• Face coverage in Austria soon allowed again by icy cold

    Face coverage in Austria soon allowed again by icy cold

    vienna February 26, 2018 21:33 Hot Recent News

    In large parts of Europe, the thick ties and hats are currently not dragging in according to the media. In Austria, an exception to the applicable rules had to be activated for these wanted articles at minus 20 minutes. After all, face covering has been legally prohibited since 1 October. Both forehead and chin must be seen. On wearing a burqa or nikab is a penalty of up to 150 euros. This also applies to carnival masks.

  • US wants to control ships in North Korea

    US wants to control ships in North Korea

    washington February 24, 2018 05:36 Hot Recent News

    The United States wants to search and stop ships suspected of smuggling flights to North Korea. The US government is currently in discussions with key allies in the region about these plans. The US is considering using its own coastguard for these patrol trips.

  • Family says goodbye to Prince Henrik

    Family says goodbye to Prince Henrik

    February 20, 2018 12:03 Hot Recent News

    In the Christiansborg Slotskirke in Copenhagen, family members said goodbye to Prince Henrik during a memorial service. Some 60 family members, friends and official representatives came to the intimate funeral of the husband of the Danish queen Margrethe.

  • Woman sentenced to death for terrorism

    Woman sentenced to death for terrorism

    bagdad/amman February 19, 2018 09:21 Hot Recent News

    An Iraqi court sentenced a woman to death and eleven others to life imprisonment for terrorism and membership of the Islamic State (IS) terrorist movement. The woman sentenced to death is a Turkish. Except for one, a woman from Azerbaijan, all convicts are Turkish, reported the news channel al-Jazeera.

  • Erdogan wants to visit Germany

    Erdogan wants to visit Germany

    munich February 18, 2018 13:33 Hot Recent News

    After the release of the German journalist Deniz Yücel from a Turkish cell, the Turkish government is hopeful that the tightened travel advice from Germany for Turkey will be undone. That is what the Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said at the Safety Conference in Munich.

  • Light earthquake in Wales and England

    Light earthquake in Wales and England

    swansea February 17, 2018 21:48 Hot Recent News

    Large parts of Wales and England were startled by a slight earthquake on Saturday afternoon. According to the British seismological institute, the shock had a force of 4.4 at a depth of just 7.4 kilometers. The epicenter was located near the village of Clydach, 20 kilometers northeast of Swansea.

  • Tillerson warns: IS not yet defeated

    Tillerson warns: IS not yet defeated

    kuwait February 13, 2018 09:18 Hot Recent News

    The US minister Rex Tillerson (Foreign Affairs) warns that terrorist group Islamic State has not yet been eliminated. ' That the big combat operations are behind us does not mean that we have definitively defeated IS \u0026 # x27; \u0026 # x27 ;, he emphasized in Kuwait.

  • Thousands of street against racism

    Thousands of street against racism

    macerata February 10, 2018 22:03 Hot Recent News

    Thousands of people have taken to the streets of the Italian city of Macerata to demonstrate against racism. There, a man opened fire on African migrants a week ago. Such manifestations also took place in other places in the country.

  • Police Toronto finds more bodies after arrest gardener (66)

    Police Toronto finds more bodies after arrest gardener (66)

    toronto February 8, 2018 21:06 Hot Recent News

    The Toronto police have now found remains of six persons in the investigation into a suspected serial killer. A 66-year-old gardener was arrested last month in connection with the disappearance of five people. Among them Andrew Kinsman, the owner of a house where the defendant maintained the garden in exchange for being allowed to store his tools and lawn mower in the garage.

  • EU embraces blockchain technology

    EU embraces blockchain technology

    brussels February 1, 2018 15:51 Hot Recent News

    The European Commission sees a great deal of potential in blockchain technology, with which digital information is cut into pieces and stored in a decentralized manner. Blockchain can be a new foundation for large parts of our economy, said EU Commissioner Mariya Gabriel (Digital Economy and Society) at the launch of the EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum, which should bring together the best experts.

  • Code orange due to high water level Seine

    Code orange due to high water level Seine

    paris January 29, 2018 10:03 Hot Recent News

    The high water level in the Seine causes problems in (train) traffic and there is a high risk of flooding and power outage. Vigicrues, the authority that measures the water levels in France, has issued Monday orange code for parts of Paris.

  • Fourteen deaths from shooting in disco

    Fourteen deaths from shooting in disco

    fortaleza January 27, 2018 17:45 Hot Recent News

    Due to a shooting in a discotheque in the Brazilian city of Fortaleza at least fourteen people were killed. Heavily armed men, who according to witnesses arrived in three cars, rushed into the building in the night from Friday to Saturday and opened the fire to those present. There were also several injured, six of whom are in bad shape.

  • Madsen mistreated journalist for murder

    Madsen mistreated journalist for murder

    copenhagen January 23, 2018 13:48 Hot Recent News

    The Danish inventor Peter Madsen has mistreated and tortured journalist Kim Wall before he murdered her. This is clear from the full charges that were published on Tuesday. Last week, the prosecutor already said that the murder on Madsen's submarine was planned and prepared.

  • Dead by avalanches in the Alps

    Dead by avalanches in the Alps

    munich January 22, 2018 05:51 Hot Recent News

    A 30-year-old skier was killed in the south of Germany after he ended up in an avalanche on Sunday. The man from the German state of Saxony got buried in the snow near the Geigelstein. A 57-year-old man who was with him could free himself and came to his aid. The victim eventually died in the hospital.

  • Dozens of human skulls found in Mexico

    Dozens of human skulls found in Mexico

    mexico city January 17, 2018 08:06 Hot Recent News

    The Mexican authorities have found dozens of human skulls in the west of the country. '33 skulls have been found so far. All in the same area ', said a government official from the state of Nayarit, who wanted to remain anonymous.

  • North Korea sends orchestra to Games

    seoul January 15, 2018 11:33 Hot Recent News

    North Korea is sending an orchestra to South Korea during the Olympic Winter Games next month. The South Korean government announced after consultation with the North Koreans that 140 musicians from the Samjiyon Orchestra will give a concert in the capital Seoul and in Gangneung where parts of the Games will be held.

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