AfD-chef: naziperiode was 'piece of bird droppings'

AfD-chef: naziperiode was 'piece of bird droppings'

World June 2, 2018 17:36

seebach - One of the leaders of the party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) received strong criticism after a comment about the Nazi period. Alexander Gauland said at a party meeting that 'Hitler and the Nazis are only a bit of bird droppings in the successful German history of 1000 years.'

Gauland stressed that responsibility must be taken for the period in which the National Socialists of Adolf Hitler were in power. However, he also said that it was a small part of German history. 'We have a glorious history. And those, dear friends, took longer than those fucking twelve years. '

Such comments are very sensitive in Germany. '50 million war victims and total war are only a' bird droppings 'for the AfD and Gauland,' concluded Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer of government party CDU. SPD member Lars Klingbeil blamed the AfD politician for downplaying national socialism. 'It is a shame that these types of types are in the Bundestag', tweeted Klingbeil.

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