Polish town completely flooded after dam breach: 'Worst-case scenario has become reality'

Polish town completely flooded after dam breach: 'Worst-case scenario has become reality'

World September 15, 2024 16:57

stronie śląskie - A dam near the Polish town of Stronie Śląskie is reported to have been breached, causing the town to be completely flooded. Local news site Fakt describes the situation as the worst-case scenario coming true.

A dam near the Polish town of Stronie Śląskie is reported to have been breached, causing the town to be completely flooded. Local news site Fakt describes the situation as the worst-case scenario coming true.

Although the provincial government of Lower Silesia has not officially confirmed the dam breach, more and more online images and reports are emerging indicating that the dam did indeed break. "The water is now flowing downhill through the town with great force, sweeping everything in its path," writes a journalist from Fakt. "Several buildings have already collapsed and fire trucks have been swept away."

The dam in question was built in the early 20th century, with several adjustments and improvements made over the years. The dam has prevented flooding in Kłodzko in the past, the region where the lower-lying towns of Stronie Śląskie and Lądek Zdrój are located. "Residents confirmed reports on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock about the deteriorating condition of the dam, " writes news site Rzeczpospolita.

There was already a large evacuation operation from Stronie Śląskie on Sunday morning, as confirmed by Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk. Many residents were evacuated to higher ground. However, not everyone could (or wanted to) leave their homes. Those people are asked to move to the highest possible place.

The situation in the area has been described as "dramatic" by local media since Saturday. "As much rain has fallen in the past few days as normally falls in the whole year. The reservoirs were quickly filled."

More and more footage of the rising water in Stronie Śląskie is circulating. One of the videos reportedly shows how the police station may be destroyed by the water. However, there is currently no official confirmation of this.

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