• White House does not provide job security

    White House does not provide job security

    washington July 21, 2017 20:27 Hot Recent News

    President Donald Trump has initiated a major reorganization. He retrieved former campaign officials, hired lawyers to work on the Russian inquiry and, according to the Wall Street Journal, monitor his tweets by advisors in the White House. The fact that there is no job security is clear after six months.

  • Juncker against parliamentarians: 'You are ridiculous'

    Juncker against parliamentarians: 'You are ridiculous'

    strasbourg July 4, 2017 10:42 Hot Recent News

    The European Parliament is 'not serious.' 'You are ridiculous,' said a furious President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker on Tuesday morning at the Strasbourg plenary session. Nearly thirty parliamentarians had appeared before a session with Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, about the Malta-based EU Presidency.

  • Netflix: 'We know what you watched, when, how long'

    Netflix: 'We know what you watched, when, how long'

    amsterdam July 3, 2017 09:00 Hot Recent News

    Do not be afraid, even though we know almost everything about you. That is the message of Todd Yellin, Vice President of Netflix Streaming. 'We know what you looked at, what time, what device, how long you watched when you were swaying, what you watched and what after, what you watched yesterday and what a year ago and how fast your internet connection is.' Yellin Brought a lightning visit to Amsterdam, where Netflix's headquarters are for Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

  • Fiasco for May

    Fiasco for May

    london June 9, 2017 05:48 Hot Recent News

    The Conservatives lose their majority in the British parliament. The rise of a huge crowd of younger voters has led the opposition party Labor to perform much better than expected. It is still unclear whether the Conservatives can find allies to form a majority.

  • NASA presents twelve new astronauts

    NASA presents twelve new astronauts

    houston June 7, 2017 22:24 Hot Recent News

    The NASA spacecraft organization NASA presented twelve new astronauts on Wednesday in Houston. It is about five women and seven men aged between 29 and 43 years. 'You are the twelve who have saved it. You now belong to the elite. You are our best, 'said US Vice President Mike Pence during the festive meeting.

  • Putin: I have barely spoken to Flynn

    Putin: I have barely spoken to Flynn

    moscow June 4, 2017 19:03 Hot Recent News

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that he hardly spoke to the fired American national security advisor Michael Flynn when they had dinner together in Moscow in 2015. The meeting had little to cope with, said Putin on Sunday against the American news channel NBC.

  • Facebook connects Instant Articles to rivals

    Facebook connects Instant Articles to rivals

    menlo park May 26, 2017 12:18 Hot Recent News

    Publishers who publish their articles in Facebook Instant Articles can easily post them through AMP from Google and the Apple News Format for iOS. Facebook links its own service to those of the biggest competitors. It should make Instant Articles more attractive.

  • Trump stopped investigating Flynn

    Trump stopped investigating Flynn

    washington May 16, 2017 23:03 Hot Recent News

    US President Donald Trump has asked the fired FBI director James Comey to drop the investigation into former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. That reported The New York Times on Tuesday, based on a Comey memo.

  • 'No connection case Russians and dismissal Comey'

    'No connection case Russians and dismissal Comey'

    washington May 10, 2017 17:30 Hot Recent News

    US Vice President Mike Pence stressed Wednesday that there is no correlation between the resignation of FBI topman James Comey and the investigation into possible Russian interference in the US presidential elections of 2016. Pence said Comey's lane was sent for the trust of the Americans in the FBI rescue department.

  • Possible new Surface product Microsoft

    shanghai May 5, 2017 14:12 Hot Recent News

    Microsoft will host an event in Shanghai on May 23rd. The US company, announced earlier this week, expanded the Surface line with the Surface Laptop, announces on its website the event to show the world what's next.

  • Brussels wants to reduce internal border controls

    Brussels wants to reduce internal border controls

    brussels May 2, 2017 16:51 Hot Recent News

    Austria, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Norway may continue to monitor parts of their internal borders for a further six months, but they have to go down. That is what the European Commission presents to the Member States. It is the last time that extension is legally possible.

  • EU stands as one man over London

    EU stands as one man over London

    brussels April 27, 2017 16:30 Hot Recent News

    The outcome of the British elections on 8 June will not affect the position of the 27 EU member states in the brexite negotiations. 'The most important thing is that the EU countries remain united,' said EU Commissioner Frans Timmermans in Luxembourg on the departure of the UK from the EU on Thursday.

  • 'North Korea ready to' sink 'US'

    'North Korea ready to' sink 'US'

    pyongyang April 23, 2017 09:12 Hot Recent News

    North Korea is ready for sinking USS Carl Vinson, the American aircraft carrier, which rises to the Korean waters. The North Korean newspaper Rodong Sinmun compared the plane ship Sunday with a 'dull beast'.

  • American convoy soon at Korea

    American convoy soon at Korea

    sydney April 22, 2017 10:18 Hot Recent News

    The American convoy with naval ships, including the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson, will reach North Korea within a few days. That said US Vice President Mike Pence saturday after meeting with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

  • Pence wants to increase pressure on North Korea

    Pence wants to increase pressure on North Korea

    tokio April 19, 2017 07:12 Hot Recent News

    The Vice President of the United States Mike Pence wants to work with China include increasing economic and diplomatic pressure on North Korea. That Pence said Wednesday aboard the USS Ronald Reagan, an American aircraft carrier that maintenance is docked at its home base in Japan's Yokosuka.

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