Attempts smothered during G7 summit

Attempts smothered during G7 summit

World June 9, 2018 15:30

quebec city - The capital of the Canadian province of Québec, also called Québec, may have smothered violent protests and riots in the bud. Anti-capitalists and other left-wing radical activists had announced that Friday would be 'a Day of Disruption' in Québec, but the riot police, which had been extorted on a large scale, prevented that.

On Friday, La Malbaie in the province of Quebec started the Western Economic Summit of the G7. Dozens of demonstrators tried to block important intersections in the city of Québec several times in several places, but their number was relatively small and the police had little trouble breaking up blockades, reported local media. On Friday, only six activists were arrested in Québec City.

Many residents of the city feared riots as in previous international summits. There are many unpleasant memories of a conference in the province in 2001 on free trade in America. The protests and actions of many tens of thousands of demonstrators and activists against free trade were completely out of hand.

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