• Obama condemns anti-Muslim rhetoric

    Obama condemns anti-Muslim rhetoric

    February 3, 2016 22:28 Hot Recent News

    US President Barack Obama on Wednesday,, directed the indefensible political rhetoric condemned anti-Muslim '.,, Just recently we heard that there is no place for Muslims in our country, '' Obama said indignantly. He was referring according to observers in recent fiercely anti-Islamic statements of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and Ben Carson.

  • Apple thinks of its own TV content

    Apple thinks of its own TV content

    February 1, 2016 10:56 Hot Recent News

    The rumors about doing a TV service from Apple for some time the round and according to TheStreet the tech giant is considering now also television series to produce. With the new, unique content Apple hopes a subscription service to rig à la Netflix.

  • 'EU must give more assistance to Turkey'

    'EU must give more assistance to Turkey'

    ankara January 25, 2016 14:28 Hot Recent News

    The European Union must do more to help Turkey with the reception of refugees. That said EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini Monday at a press conference in Ankara after consultation with Turkish ministers. They further gave no details.

  • Proof murder Litvinenko is being withheld '

    Proof murder Litvinenko is being withheld '

    london January 21, 2016 13:21 Hot Recent News

    The Russian secret service has previously commissioned the murder of Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko. This happened probably on behalf of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The ultimate proof is not provided before, but British media suggest that this is being withheld for security reasons.

  • German church pay abuse victims

    German church pay abuse victims

    January 20, 2016 18:00 Hot Recent News

    The Catholic Church in Germany has spent the past five years a total of 6.4 million euros was paid to victims of sexual abuse. More than a thousand people received financial compensation. According to a survey the newspaper Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung held in all 27 dioceses in Germany.

  • Famine in Madaya drives prices

    Famine in Madaya drives prices

    geneve January 18, 2016 13:42 Hot Recent News

    The famine in the besieged Syrian city of Madaya drives the prices of food enormously. Rapporteurs of the United Nations report that one minor biscuit converted 14 euros must be spent. For a kilo of baby milk powder must be paid already 287 euros.

  • Chinese pay truck with change

    Chinese pay truck with change

    zhanjiang January 16, 2016 23:07 Hot Recent News

    A Chinese candy vendor in the city of Zhanjiang has his brand new truck fully paid with change. He spent nearly forty suits with little money at the dealership in order to settle the bill of 80,000 yuan (11,000 euros).

  • 'Bitcoin is a failed experiment '

    'Bitcoin is a failed experiment '

    January 15, 2016 13:49 Hot Recent News

    It is no longer with bitcoin, the digital currency's minds in recent years has considerably agitated. That suggests at least Mike Hearn, a programmer for five years one of the main developers of the technology was behind bitcoin. Hearn has resigned on Thursday.

  • British feast of intrusion by 'Dad's Army'

    British feast of intrusion by 'Dad's Army'

    london January 14, 2016 23:42 Hot Recent News

    British newspapers are full of it: a group of older men who went last year at Easter with a spectacular burglary in London 73 lockers were open and there with a booty of the equivalent of 18.5 million euros off. Seven were caught, but the mysterious mastermind behind the crime disappeared without a trace. And he had spent most of the loot with him, jewelry worth 13 million euros.

  • Girl (11) shot to fireworks

    Girl (11) shot to fireworks

    January 13, 2016 17:49 Hot Recent News

    The eleven year old girl who was killed during a New Year's Eve celebration in Germany is still not slain by a afzwaaier. An angry neighbor, who was annoyed by the loud bangs on the street, has focused shot. The 53-year-old man was arrested. The shock in the small village Unterschleichach is great.

  • Mega case against Princess launched

    Mega case against Princess launched

    barcelona January 11, 2016 19:56 Hot Recent News

    It still offered a somewhat uneasy sight: the Spanish 'Infanta' Cristina in the dock, along with sixteen others, including her husband, former handball international Inaki Urdangarín. Princess's husband is on trial for money laundering and tax evasion, and was there for 26 years in prison can get.

