• Pinkraker strikes in supers

    Pinkraker strikes in supers

    amsterdam December 15, 2015 10:35 Hot Recent News

    Ram raiders increasingly focus more on mobile ATMs in supermarkets. Cars drive through walls to rob them empty. The trade association CBL supermarkets speaks of a boom and now sounds the alarm.

  • SM-priest sacked
    0 Comment 145

    SM-priest sacked

    December 14, 2015 10:00 Hot Recent News

    A million dollars would have backward Peter Miquelli pastor of his church community pressed to fund its SM- addiction. The pastor of the St. Frances de Chantal Church in the Bronx after the riot should resign. But that the stocking seems far off. The Catholic Church in the US must post adultery scandals pedo priests again deep in the dust.

  • Priest stole money from church for sex parties

    Priest stole money from church for sex parties

    December 13, 2015 10:49 Hot Recent News

    An American priest has contributed with its spicy hobby for a lot of fuss. He was for many years have stolen money from parishes, so he SM relationship with his secret friend was maintained. In total he raised over $ 1 million (more than 909 000 euro) in its own bag.

  • ' North Korea has hydrogen bomb '

    ' North Korea has hydrogen bomb '

    seoul December 10, 2015 10:28 Hot Recent News

    North Korea has nuclear weapons besides also hydrogen bombs. This said, the North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, the state news agency KCNA reported Thursday. It is according to South Korean observers the first time that Kim said his country has a hydrogen bomb.

  • Outcry photo King Philip

    Outcry photo King Philip

    brussels December 2, 2015 13:30 Hot Recent News

    In Belgium fuss over a picture of King Philippe, when all the alarms went off in Brussels for the major terrorist threat calmly sipping a glass at a spa in Brittany. The reaction of the king does not help to calm things down. He speaks of " trifles compared with the suffering of families of victims of the attacks in Paris and Bamako".

  • Website UWV still very vulnerable

    Website UWV still very vulnerable

    amsterdam November 30, 2015 11:15 Hot Recent News

    The website werk.nl of benefits agency UWV is still very fragile. The site had in 2013 suffered from a serious fault, but the structural problems that had caused the there are not yet resolved. According to research from NRC Handelsblad.

  • Hotel that led to Fawlty Towers way

    Hotel that led to Fawlty Towers way

    torquay November 27, 2015 16:00 Hot Recent News

    The Gleneagles Hotel in Torquay in England goes against the plain. Instead there will be a retirement home with 32 apartments. Actor John Cleese spent the early seventies a while in the Gleneagles Hotel with the crew of Monty Python. He did as inspiration for the series Fawlty Towers, in which he plays the busy and clumsy hotel owner Basil Fawlty. Fawlty Towers was elected in England in 2000 as best TV series ever.

  • New app for emergencies
    0 Comment 100

    New app for emergencies

    apeldoorn November 27, 2015 10:15 Hot Recent News

    An app that lets travelers can raise the alarm if they are in an emergency situation, anywhere in the world. Private detective Dick Steffens is currently developing the ' Travellers app' : All important information will be shared with a control center of a security company and with at home, so as to promptly intervene when someone is in need.

  • Obama says Americans comfortable

    Obama says Americans comfortable

    November 25, 2015 20:30 Hot Recent News

    President Obama, the US population said Wednesday that there is no terrorist threat in the United States. People can start with confidence to celebrating Thanksgiving Day and the free weekend that follows. There is no information available that indicates attacks by IS and other extremist organizations, was the message.

  • More animals and plants threatened with extinction

    More animals and plants threatened with extinction

    gland November 19, 2015 08:45 Hot Recent News

    Worldwide there are 23 250 species of plants and animals threatened with extinction. That's 466 more than at the last valuation last summer, according to the new 'red list' of endangered species by IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) presents Thursday.

  • 'I had terrorists in house '

    'I had terrorists in house '

    November 18, 2015 12:00 Hot Recent News

    A resident of the besieged apartment in Saint-Denis has passed unwittingly terrorists in the house.,null, I did not know they were terrorists. They asked me for help, which I have commanded. I spent three days two people had in the house. "

  • Dutch Disney visitors in the cold

    Dutch Disney visitors in the cold

    November 16, 2015 22:45 Hot Recent News

    Dutch holidaymakers are not happy with the decision of Disneyland Paris to stay close long after the attacks in the capital less than four days. " Whining children before a closed counter, which is in the eye of the significant events of Friday still a little sad ? "

  • ' I saw fear in their eyes '

    ' I saw fear in their eyes '

    November 16, 2015 21:30 Hot Recent News

    He had prepared himself for yet another boring night shift as a receptionist of the hotel where he has a second job. But Stéphane Leibovitz (30) spent much of the night in the basement, where he together with him for strangers almost three hours blocked for one of the gunmen in Paris.

  • OV fanatic steals bus for thirty times

    OV fanatic steals bus for thirty times

    November 13, 2015 16:30 Hot Recent News

    A man from New York on Wednesday for no less than thirty times a stolen bus. Darius McCollum (50) rode the bus depot in Manhattan and then turns to go into Brooklyn. The man is by his bizarre thefts become a sort of folk hero.

  • Smart and fitness watch quite popular

    Smart and fitness watch quite popular

    dongen November 13, 2015 13:00 Hot Recent News

    Smart Watches and so-called health and fitness trackers are increasingly popular in the Netherlands. According to figures that market researcher GfK announced Friday. Compared to the third quarter last year, sales of the innovative devices in the quarter more than doubled.

  • Internet monitoring children

    Internet monitoring children

    November 5, 2015 16:15 Hot Recent News

    Children increasingly need a tablet in making their homework, but how do you as a parent watching or not to use the device to Netflix, Facebook or Instagram visit ? Disney comes with a device that can provide the solution.

  • Migrant stabbed in German care

    Migrant stabbed in German care

    westerland November 4, 2015 15:00 Hot Recent News

    Through a stabbing at a refugee center in Germany on Wednesday morning a migrant killed. The incident was around eight o'clock in the village Westerland on the German island of Sylt.

  • Malaysia pays millions for MH17 and MH370

    Malaysia pays millions for MH17 and MH370

    November 2, 2015 19:30 Hot Recent News

    Malaysia has 45.5 million spent on the search for the missing plane Malaysia Airlines MH370. The aftermath of the crash of flight MH17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, the land cost 2.7 million euros. That the Malaysian Ministry of Transport reported Monday.

  • Dutchman book online and travel more luxurious

    Dutchman book online and travel more luxurious

    utrecht October 29, 2015 14:45 Hot Recent News

    Increasingly people are booking their holidays online. Last year, 81 percent of all holidays booked through the internet. Furthermore, we increasingly make composite holidays : transport and accommodation are booked separately from each other. The holiday is also increasingly luxurious, including through the advent of all-inclusive hotels. According to figures from research firm NBTC- NIPO.

  • Nearly 100 million for Somali refugees

    Nearly 100 million for Somali refugees

    brussels October 21, 2015 19:53 Hot Recent News

    The international community Wednesday at a conference in Brussels on Somali refugees 94 million in assistance. The cost of a broad two -year action plan for Somalia that was discussed amounts incidentally over 445 million euros.

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