• This couple was married for 13 hours
    0 Comment 112

    This couple was married for 13 hours

    bristol August 19, 2018 18:48 Hot Recent News

    The 32-year-old Michelle White from Bristol thought to save for her wedding day, but now she has to make ends meet to give her husband Scott Plumley a dignified funeral. The two were married for 13 hours...

  • Merkel spawns Putin

    Merkel spawns Putin

    berlin August 18, 2018 20:32 Hot Recent News

    Russian President Vladimir Putin sees Germany as a 'leading partner'. Last year, trade between the two countries grew by 22 percent to 43 billion euros, Putin said Saturday for his meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel. The two had to defend an uncomfortable but strong bond in Schloss Meseberg in Berlin that was created by a gas pipeline that is increasingly sensitive in the rest of the EU, and for which Merkel has to justify itself. She started a small charm offensive to Ukraine, of which Putin is not a fan.

  • Go Vacation Review

    Go Vacation Review

    August 17, 2018 12:48 Hot Recent News

    It is never wrong to occasionally celebrate a holiday. For the heat you do not have to go to the warm south, but it is also possible to enjoy the weather in the backyard. And if we are still in the backyard, why do not we go all the way with Go Vacation?

  • 'You do not run like a gay man'

    'You do not run like a gay man'

    vienna August 15, 2018 09:32 Hot Recent News

    An 18-year-old Afghan who wanted to apply for asylum in Austria because he would not be accepted as a homosexual at home received a rejection. Reason: 'The way you walk, behave and dress you do not indicate in any way that you could be gay.'

  • Riddle how man could steal plane

    Riddle how man could steal plane

    seattle August 11, 2018 14:54 Hot Recent News

    It is still a mystery how a 29-year-old aviation officer in Seattle could steal a passenger plane and later crash into a small island. The man died in the crash. The police assume suicide. No victims have fallen on the ground.

  • Aquarius gets 141 migrants out of the sea

    Aquarius gets 141 migrants out of the sea

    rome August 10, 2018 22:12 Hot Recent News

    After halting for weeks, the ship Aquarius has rescued 141 migrants from boats in the Mediterranean. About 25 nautical miles from the coast of Libya, 25 migrants were first taken from a small wooden boat. In the same area the crew of the Aquarius later took another 116 people on board.

  • Breathtaking operation Mossad now filmed

    Breathtaking operation Mossad now filmed

    jerusalem August 7, 2018 17:03 Hot Recent News

    One of the most daring missions of the Israeli secret service is now being filmed at Red Sea Diving Resort. The breathtaking operation saved the lives of thousands of Ethiopian Jews in the 1980s, reports the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.

  • Shaman held child for fifteen years

    Shaman held child for fifteen years

    jakarta August 7, 2018 09:48 Hot Recent News

    The Indonesian police have rescued a young woman who has been abused for fifteen years by a naturopath. The now 83-year-old man made the victim of having sex with him by claiming he was possessed by the spirit of a young boy, authorities say.

  • May survives rebellion over customs

    May survives rebellion over customs

    london July 17, 2018 19:45 Hot Recent News

    The British government won an important vote in the House of Commons with a small majority. Labor wanted the government to be forced to negotiate after the brexit in the European Customs Union if there is no agreement with the EU after 21 January next year.

  • Botswana is considering allowing elephant hunting

    Botswana is considering allowing elephant hunting

    gaborone July 15, 2018 13:42 Hot Recent News

    Botswana, the country with the world's largest elephant population, is considering lifting the ban on the pleasure hunt for elephants. The government of the country in southern Africa says that harvesting small farmers is threatened by the thousands of elephants living in the wild.

  • Many drivers fined for lack of rest

    Many drivers fined for lack of rest

    the hague July 12, 2018 23:12 Hot Recent News

    Foreign truckers often still break the rules by spending their free time in their car. The Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT) fined 103 lorry drivers for this in the first six months of this year. That equates to almost a quarter of all drivers who received a check. There were no Dutch among the fined truckers.

  • NATO opens door for Macedonia

    NATO opens door for Macedonia

    brussels July 11, 2018 17:48 Hot Recent News

    Macedonia is invited to become a member of NATO once the name issue has been definitively resolved. The leaders of the 29 member states have given their green light at their summit in Brussels.

  • Diver dies in a high-risk rescue operation
    0 Comment 1052

    Diver dies in a high-risk rescue operation

    salses-le-château July 9, 2018 17:57 Hot Recent News

    During the search for a missing 'Famous Belgian', the adventurer Marc Sluszny, a diver has died. This confirms the rescue services to Het Nieuwsblad. The operation was so risky that even the Sluszny family was reluctant to ask for help- and now it turns out why.

  • American book price adjusted because of racist language

    American book price adjusted because of racist language

    new york June 25, 2018 20:18 Hot Recent News

    After months of debate and consultation, an American organization for youth libraries (ALSC) has renamed a prestigious book award named after Laura Ingalls Wilder. The organization decided to do so because Ingalls Wilder would have used racist language in her book series Het kleine huis on the prairie.

  • This sad sandwich was served vegan Taylor after two hours

    This sad sandwich was served vegan Taylor after two hours

    June 25, 2018 11:12 Hot Recent News

    Vegan food can be very tasty, as evidenced by the rise of many vegan restaurants and food trucks at home and abroad. But not every cook can put a tasty vegan sandwich on the card. That was what the American vegan Taylor Mooney experienced. After two hours of waiting for her vegan sandwich, filled with 'delicious vegetables' she became rather sad of the result. 'This is an insult.'

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