• Sunday is sacred again in Italy

    Sunday is sacred again in Italy

    rome September 20, 2018 06:00 Hot Recent News

    Italians are divided on the proposal of Minister of Labor \u0026 amp; Economic Development Luigi Di Maio, to keep stores closed on Sundays and during the holidays. Di Maio, of the populist Five Star movement, wants to ensure that families can spend the Sunday together.

  • 'Do everything to stop hard brexit'

    'Do everything to stop hard brexit'

    paris/london September 17, 2018 10:32 Hot Recent News

    The European Union must do everything in its power to prevent the United Kingdom from leaving the union without agreement on the new relationship. This is what stressed Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz on his visit to Paris with President Emmanuel Macron on Monday. Austria is currently EU President.

  • Start page gets voice control

    Start page gets voice control

    hoofddorp September 15, 2018 12:00 Hot Recent News

    Internet has changed beyond recognition in recent years. Sites have been redesigned several times, apps were introduced, technologies come and go, but in all that tumult Startpagina.nl looks just like it did twenty years ago. Each page has a few columns with links to external sites. And yet the old Home page also wants to go along with its time. With voice control for example.

  • Kayak of Arjen Kamphuis found

    Kayak of Arjen Kamphuis found

    bodø September 13, 2018 14:00 Hot Recent News

    The police in Norway found the kayak of the missing Dutchman Arjen Kamphuis. The canoe was in the area where other things of his have been discovered before. What these are, the police do not want to say yet. According to good friend Ancilla van de Leest, there would be identity papers from Kamphuis.

  • Election result Sweden will take some time

    Election result Sweden will take some time

    stockholm September 10, 2018 14:48 Hot Recent News

    The final result of the Swedish parliamentary elections may only be announced on Wednesday. It is clear that the right-wing populists of Jimmie Akesson, the Sweden Democrats (SD), have achieved a great victory with more than 17.5 percent of the votes. They are the third party of the country.

  • EU legislation requires cryptocurrency

    EU legislation requires cryptocurrency

    vienna (anp) September 7, 2018 21:00 Hot Recent News

    Cryptocurrency, such as bitcoin, does not pose a major risk to financial stability in the EU because of its small size, but consumers and investors need to be better protected against the risks of the virtual money system.

  • UN: famine threatens Central America

    UN: famine threatens Central America

    bogota September 7, 2018 19:32 Hot Recent News

    Approximately two million people in Central America may face severe hunger in the near future. Due to drought, harvests have failed in countries such as Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua. Small farmers have therefore not harvested enough to eat and sell, and there is not enough stock left to pass the time until the next harvest.

  • Long queue for first Starbucks in Italy
    0 Comment 233

    Long queue for first Starbucks in Italy

    milan September 7, 2018 17:32 Hot Recent News

    Italy is the land of cappuccinos and espressos, but the Italians are now also faced with frappuccinos. The American chain Starbucks has opened its first tent in the country on Friday. There was a long line with hundreds of tourists and Italians in front of the Milan office. 'I hope the coffee tastes better here than in America,' said a Milanese customer.

  • Russia: hole in a space station may have been made intentional

    Russia: hole in a space station may have been made intentional

    moscow September 4, 2018 13:48 Hot Recent News

    The small hole that was discovered last week in the wall of the ISS space station may have been made intentional. The Russian space agency Roskosmos is researching this. It may be that someone on earth has done something, says the top man of Roskosm, Dimitri Rogozin, against Russian state media. According to Rogozin, it is even possible that someone in space has consciously sabotaged the station. However, it could also have been a human error.

  • Bomb expert of Al-Qaeda dead

    Bomb expert of Al-Qaeda dead

    sana'a August 31, 2018 04:32 Hot Recent News

    The Muslim terrorist who single-handedly ensured stricter security checks at airports is dead. Nevertheless, the laptops will still have to be removed from the bag in the future and the bottles of water thrown away: Ibrahim al-Asiri has trained a large group of jihadists in the production of ingenious bombs.

  • Journalist at home after release in Turkey

    Journalist at home after release in Turkey

    stuttgart August 26, 2018 15:32 Hot Recent News

    After months of imprisonment in Turkey, the German Mesale Tolu has returned to Germany on Sunday. At the airport in Stuttgart Tolu said she can not be really happy about her release, because in Turkey hundreds of journalists, lawyers, students and political opponents of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan are stuck.

  • British police discover weapon factory

    British police discover weapon factory

    eastbourne August 22, 2018 14:16 Hot Recent News

    The British police have discovered an advanced weapons factory in a small town in the south-east of England. The illegal arms factory in Hailsham, near Eastbourne, was on an industrial estate and had as a cover a company that would occupy itself with gearboxes.

  • Terrorists attack police in Chechnya

    Terrorists attack police in Chechnya

    grozny August 20, 2018 16:00 Hot Recent News

    Terrorists have attacked police officers in several places in the Russian Federal Republic of Chechnya. Four archers have been shot dead according to the authoritarian leader of the regional republic, Ramzan Kadirov. Five agents were injured. According to Kadirov, it was a failed attempt to disrupt the Eid al-Adha (Festival of Sacrifice).

  • This couple was married for 13 hours
    0 Comment 112

    This couple was married for 13 hours

    bristol August 19, 2018 18:48 Hot Recent News

    The 32-year-old Michelle White from Bristol thought to save for her wedding day, but now she has to make ends meet to give her husband Scott Plumley a dignified funeral. The two were married for 13 hours...

  • Merkel spawns Putin

    Merkel spawns Putin

    berlin August 18, 2018 20:32 Hot Recent News

    Russian President Vladimir Putin sees Germany as a 'leading partner'. Last year, trade between the two countries grew by 22 percent to 43 billion euros, Putin said Saturday for his meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel. The two had to defend an uncomfortable but strong bond in Schloss Meseberg in Berlin that was created by a gas pipeline that is increasingly sensitive in the rest of the EU, and for which Merkel has to justify itself. She started a small charm offensive to Ukraine, of which Putin is not a fan.

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