Another hero wants French nationality

Another hero wants French nationality

World June 5, 2018 11:54

paris - A Tunisian hero also wants French nationality after a young Malian, Mamoudou Gassama, became famous last month by climbing a house in Paris and saving a dangling child from a balcony. Images of the heroic deed passed the world for days. Gassama was received by President Macron and received the French nationality.

The expelled Tunisian Ayman sees an opportunity in this naturalization. He was without residence status in France when, in danger of his own life, he rescued two small children from a burning flat in Fosses, north of Paris, in April 2015. However, the rescue of the children has not been filmed. Ayman also left the spot of his heroic deed inconspicuous because he was illegal.

The mother of the children and the mayor of Fosses have overtaken him. In 2017, the mayor tried unsuccessfully to help Ayman to obtain a residence permit. In January, the authorities refused to give him a residence permit for exceptional reasons and he was ordered to leave the country.

Ayman and his lawyer are fighting this. They argue that Ayman's heroic deed should not be valued less than Gassama's.

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