• Vaccination big problem in war zone

    Vaccination big problem in war zone

    April 22, 2016 10:07 Hot Recent News

    Wars are not only a direct threat to the civilian population but also represent a major problem for the vaccination program. Almost two thirds of children not vaccinated living in a conflict zone. According to a publication by UNICEF prior to the World Vaccination Week.

  • Construction workers dead in mudslides

    tawang April 22, 2016 09:28 Hot Recent News

    At least fifteen people were killed by mudslides from heavy rains in India. According to The Times of India concerned the construction workers who were surprised in their camp in the Tawang region in northeastern India.

  • Beijing preaches chastity at auto show

    April 22, 2016 09:14 Hot Recent News

    At the auto show in Beijing, which begins Monday, this year not to admire 'frank' hostesses. The Chinese government wants to have focused all eyes on the exposed tin, not scantily clad fashion models that tout the product.

  • Trade dominates short visit Widodo

    Trade dominates short visit Widodo

    April 22, 2016 08:14 Hot Recent News

    For the first time in sixteen years visiting heads of state from Indonesia country. The ties between the Netherlands and Indonesia in recent years are dominated by commercial interests. That is also reflected in the one-day program of President Joko Widodo.

  • 'Obama will visit Hiroshima '

    'Obama will visit Hiroshima '

    April 22, 2016 07:56 Hot Recent News

    US President Barack Obama will visit Hiroshima in May. Reported that a Japanese business magazine. Obama would be the first US president who will visit the Japanese city that was destroyed on August 6, 1945 by the first atomic bomb ever used in a war.

  • Whatsappje saves glider

    Whatsappje saves glider

    April 22, 2016 07:35 Hot Recent News

    It remains prudent to keep the mobile phone at hand. A downed German glider owes his rescue them. The man hit Thursday night in a wooded area lost control and went into a tree correctly, ten meters above the ground. Witnesses had seen the crash landing from afar but could not find the blunderer.

  • Obama must halt Brexitcampagne

    Obama must halt Brexitcampagne

    london April 22, 2016 06:14 Hot Recent News

    US President Barack Obama's Thursday from Saudi Arabia arrived in London. His visit is primarily intended to prevent a so-called Brexit. Washington would prefer that Britain welcomes the referendum on June 23 to remain within the European Union.,, The European Union restricts the British influence, but strengthens it, '' said Obama in an interview with the Daily Telegraph.

  • Again earthquake in Ecuador

    Again earthquake in Ecuador

    April 22, 2016 06:00 Hot Recent News

    The South American Ecuador on Thursday (local time) an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.0. The earthquake occurred in the Pacific Ocean, about 100 kilometers northwest of the city of Porto Viejo

  • Fashion world mourns Prince

    Fashion world mourns Prince

    amsterdam April 21, 2016 23:42 Hot Recent News

    There is not only a legendary singer deceased, the fashion world mourns just so sad it. Because also gone a fantastic style icon with the death of Prince. The stage was his catwalk where he was top model of its own Fashion Show. Prince rocked literally all his creations, of travestietig over-the-top to casually cool. This independent spirit got away everywhere.

  • Prince death shocked friends

    Prince death shocked friends

    April 21, 2016 20:14 Hot Recent News

    The sudden death of US pop star Prince has shocked the music world. Twitter mourn friends and colleagues about the singer, who on Thursday morning at the age of 57 died on his estate in Minnesota.

  • Despair Offensive Rousseff at UN

    Despair Offensive Rousseff at UN

    April 21, 2016 17:28 Hot Recent News

    The soap opera surrounding the dismissal of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff will have a new chapter at the UN tomorrow. The tottering head of state is specially traveled to New York to seek support for a 'parliamentary coup' in their own country.

  • Drama with bicycle bridge in Rio

    April 21, 2016 17:21 Hot Recent News

    In Rio de Janeiro five people missing after the collapse of a bicycle bridge. The bridge would be dumped at sea. In August, starting in the Brazilian city of the Summer Olympics.

  • Iran calls US court verdict theft

    Iran calls US court verdict theft

    tehran April 21, 2016 17:14 Hot Recent News

    Iran calls the judgment of the US Supreme Court on Wednesday that it must pay $ 2 billion to American survivors of an attack in 1983 theft. That amount must be paid from frozen Iranian credit in the United States.

  • Syria opposition members angrily away from Geneva

    Syria opposition members angrily away from Geneva

    geneva April 21, 2016 14:42 Hot Recent News

    The delegation of the Syrian opposition which is mainly supported by Saudi Arabia, the High Negotiation (HNC), largely left the peace talks in Geneva. A spokesman for the HNC said Thursday that most members leave Thursday or Friday in protest at the lack of adequate assistance to victims in the besieged places in Syria because of the escalating violence there.

  • Abdeslam suspected of shooting Brussels

    brussels April 21, 2016 14:07 Hot Recent News

    Terror Suspect Salah Abdeslam is suspected of involvement in a shooting in the Brussels municipality of Vorst said last month, four officers were injured. The shooting took place on March 15 when a Belgian-French police team wanted to do a search. They had hardly knocked when they were shot with a Kalashnikov.

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