• UN appoint coordinator abuse CAR

    February 8, 2016 23:56 Hot Recent News

    A special co-ordinator of the United Nations given the task to look into sexual abuse by UN peacekeepers. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Monday former US Deputy Secretary Jane Holl Lute appointed to that task.

  • Puzzle piece of the universe might be found

    Puzzle piece of the universe might be found

    February 8, 2016 23:49 Hot Recent News

    One of the big missing pieces of the universe may be found. Scientists come Thursday with news of so-called gravitational waves. That press conference, simultaneously in the United States and Italy, was announced Monday. The rumors that had found something special, went around for weeks. Physicists from Amsterdam and astronomers from Nijmegen were also in enabling groundbreaking research.

  • Prison sentences for traffickers Italy

    Prison sentences for traffickers Italy

    rome February 8, 2016 21:49 Hot Recent News

    Six members of a human trafficking gang convicted in Italy for the death of hundreds of people on board a refugee ship in the Mediterranean. The court in Palermo put the Eritrean condemned prison sentences of between two and six years on, the Italian news agency ANSA reported. It was the first time that the Italian court dismissed a case against traffickers sentence.

  • Big losses on Wall Street

    Big losses on Wall Street

    February 8, 2016 21:28 Hot Recent News

    The stock markets in New York were Monday in afternoon trading deep in the red. As in Europe, economic concerns were seized for a firm sale, which mainly financial companies and tech funds were hit hard.

  • Egypt laughs at red carpet

    Egypt laughs at red carpet

    February 8, 2016 21:14 Hot Recent News

    President Abdel-Fatah al-Sisi Egypt calls on his countrymen almost three years that they have to tighten their belts, but as head of state still entitled to some perks, he says. So he explain a pricey red carpet for himself, not just one, but one of up to four kilometers in length. The scorn that befell him in the press Monday about was intense.

  • Berlin and Ankara want NATO assistance to border

    Berlin and Ankara want NATO assistance to border

    ankara February 8, 2016 20:35 Hot Recent News

    Turkey and Germany to ask its NATO allies for help in tracking the refugees from Turkey over Aegean sea Greece and then try to reach Western Europe. That the Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said Monday after a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. US President Barack Obama announced it feel for a role for the alliance.

  • Food crisis threatens South Sudan

    Food crisis threatens South Sudan

    February 8, 2016 19:35 Hot Recent News

    About a quarter of the population of South Sudan, 2.8 million people, is threatened by growing food shortages. At least 40,000 people are already in acute distress. That warning comes Monday by UNICEF, the Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Food Programme, all three organizations of the United Nations.

  • 'Lives in danger as WHO does not reform'

    'Lives in danger as WHO does not reform'

    london February 8, 2016 18:49 Hot Recent News

    The World Health Organization (WHO) is to reform quickly to better respond to emergencies. She does not, possibly thousands of people will die unnecessarily. This is contained in a report by a committee of the United Nations was investigating the WHO, in response to the Ebola crisis that began in December 2013 in West Africa. The report has yet to be officially published.

  • Salah Abdeslam spotted but not found

    Salah Abdeslam spotted but not found

    genk February 8, 2016 17:42 Hot Recent News

    The Belgian police on Monday searched Genk station and a train, looking for Salah Abdeslam. Someone thought the terrorists involved in the attacks in Paris was involved last November, having seen on the platform.

  • Many dead in battle between Turks and Kurds

    Many dead in battle between Turks and Kurds

    February 8, 2016 17:14 Hot Recent News

    The conflict between the Turkish army and Kurdish militias to the city Cizre taken in the night from Sunday to Monday the lives of ten to sixty people. The Turkish state television TRT reported that sixty Kurds of the PKK were killed. The Kurds had the contrast of at least ten civilians.

  • 'Clinton will lose female supporters'

    'Clinton will lose female supporters'

    concord February 8, 2016 16:49 Hot Recent News

    Hillary Clinton, who wants to be the first female president of the United States, according to opinion polls scored less well in women. Especially young women see not sit Clinton, The Washington Post reported Monday.

  • Fastest scooter: 173 mph

    Fastest scooter: 173 mph

    london February 8, 2016 16:42 Hot Recent News

    Two convenient engineers have created a special scooter. They built a trolley to calm a racing car they have broken the world record. On a special track vehicle entered reached a top speed of 173.2 kilometers per hour. The driver in the seat, had acquired a helmet for safety with a basket on the handlebars, and attracted a motorcycle suit.

  • Taliban kill woman extramarital sex

    kabul February 8, 2016 16:35 Hot Recent News

    The Taliban in the central Afghan province of Ghor killed a woman because she had extramarital sex. That said a spokesman for the governor of the province Monday. It was not known if the woman married. Her partner is still awaiting his punishment.

  • 'Damascus regime seems to exterminate people'

    'Damascus regime seems to exterminate people'

    February 8, 2016 16:07 Hot Recent News

    In Syrian prisons go so many prisoners dead, that there seems to extermination. This pointed a committee of the United Nations Human Rights Council on Monday in Geneva. Even in places where rebels detain people, everyday people are tortured and killed.

  • India investigates death by meteorite

    India investigates death by meteorite

    February 8, 2016 16:00 Hot Recent News

    India has started an investigation into whether a bus driver was killed by a meteorite. The driver worked for a technical school and was on the school grounds on the grass near a cafeteria when there seemed to be some sort of explosion. The man was taking so seriously injured that he died on the way to hospital. In the soil was a crater arise and there is a blue stone was found which has the shape of a diamond.

  • Britons keen on drone hunter

    Britons keen on drone hunter

    london February 8, 2016 15:56 Hot Recent News

    Scotland Yard is very interested in the Dutch initiative to deploy eagle against drones. The head of the Metropolitan Police Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe declared on Monday impressed by the training of the birds, which can bring down the unmanned aircraft.

  • German-Turkish relief operation for refugees

    German-Turkish relief operation for refugees

    ankara February 8, 2016 15:49 Hot Recent News

    Germany and Turkey put on a rope for the tens of thousands of refugees immediate joint relief action that reside on the Turkish-Syrian border. That the Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said Monday after talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Ankara.

  • Syrian army closer to Turkish border

    Syrian army closer to Turkish border

    February 8, 2016 15:07 Hot Recent News

    The Syrian army advances further and further in the direction of the border with Turkey, backed by fighters from Iran and Russian warplanes. Rebels Monday rang the alarm bell and said their uprising against Syrian President Bashar Assad in danger.

  • Mother throws baby in chute

    moscow February 8, 2016 14:42 Hot Recent News

    A Russian woman threw her newborn baby in the chute of her apartment in Moscow. A cleaner found the child when he wanted to clean the bins. The child was taken to a hospital rushed with an ambulance. According to the newspaper The Moscow Times on Monday the baby survives the impact of the fall.

  • Arguing about armor float

    Arguing about armor float

    February 8, 2016 13:49 Hot Recent News

    In the Bavarian Steinkirchen, a village about 30 kilometers north of Munich is disagreement erupted over a float in the carnival parade. It is a 'armor float' that looks like a German tank and includes texts relating to refugee policy. So there was Sunday afternoon to read include 'Asielabwehr (asylum defenses) on the tank.

  • Macedonia strengthens border fence Greece

    Macedonia strengthens border fence Greece

    skopje February 8, 2016 13:42 Hot Recent News

    Macedonia strengthens the fence erected in November on the border with Greece. Soldiers are Monday at the border crossing Gevgelija started immediately with the existing limit deposition to create a new fence with wire mesh and barbed wire, reports Macedonian media.

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