Warriors al- Qaida in Yemen take towns

    Warriors al- Qaida in Yemen take towns

    sanaa December 2, 2015 11:48 Hot Recent News

    Militants of the fundamentalist terrorist organization al- Qaeda have taken two major cities in southern Yemen. It involves Zinjibar and Year, located near the port city of Aden. That, residents and local fighters said Wednesday.

  • There is no male or female brains

    There is no male or female brains

    December 2, 2015 11:48 Hot Recent News

    Many scientists have long believed that the brains of men and women were different. A group of international scientists has identified headed by psycho biologist Daphna Joel university in Tel Aviv that this statement is incorrect. The researchers' findings can be read in a publication of the US National Academy of Sciences.

  • Statue of Liberty was designed as a Muslim woman

    Statue of Liberty was designed as a Muslim woman

    November 30, 2015 22:30 Hot Recent News

    The Americans are so important for the Statue of Liberty in New York was originally intended as a Muslim woman. The image of the French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi would namely be initially placed in the Suez Canal in Egypt. It reports the Smithsonian, the magazine of the same board that provides scientific publications of all kinds.

  • ' Serbs in Bosnia to secede '

    ' Serbs in Bosnia to secede '

    sarajevo November 29, 2015 14:45 Hot Recent News

    President Milorad Dodik of the Autonomous Republic of Srpska in Bosnia and Herzegovina announced in March to hold a referendum on undoing recognition of the Constitutional Court. The United States and European countries fear that thereby separating the area is a step closer.

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