• Rare letter Mozart auctioned

    Rare letter Mozart auctioned

    boston October 16, 2015 10:26 Hot Recent News

    In the US city of Boston is auctioning a rare letter written by the composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart wrote to a friend , the botanist Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin . The document released converted 190 000 euros.

  • Floods from storm around Los Angeles

    Floods from storm around Los Angeles

    October 16, 2015 10:18 Hot Recent News

    Due to heavy rainfall north of the US city of Los Angeles Thursday mudslides and floods occur . Roads were closed and motorists stranded. In photographs the American media put online , to see his car stuck in the mud. The fire she is provided assistance. There are no casualties reported .

  • Dutch choose to file

    Dutch choose to file

    October 16, 2015 10:03 Hot Recent News

    Dutch hardly do anything to not daily having to stand in queues and the government facilitates traffic congestion by putting more and more asphalt down .

  • Pupils behind guns shocks France

    Pupils behind guns shocks France

    October 16, 2015 07:08 Hot Recent News

    Photos of primary school children left behind (unloaded) automatic rifles lie like they do target practice , have caused outrage in France . The Ministry of Defence takes disciplinary action , as announced on Thursday .

  • Costa Rica rolls mafia gang
    0 Comment 346

    Costa Rica rolls mafia gang

    October 15, 2015 14:42 Hot Recent News

    Police in Costa Rica have arrested seven suspected members of a drug gang. The suspects are from Costa Rica and Cuba. The gang is intertwined with the Mafia from Italy's Calabria. The investigation group was initiated after it was found in the Netherlands last year 3.5 tons of cocaine in a container from Costa Rica, the newspaper Diario Extra reported Thursdays.

  • Anti-drone gun used radio waves

    Anti-drone gun used radio waves

    October 15, 2015 14:37 Hot Recent News

    Now flying drones are becoming cheaper and more accessible, there is also increasing demand for resources. The American company Battelle has made ​​an anti-drone gun that uses radio waves in order to block the operation of the devices.

  • Norway will send migrants back to Russia

    Norway will send migrants back to Russia

    oslo October 15, 2015 12:01 Hot Recent News

    The Norwegian government wants to send asylum seekers arriving in Russia from the far north of the country. Not far from the North fires a growing number of Syrians across the border post Storskog . In 2014 there were a dozen, this year about 1200. That the Norwegian Justice Minister Anders Anundsen Wednesday said.

  • Trump reticent about MH17

    Trump reticent about MH17

    October 15, 2015 09:42 Hot Recent News

    US presidential candidate Donald Trump does not think there is enough evidence to show pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine blamed for the downing of flight MH17 . Republican responded , according to US media, when asked what he would do as president to call on Russia to account for the disaster.

  • Family sues shipping freighter

    Family sues shipping freighter

    October 15, 2015 00:31 Hot Recent News

    The family in America from one of the crew of a cargo ship that vanished two weeks ago in the Bahamas, the owner of the court summoned because of profound negligence. The family claims converted nearly 90 million.

  • Russia is forty - IS aims to

    moscow October 14, 2015 16:58 Hot Recent News

    Russian military aircraft over the last 24 hours thirty goals of Islamic State (IS) attacked in Syria. That happened 41 assault, reported the Russian Defense Ministry Wednesday .

  • John le Carré is doing really open book

    london October 14, 2015 16:57 Hot Recent News

    The master of the spy novel has been almost 84 years, but writes unabated. For autumn 2016 features The Pigeon Tunnel , Doves Tunnel. These are stories about his past espionage , something about which he so far only piecemeal information .

  • Revolt against Merkel

    October 14, 2015 16:55 Hot Recent News

    The generous policy of German Chancellor Angela Merkel regarding refugees from the Middle East meets with increasing resistance , especially in their own ranks. Within Merkel's Christian Democratic Union (CDU) is circulating an urgent letter directed against " the politics of open borders " , reported Wednesday the newspaper Bild . According to Bild , there are already 126 signatures , including prominent CDU'ers . Bild speaks of a revolt against Merkel.

  • Montenegro looks forward to NATO membership

    October 14, 2015 16:54 Hot Recent News

    Montenegro is confident that the conditions exist for the country's accession to NATO and looks with " optimism " forward to a decision in December. This was said by Foreign Minister Igor Luksic Wednesday prior to a meeting with senior members of the military alliance in Podgorica.

  • Juncker demands action for shelter refugees

    brussels October 14, 2015 13:58 Hot Recent News

    The Member States of the European Union are not doing what they promised to provide the refugee crisis. Too few countries to offer asylum to record from Italy or Greece. Also plunge the EU countries hardly any money in the fund for Syria and Africa and set them too little migration and asylum experts available .

  • Plasterk can win Big Brother Award

    Plasterk can win Big Brother Award

    amsterdam October 14, 2015 11:21 Hot Recent News

    The government will again win a Big Brother Award, an award for people and organizations that violate the privacy of citizens, according to organizers. One of the three candidates, namely minister Ronald Plasterk of the Interior. The award was in 2011 , 2013 and 2014. Ivo Opstelten , then Minister of Security and Justice.

  • No compensation for aunt

    No compensation for aunt

    October 14, 2015 10:34 Hot Recent News

    A jury at a court in the US state of Connecticut had only 25 minutes to determine the compensation for a broken wrist : $ 0 . Jennifer Connell had dragged her now 12 -year-old nephew to court because he was in an over-enthusiastic embrace on his eighth birthday the pulse of his aunt had broken .

  • 'Virus scanner and firewall are not always enough'

    October 14, 2015 10:26 Hot Recent News

    The threats on the Internet continue unabated and the attackers are becoming more cunning. Unceasing vigilance and sustained attention to the protection against cyber crime , espionage and sabotage his commandments. "You can work out today, but tomorrow should be listening in".

  • Lifetime abuse American baby

    Lifetime abuse American baby

    denver October 14, 2015 10:21 Hot Recent News

    An American was Tuesday sentenced to life imprisonment because he had a baby repeatedly kidnapped and abused. The child was at night taken from the family home in Bakersfield (California) and brought back before the parents awoke.

  • 'Do not have sex while driving '
    0 Comment 468

    'Do not have sex while driving '

    johannesburg October 13, 2015 15:54 Hot Recent News

    Sex while driving is now taboo in South Africa's Eastern Cape . The province has started a campaign against kissing behind the wheel to make traffic safer. With large plates are users of the prohibition informed along the way.

  • Russia : US weapons in the hands of terrorists

    Russia : US weapons in the hands of terrorists

    moscow October 13, 2015 14:47 Hot Recent News

    Russia argues that weapons that the United States "moderate" give rebels in Syria, eventually into the hands of terrorists. " Frankly, we have virtually no doubt that at least the majority of these weapons in the hands of terrorists", said Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov Tuesday.

  • Jewish father mistaken for ' revenge murder'

    Jewish father mistaken for ' revenge murder'

    jerusalem October 13, 2015 14:17 Hot Recent News

    A Jewish Israeli who presumably wanted to take personal revenge after several acts of Palestinian terrorism on any Arab, was mistaken and another Jewish Israeli stabbed to death. The fatal attack happened Tuesday in place Kiryat Ata , near Haifa.

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