Dutch Disney visitors in the cold

Dutch Disney visitors in the cold

World November 16, 2015 22:45

- Dutch holidaymakers are not happy with the decision of Disneyland Paris to stay close long after the attacks in the capital less than four days. " Whining children before a closed counter, which is in the eye of the significant events of Friday still a little sad ? "

On social media is fully suggested the reason for the prolonged closure. According to many Disneyland would be too afraid to be the victim of an attack. Nonsense, says spokeswoman Cathalijn Snijders. "We follow the national days of mourning declared by Hollande. "Attractive target seems Disneyland certainly an attractive target for terrorists. With over 14 million visitors a year, the most popular tourist destination in Europe. Many French people see the attraction as a clear example of the Americanisation of society. In the early nineties it was therefore still protested against the arrival of the mega resort. In recent years, Disney took a lot of security. There is a permanent checkpoint at the entrance installed where guards inspect the bags, suitcases and strollers of all visitors. On site walk continuously soldiers with machine guns around. A Dutch park visitor, he does not want his name in the newspaper: "If you say that four-day closure it is very long, it immediately looks like you have no respect for the victims. It has to do nothing with respect but I have 1500 euros deposited for this trip. "Spokeswoman Cutters:" On any compensation is still being discussed. "The closure is in any case very remarkable. Since opening in 1992, Disneyland Paris once before the day closed. That happened in 1999 when a hurricane passed over France. After the attacks in New York on September 11, 2001 the gates were at noon closed earlier than planned. This year it was after the attack on Charlie Hebdo with a minute of silence. "We went home," says Danny van der Weel from the car to his hometown Rotterdam. He had looked forward to a weekend of casual fun, but this was different. The conclusion he has mixed feelings. "On the one hand, I get it, but four days is extremely long. "Its Saturday afternoon was spent in Disney Village entertainment area, though it was open. "And I walked around through the parks and the parking lot. All the roads were deserted. A very unreal picture. "At the same theme part is the family Suman from Amsterdam still around. "We could not rebook our flight home because we only heard Sunday morning that the park would remain closed for longer," says Hurriyet. As she sits on the pram of her son, she watches as the children put plastic parts "Mr. Potato Head" Toy Story together. All hotel guests were around ten o'clock in the evening or a note under the door with the message, but the family was already on an ear. How the four children from two to 11 years now entertained? "With food," she laughs. "I also let them play in the toy store. Just not too long, because then they complain that I should buy the stuff for them. "Financial sling for Disneyland's management is closing a major financial setback. For four days sold no entrance tickets, souvenir shops closed and no food is served in the restaurants. Staff is now just get paid. And virtually all guests will reclaim their full booking fee. "Furthermore, the occupancy rate in the hotels is at once dropped from 90 to 40 percent," said a staff member who wishes to remain anonymous. The staff Dutchman Van der Weel nothing but praise. "Everyone did his best to make something of it. Employees from the Disney parks came to the hotels to entertain children, that deserves respect. "

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