• WFP provides food again in eastern Ukraine

    WFP provides food again in eastern Ukraine

    October 20, 2015 20:33 Hot Recent News

    Staff from the World Food Programme ( WFP) of the UN for the first time in months to deliver food in parts of eastern Ukraine where the rebels are in charge. WFP reported Tuesday that in the past five days two trucks with food for nearly 16,000 people have arrived in the Donetsk region.

  • German police rolls international gang

    German police rolls international gang

    essen October 20, 2015 17:50 Hot Recent News

    With raided more than a hundred homes and offices, the police in Germany has rolled up an international gang of car thieves. The suspects had it except on cars also targeting high quality auto parts like navigation systems and airbags , police said Tuesday in Essen.

  • Ali and Ryan do it again

    Ali and Ryan do it again

    October 17, 2015 09:29 Hot Recent News

    She died 45 years ago in his arms and it was such a big success that they once again work together. Ali MacGraw and Ryan O'Neal gained world fame when they were in the romantic drama Love Story movie a couple in 1970 . They fell in love , but she fell ill and died.

  • UN warns of famine in Africa

    UN warns of famine in Africa

    johannesburg October 15, 2015 16:51 Hot Recent News

    A prolonged drought resulting in a very short time in southern Africa to major food problems . At least 13.5 million people are threatened with starvation . The natural phenomenon El NiƱo is responsible for the drought.

  • DIY -smart watch proves popular

    October 14, 2015 16:52 Hot Recent News

    Such smart watch is a funny gadget , but what if you want a combination of features that are currently not yet available ? The Blocks- smart watch allows users to make a smart clock itself together from different parts.

  • Tamper Minister under fire

    Tamper Minister under fire

    October 11, 2015 17:12 Hot Recent News

    The German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen is again accused of skulduggery. In her resume states that she has visited several research institutes of the American Stanford University . The university , however, thinks otherwise , he can not find her in one of the official curriculum of the time, the mid-nineties .

  • Obama: figure out how to stop shootings

    Obama: figure out how to stop shootings

    roseburg October 10, 2015 08:14 Hot Recent News

    The United States must find a way to mass shootings like that stop on campuses. The US President Barack Obama said Friday during a visit to the place Roseburg in Oregon . There he met survivors of the shooting at a school in that place, where earlier this month were nine deaths. The gunman himself committed suicide.

  • Dense smoke affects babies in Indonesia

    Dense smoke affects babies in Indonesia

    jakarta October 9, 2015 19:28 Hot Recent News

    The thick clouds of smoke that hung like a blanket over parts of Southeast Asia, for the first time claimed a victim. A baby of 28 days in a collapsed hospital in Palembang from severe breathing problems , The Jakarta Post reported Friday . The child had, according to the health office of Sumatra pneumonia which is probably caused by the smoke .

  • Ebola remains dormant after healing

    Ebola remains dormant after healing

    london October 9, 2015 18:45 Hot Recent News

    The Ebola virus can hide in body parts such as eyes, breasts and testicles , while the patient based on blood tests already been declared cured . According to virologists may involve thereby a post - Ebola Syndrome .

  • First refugees redistributed

    First refugees redistributed

    brussels October 9, 2015 21:59 Hot Recent News

    A group of refugees who knocked and registered in Italy on Friday moved to Sweden . It is the first so-called reallocation of refugees to other parts of Europe since the European Union was agreed on this . The EU hopes to relieve the neighboring countries Italy and Greece.

  • US wants flexible end Afghanistan mission

    US wants flexible end Afghanistan mission

    brussels October 8, 2015 19:30 Hot Recent News

    The United States asked NATO allies to be flexible with their plans to withdraw their troops from Afghanistan permanently . Due to the recent rise of the Taliban in certain parts of the country the Americans do not strictly adhere to the allies at the agreed deadline of end 2016 for its military presence in Afghanistan .

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