• 'I really care, do not you?'

    'I really care, do not you?'

    portland June 23, 2018 08:42 Hot Recent News

    Melania Trump gave a sensation by wearing a coat with the text 'I really do not care, do you?' (I do not really care, do you?). A clothing brand in Portland, USA, has worked with all his might to bring a small line of clothing out of protest with the text 'I really care, do not you?' ('I really care, do not you?').

  • Saudi man remains the boss

    Saudi man remains the boss

    riyad June 22, 2018 18:33 Hot Recent News

    It was a bizarre spectacle, earlier this month in a luxury hotel in Saudi Jedda. During a fashion show no models walked on the catwalk, but drones were used to fly the expensive dresses through the hall.

  • Summer without beer? This is the culprit

    Summer without beer? This is the culprit

    moscow June 21, 2018 18:36 Hot Recent News

    Have you planned barbecues, parties or an evening of World Cup matches in the near future? Then it could just be an alcohol-free version. The beer stock is seriously threatened by a shortage of CO2, writes CNN, and beer brewers sweat carrots for the coming weeks.

  • Weapon suppliers are longer fixed

    Weapon suppliers are longer fixed

    rotterdam June 21, 2018 15:57 Hot Recent News

    The three men who were arrested on Monday because they would have delivered weapons to two French terror suspects are stuck for two weeks longer. The Public Prosecution Service reports this on Twitter. Their DNA was found on firearms in a hiding place of Islamic State in Argenteuil, a suburb of Paris.

  • Arrest after small explosion metro London

    Arrest after small explosion metro London

    london June 20, 2018 11:24 Hot Recent News

    The police in London have arrested a 23-year-old man in connection with the small explosion Tuesday in a subway station in the north of the British capital. He is suspected of possibly causing an explosion to damage and endanger security in the subway, according to British media.

  • Republicans Senate: child belongs to parents

    Republicans Senate: child belongs to parents

    washington June 19, 2018 21:03 Hot Recent News

    All Republicans in the US Senate want to keep migrant families together while their status is being determined. The leader of the Republicans in the Senate Mitch McConnell announced on Tuesday that they are working on a solution for separating children from their parents. That should then be laid down in new legislation.

  • Marine Le Pen must pay a small 3 tonne

    Marine Le Pen must pay a small 3 tonne

    luxembourg June 19, 2018 09:27 Hot Recent News

    Marine Le Pen, the figurehead of the French National Front, has to repay 298.497 euros to the European Parliament because, between 2010 and 2016, she wrongly paid an employee of her party with EU money. The Court of the European Union determined that.

  • Moskeegangers killed with big knife at Cape Town

    Moskeegangers killed with big knife at Cape Town

    malmesbury June 14, 2018 08:54 Hot Recent News

    A man in a mosque in South African Malmesbury with a large knife cut on believers and two people killed before the police killed him. According to local media, it is not known what the perpetrator moved. He went before he began the stabbing among the believers and also seemed to prepare for a prayer.

  • Attempts smothered during G7 summit

    Attempts smothered during G7 summit

    quebec city June 9, 2018 15:30 Hot Recent News

    The capital of the Canadian province of Québec, also called Québec, may have smothered violent protests and riots in the bud. Anti-capitalists and other left-wing radical activists had announced that Friday would be 'a Day of Disruption' in Québec, but the riot police, which had been extorted on a large scale, prevented that.

  • 'Vegan command' falls into the restaurant

    'Vegan command' falls into the restaurant

    lille June 5, 2018 12:39 Hot Recent News

    A 'vegan command' in the center of the northern French Lille Monday during the day a restaurant short and small beaten. Following the newspaper La Voix du Nord, there were two or three masked perpetrators who were completely dressed in black.

  • Another hero wants French nationality

    Another hero wants French nationality

    paris June 5, 2018 11:54 Hot Recent News

    A Tunisian hero also wants French nationality after a young Malian, Mamoudou Gassama, became famous last month by climbing a house in Paris and saving a dangling child from a balcony. Images of the heroic deed passed the world for days. Gassama was received by President Macron and received the French nationality.

  • AfD-chef: naziperiode was 'piece of bird droppings'

    AfD-chef: naziperiode was 'piece of bird droppings'

    seebach June 2, 2018 17:36 Hot Recent News

    One of the leaders of the party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) received strong criticism after a comment about the Nazi period. Alexander Gauland said at a party meeting that 'Hitler and the Nazis are only a bit of bird droppings in the successful German history of 1000 years.'

  • Spanish Prime Minister Rajoy has to clear the field

    Spanish Prime Minister Rajoy has to clear the field

    madrid June 1, 2018 10:51 Hot Recent News

    The Spanish parliament Friday, as expected, premiered Mariano Rajoy by adopting a vote of no confidence with 180 to 169 votes and one abstention. The motion was put to the vote by the socialist party PSOE after executives of Rajoy \u0026 # x27; s People's Party (PP) were sentenced to long prison sentences for corruption.

  • Marine Israel stops Palestinian ship

    Marine Israel stops Palestinian ship

    gaza May 29, 2018 16:06 Hot Recent News

    The Israeli Navy has stopped a ship with seventeen Palestinian activists on board. The 'al-Hurija' (The Freedom) had sailed out of the port of Gaza on Tuesday, accompanied by a few small boats, with the intention of breaking through the sea blockade by Israel.

  • Bond market in panic for crisis Italy

    Bond market in panic for crisis Italy

    May 28, 2018 11:48 Hot Recent News

    For a moment there was a sigh of relief about the markets that there would be no government of two Eurosceptic parties in Italy. But panic soon gained the upper hand and interest rates on Italian government bonds rose sharply.

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