• EU leaders give small help to May

    EU leaders give small help to May

    brussels December 12, 2018 12:48 Hot Recent News

    At their summit in Brussels, the Heads of Government of the EU countries will give a helping hand to Theresa May on Thursday, if at least they are Prime Minister. After a discussion of the 'serious situation'...

  • Impossible task for French President Macron

    Impossible task for French President Macron

    December 9, 2018 06:32 Hot Recent News

    There was an immense police force needed and even armored vehicles, but extreme violence remained Saturday in Paris. It was not as dramatic as last week, when the Arc de Triomphe was daubed and the head of a statue of Marianne, the symbol of France, was taken. That is a small windfall for Emmanuel Macron.

  • 'Spanish warship provokes on waters Gibraltar to brexit'

    'Spanish warship provokes on waters Gibraltar to brexit'

    london December 4, 2018 16:16 Hot Recent News

    A Spanish warship has provoked the British authorities on Tuesday by entering the territorial waters of Gibraltar and letting the Spanish national anthem blow through the speakers on deck. A small boat from the British navy escorted the Spanish frigate on its challenging trip along the rock.

  • Fingerprints Rembrandt found

    Fingerprints Rembrandt found

    london November 21, 2018 14:32 Hot Recent News

    Sotheby's auction house in London thinks that two of Rembrandt's fingerprints were found on an oil painting that made the master of a young man. It seems to be printing his thumb. They were found in the original coat of paint, in a lower corner of the painting, under overcoating and varnish layers.

  • Earthquake in Italy near Rimini

    Earthquake in Italy near Rimini

    rimini November 18, 2018 15:32 Hot Recent News

    An earthquake with a force of 4.2 has shaken the region around the Italian resort of Rimini. There are currently no reports of damage or deaths and injuries, according to civil protection.

  • Migrants drowned near Sardinia

    Migrants drowned near Sardinia

    rome November 17, 2018 13:16 Hot Recent News

    Because of an accident with a refugee boat off the coast of Sardinia, at least two people drowned and eight others are missing. This was reported by the Italian Coast Guard on Saturday.

  • Trump wants to end the Florida recount

    Trump wants to end the Florida recount

    washington November 12, 2018 15:48 Hot Recent News

    Donald Trump has called for to stop recounting the votes cast in Florida for the Senate and a new governor. The American president posted via Twitter of irregularities at the ballot box. He thinks that the Senate seat should go to Rick Scott and that Ron DeSantis should become the new governor of Florida. Scott and DeSantis, like Trump, are members of the Republican party.

  • Dead and wounded at hotel brand Seoul

    Dead and wounded at hotel brand Seoul

    seoul November 9, 2018 06:16 Hot Recent News

    In a fire in a budget hotel in the South Korean capital of Seoul, at least six people were killed and twelve injured on Friday. According to local media, the authorities take into account that the number of victims continues to increase.

  • Dead pimp wins elections

    Dead pimp wins elections

    pahrump November 7, 2018 23:32 Hot Recent News

    The 72-year-old owner of the world-famous brothel Moonlite Bunny Ranch in Nevada, USA, has a seat in the state's parliament. There is a small problem: Dennis Hof died last month.

  • Cabinet change in Tunisia

    Cabinet change in Tunisia

    tunis November 6, 2018 00:16 Hot Recent News

    Tunisian Prime Minister Youssef Chahed appointed ten new ministers on Monday. With the government change he hopes to inject fresh blood into his government, which is widely criticized because it can not solve the economic crisis.

  • OnePlus takes a small step with the 6T

    OnePlus takes a small step with the 6T

    shenzhen October 29, 2018 18:00 Hot Recent News

    The ink of the reviews of the OnePlus 6 presented in May was not yet dry or the rumors about the arrival of a successor were already buzzing around. On Monday, less than six months later, Oneplus did indeed present 6T in New York.

