• Dead and wounded by attacks in Israel

    Dead and wounded by attacks in Israel

    jerusalem October 13, 2015 12:40 Hot Recent News

    Again Israel in deaths and injuries to several outbursts of violence. Most victims died when two men in Jerusalem during the morning rush started shooting around and stabbing in a bus. According to the newspaper Haaretz attacked while two Israeli killed and eighteen wounded , eight of whom would be in bad shape.

  • Koenders : Europe aligned on Syria

    Koenders : Europe aligned on Syria

    luxembourg November 2, 2015 00:30 Hot Recent News

    It is essential that the European Union has a common position on Syria. That said Foreign Minister Bert Koenders Tuesday in Luxembourg prior to consultation with his European colleagues. The European disapproval of the Russian bombing of the moderate opposition against President Bashar al-Assad 's what Koenders is a clear signal.

  • Startups give Eneco energy

    Startups give Eneco energy

    November 2, 2015 00:31 Hot Recent News

    The energy business is changing . For gas and electricity knocked households until recently with their energy company. Nowadays, more and more households generate their own energy through solar panels. When home batteries appear that households and industry can store power for later use , the role of energy suppliers seems played out.

  • Russian satellite 'has become '

    Russian satellite 'has become '

    October 13, 2015 11:53 Hot Recent News

    A Russian military satellite has himself this year, parked between two American communications satellites. The mysterious visitor remained there for five months at 36,000 kilometers height are in orbit around the earth in space. What the satellite was doing is unclear, but officials satellite company Intel and US government officials raised the alarm , reports Space News website .

  • Cruise missiles Iraq incomparable to MH17

    Cruise missiles Iraq incomparable to MH17

    November 2, 2015 23:32 Hot Recent News

    The commotion over the missile flight path toward Middle and Far East is understandable, but not comparable to the situation around the MH17 over eastern Ukraine . Aviation expert Benno Baksteen steps without restraint in any device that is flying around above the Russian cruise missiles. "The situation is totally different from last year with the MH17 ," says the former president of the Dutch Airline Pilots Association.

  • Online advertising shows growth

    Online advertising shows growth

    November 2, 2015 23:10 Hot Recent News

    The digital advertising market in the first half of the year grew again , by 7 percent compared to the first half of 2014 a turnover of 744 million euros. This continued growth of online advertising by , it turned out Monday to research by Deloitte.

  • Turkey affected in dark about attacks

    Turkey affected in dark about attacks

    ankara November 2, 2015 23:08 Hot Recent News

    Violence in Turkey for weeks - if not months - to the order of the day . But as if the bloody attacks perpetrated Saturday in Ankara , it was not long. Two suicide bombers blew themselves up at the main railway station of the city . Certainly 86 people died and another 186 were wounded. The attacks are not claimed , so the Turkish government still impaired in the dark about the angle from which the attack came .

  • Merkel: Dublin rules are outdated

    Merkel: Dublin rules are outdated

    strasbourg November 2, 2015 23:06 Hot Recent News

    The Dublin agreement , which states that the country where a refugee enters the EU , is also responsible for handling the asylum procedure is obsolete. That said German Chancellor Angela Merkel Wednesday during a speech at the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

  • Man executed for murder and steal $ 8

    Man executed for murder and steal $ 8

    November 2, 2015 23:15 Hot Recent News

    In the US state of Texas on Tuesday executed a man convicted of murdering and robbing a Mexican immigrant in 1998. The man confessed that he dooschoot the Mexican, but denied the robbery. Eight dollars he would have made according to prosecutors loot . The theft was used during his sentencing as an aggravating factor.

  • America is not happy with EU data decision

    America is not happy with EU data decision

    November 2, 2015 23:15 Hot Recent News

    America is not happy with the decision of the European Court of Justice on Tuesday personal data of European Internet users. Which can not simply be transferred to the United States. The judges put a line through a decision of the European Commission in 2000 , which had identified the United States as a 'safe haven' for private data .

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