• Arab maltreat Jewish boy with belt

    Arab maltreat Jewish boy with belt

    berlin April 18, 2018 17:42 Hot Recent News

    In the middle of Berlin's Prenzlauerberg district, a place for the well-to-do bourgeoisie, this week a Jewish boy was brutally molested by Arab assailants with a belt. The student veterinary medicine was mistreated because of his keppeleltje.

  • Musical Titanic is sinking ship

    Musical Titanic is sinking ship

    southampton April 13, 2018 12:18 Hot Recent News

    The musical Titanic threatens to go after the ship: on the opening night pieces of rubble fell from the ceiling onto the stage. The Mayflower Theater in Southampton is closed immediately.

  • 'Homeless people open grave to sleep'
    0 Comment 263

    'Homeless people open grave to sleep'

    cambridge April 1, 2018 23:30 Hot Recent News

    English homeless people have opened graves to sleep in. That happened at a notorious cemetery in Cambridge, where passersby regularly see how people inject themselves with drugs. So far, 213 needles have been found.

  • 'Strengthen bridges and roads for tank transport'

    'Strengthen bridges and roads for tank transport'

    brussels March 28, 2018 11:57 Hot Recent News

    In order to realize a 'military highway' in Europe, EU countries must consider the requirements for, for example, the maximum height and weight of heavy military equipment when constructing or renovating infrastructure. Not everywhere in Europe are bridges and (rail) roads now robust enough for the transport of tanks.

  • Puzzle mini-mummy solved: Ata is not alien
    0 Comment 226

    Puzzle mini-mummy solved: Ata is not alien

    san francisco March 22, 2018 17:39 Hot Recent News

    The origin of the enigmatic mini-mummy from Chile, which was seen by many as an alien creature, is well known. The tiny, only 15 centimeter long mummified skeleton with the strangely stretched skull and the big eye sockets is human, feminine to be precise. That is certain after five years of intensive DNA research and comparison with the genome of chimpanzee and rhesus monkey.

  • Syrian rebels enter Afrin

    Syrian rebels enter Afrin

    istanbul March 18, 2018 10:42 Hot Recent News

    Syrian rebels with the support of Turkish troops entered the city of Afrin in the northwest of Syria shortly before sunrise. They took control of parts of it after the Kurdish YPG troops had withdrawn, said a spokesman for the rebel fighters of the Free Syrian Army.

  • Turkey and US send YPG away from Manbij

    Turkey and US send YPG away from Manbij

    ankara March 13, 2018 09:24 Hot Recent News

    Turkey and the United States are going to pilot the Kurdish Syrians of the YPG militia from Manbij. The Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Cavusoglu said this Tuesday. According to Cavusoglu, a plan for the withdrawal of the YPG (People's Protection Units) from the Syrian location approximately 80 kilometers northeast of Aleppo is being made during the American-Turkish consultations on 19 March.

  • Australians save huge spider

    Australians save huge spider

    brisbane March 12, 2018 08:24 Hot Recent News

    Most people would think twice before they would come close to a spider that is bigger than a male hand, which makes a whistling sound and has great poisonous teeth. But when a group of Australians saw such a huge spider dangling from a branch above a flood, they decided to save the animal.

  • Largest cities cut off from rest Ghouta

    Largest cities cut off from rest Ghouta

    damascus March 10, 2018 13:06 Hot Recent News

    The Syrian army has cut Douma and Harasta, the two largest cities of East Ghouta, from the rest of the rebel enclave. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that soldiers have entered areas between the two cities and the rest of the enclave.

  • Jihadist stronghold East Ghouta split

    Jihadist stronghold East Ghouta split

    damascus March 8, 2018 08:18 Hot Recent News

    The Syrian army has split the rebel stronghold East Ghouta almost in two. A commander from the government army said that the strip connecting the northern and southern parts of the enclave is only one kilometer wide.

  • US opens door for elephant hunter

    US opens door for elephant hunter

    washington March 6, 2018 23:27 Hot Recent News

    The United States is quietly opening the door to elephant hunters by making it possible for them to take tusks or other parts of the animal as a trophy. That happens even though President Donald Trump has condemned these practices as a 'horror show.'

  • Sales The Weinstein Company is not going through

    Sales The Weinstein Company is not going through

    March 6, 2018 21:54 Hot Recent News

    The sale of parts of the problematic film production company The Weinstein Company is not going to happen anyway. An investment group headed by Maria Contreras-Sweet has canceled the sale, which was announced on Friday. With the agreement an amount of some 500 million dollars would be involved.

  • American wreck Second World War found

    American wreck Second World War found

    brisbane March 6, 2018 09:30 Hot Recent News

    In the Coral Sea the wreck was found of the American aircraft carrier USS Lexington. The Lexington foundered on 8 May 1942 during the Battle of the Coral Sea after being hit by several Japanese torpedoes and aircraft bombs.

  • Traffic jammed in southern French snow

    Traffic jammed in southern French snow

    montpellier March 1, 2018 10:03 Hot Recent News

    Thousands of people in the south of France got stuck in traffic due to heavy snowfall and slipperiness. On Twitter, a family complains that they have virtually come to a halt in the night from Wednesday to Thursday on the A9 motorway in the Montpellier area. 'We have advanced one kilometer in thirteen hours.'

  • Snow lays parts United Kingdom lamb

    Snow lays parts United Kingdom lamb

    london/glasgow February 28, 2018 11:39 Hot Recent News

    Snow and ice have partially curbed traffic in the United Kingdom on Wednesday. Hundreds of trains fell out because of the winter weather. Heavy snowfall made roads partly impassable. Especially Scotland and the East of England are affected.

  • Face coverage in Austria soon allowed again by icy cold

    Face coverage in Austria soon allowed again by icy cold

    vienna February 26, 2018 21:33 Hot Recent News

    In large parts of Europe, the thick ties and hats are currently not dragging in according to the media. In Austria, an exception to the applicable rules had to be activated for these wanted articles at minus 20 minutes. After all, face covering has been legally prohibited since 1 October. Both forehead and chin must be seen. On wearing a burqa or nikab is a penalty of up to 150 euros. This also applies to carnival masks.

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