  • German 'child benefit home' popular

    German 'child benefit home' popular

    berlin October 23, 2018 20:16 Hot Recent News

    Germany too needs hundreds of thousands of new homes quickly. The offer is small and the prices are rising. The Merkel government introduced a kind of child benefit for their own home to stimulate the market. Families and single-parent families, provided their taxable income is not too high, can receive a subsidy of 1200 euros per child per year for the purchase or construction of a house. The scheme is guaranteed for ten years.

  • Small victory for government party Poland

    Small victory for government party Poland

    warsaw October 21, 2018 22:16 Hot Recent News

    The ruling party Justice and Justice (PiS) has made a small victory in the regional elections in Poland on Sunday. An exit poll shows that the party received 32.3 percent of the votes, against 26.9 percent four years earlier. The Civic Platform, a coalition of opposition parties, would amount to 24.7 percent.

  • 'The Champions League of bank robberies'

    'The Champions League of bank robberies'

    munich October 17, 2018 22:16 Hot Recent News

    The prevented junk in the Bavarian Gemering, where two Dutch criminals were arrested, is reminiscent of a feature film. A gang tried to ram a bank with a lightning stolen Audi, but was awaited by the police. This was followed by a shooting and a chase, with four injuries as a result. 'The agents were in mortal danger.'

  • Huawei opens box of tricks

    Huawei opens box of tricks

    london October 16, 2018 17:48 Hot Recent News

    The Chinese brand Huawei has not been a small player for a long time. Last week, Bloomberg Intelligence even reported that the brand in the home country had overtaken Apple. Yesterday, Richard Yu presented the Mate 20 Series smartphones and a new smartwatch at the London ExCel Arena. Both with impressive and striking specifications and possibilities.

  • CSU in Bavaria has lost an absolute majority

    CSU in Bavaria has lost an absolute majority

    munich October 15, 2018 05:32 Hot Recent News

    The Christian Democratic Party CSU, which has been ruling for decades, lost its absolute majority in the state elections in Bavaria, Germany. After counting the votes, the Christian Democrats are at a loss of 10.4 percent compared to 2013 and come to 37.3 percent of the votes.

  • De Wever is again the largest in Antwerp

    De Wever is again the largest in Antwerp

    brussels October 14, 2018 22:48 Hot Recent News

    The votes in municipal elections in Belgium have not yet been counted everywhere, but in Antwerp mayor Bart de Wever and his N-VA can continue to rule the city with the Christian Democratic CD \u0026 amp; V and the liberal Open VLD. The coalition provided some, but retains the majority of board seats in the port city.

  • Belgium votes in local elections

    Belgium votes in local elections

    brussels October 14, 2018 15:16 Hot Recent News

    Belgians cast their vote on Sunday in municipal and provincial elections. They are the first polls since 2014 and are seen as an important indicator for the parliamentary elections in May next year. Approximately 8.2 million Belgians can vote for municipal councils and in Flanders and Wallonia also for provincial councils.

  • Workers protected against diesel fumes

    Workers protected against diesel fumes

    brussels October 11, 2018 14:48 Hot Recent News

    Exhaust gases from diesel vehicles are included in the European list of carcinogenic substances against which employers must protect their personnel. Seven other chemicals are also on the list, giving more than 20 million workers in Europe better protection.

  • Macedonia government supports proposal new name

    Macedonia government supports proposal new name

    skopje October 8, 2018 22:32 Hot Recent News

    The Macedonian government has adopted a bill to rename the small Balkan country to Northern Macedonia. The pro-prime minister Zoran Zaev, however, needs a two-thirds majority in parliament to make the agreement with Greece on the change of name. A referendum failed a week ago because the turnout was too low.

  • Eastern Sicily startled by light quake

    Eastern Sicily startled by light quake

    palermo October 6, 2018 08:32 Hot Recent News

    The east of Sicily was hit by a small earthquake in the night from Friday to Saturday. Because of the quake with a force of 4.8, residents of the volcano were startled by Etna. Buildings suffered limited damage and several people were slightly injured.

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