  • Report Heid in Costa Rica after murdering Dutch
    0 Comment 166

    Report Heid in Costa Rica after murdering Dutch

    January 6, 2016 00:49 Hot Recent News

    Costa Rica has reacted with dismay after the double murder of two Dutch who lived on a large teak plantation. Hans Snelders and his partner Sita Dhawtal according to the police become the victim of a robbery at their remote timber farm about an hour southwest of San José.

  • Germans night in train by sleet

    Germans night in train by sleet

    emden January 4, 2016 16:00 Hot Recent News

    More than six hundred passengers spent the night of Sunday to Monday in Germany spent in a train. They stopped in the middle between the meadows, because the overhead was frozen. Eventually the train left until Monday morning, 22 hours late.

  • Dutch Vuvuzela makes the Internet safer
    0 Comment 580

    Dutch Vuvuzela makes the Internet safer

    amsterdam December 26, 2015 13:42 Hot Recent News

    Anonymous Internet can still anonymous. Before that, the Dutch student Jelle van den Hooff (24) developed a completely new network. This should make it much harder for hackers and intelligence agencies to spy on people. Thanks to the vuvuzela.

  • SpaceX rocket lands on Earth

    SpaceX rocket lands on Earth

    December 22, 2015 08:21 Hot Recent News

    A thruster SpaceX after a mission in space successfully landed on Earth. It was the first flight of the space company since June an unmanned rocket with supplies for the International Space Station (ISS) exploded.

  • Emergency Surgery in space successfully

    Emergency Surgery in space successfully

    December 21, 2015 19:49 Hot Recent News

    Two US astronauts on Monday conducted emergency repairs to the exterior of the International Space Station (ISS). Scott Kelly and Tim Kopra had to put on their special suits for the spacewalk as a cart with a robotic arm it was blocked by another user and therefore was wrong 10 centimeters.

  • Jail for woman who invented cancer

    Jail for woman who invented cancer

    cornwell December 21, 2015 16:14 Hot Recent News

    A 22-year-old British student has been sentenced to a prison sentence of two years and eight months because she had lied to a teacher that she had a terminal form of cancer. The woman pulled the fate of her student greatly, but has since sucked deeper and deeper into her web of lies. Eventually she became thereby lost everything: her home, her job and her husband.

  • Police intervenes in protest Istanbul

    Police intervenes in protest Istanbul

    December 20, 2015 17:14 Hot Recent News

    Turkish police on Sunday used tear gas against hundreds of protesters in Taksim Square in Istanbul. The protesters had come to the square to protest against the operation of the military against the militant Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).

  • Turkey fiddles with EU asylum claim

    Turkey fiddles with EU asylum claim

    December 16, 2015 15:28 Hot Recent News

    Turkey fiddles with the requirements set by the EU before the third billion will pay for dealing with the refugee problem. So said Minister for European Affairs Volkan Bozkir Wednesday that he expects the European contribution within a year. The EU noted with previously prepared the money over the next two years to pay off.

  • Pinkraker strikes in supers

    Pinkraker strikes in supers

    amsterdam December 15, 2015 10:35 Hot Recent News

    Ram raiders increasingly focus more on mobile ATMs in supermarkets. Cars drive through walls to rob them empty. The trade association CBL supermarkets speaks of a boom and now sounds the alarm.

  • SM-priest sacked
    0 Comment 145

    SM-priest sacked

    December 14, 2015 10:00 Hot Recent News

    A million dollars would have backward Peter Miquelli pastor of his church community pressed to fund its SM- addiction. The pastor of the St. Frances de Chantal Church in the Bronx after the riot should resign. But that the stocking seems far off. The Catholic Church in the US must post adultery scandals pedo priests again deep in the dust.

  • Priest stole money from church for sex parties

    Priest stole money from church for sex parties

    December 13, 2015 10:49 Hot Recent News

    An American priest has contributed with its spicy hobby for a lot of fuss. He was for many years have stolen money from parishes, so he SM relationship with his secret friend was maintained. In total he raised over $ 1 million (more than 909 000 euro) in its own bag.

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