• Apple TV sales

    Apple TV sales

    October 30, 2015 15:30 Hot Recent News

    The new Apple TV is on the shelves. Apple announced the fourth generation of the product with the modest little message: " The future of television has begun."

  • China does not matter South China Sea

    China does not matter South China Sea

    October 30, 2015 09:15 Hot Recent News

    China does not cooperate in the case against the country who are going to deal with the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague. The Philippines had in 2013 an indictment in areas of territorial claims in the South China Sea. China had objected. According to the country 's court is not entitled to rule on it, but Thursday the court ruled that it does take into consideration the case.

  • 5 000 migrants German-Austrian border

    5 000 migrants German-Austrian border

    passau October 29, 2015 09:00 Hot Recent News

    The influx of refugees from the German-Austrian border continues unabated. In the German border towns of Passau and Wegscheid in the night of Wednesday to Thursday nearly 5,000 migrants arrived, said a spokesman of the German federal police in Passau Wednesday night.

  • Dutch worried about cyber risks

    Dutch worried about cyber risks

    October 28, 2015 18:00 Hot Recent News

    Although half of the Dutch are concerned about Internet security, has only a small proportion (8 percent) actually had trouble with viruses or privacy violations last year, reported the Central Bureau of Statistics Wednesday.

  • Blendle app for Android

    Blendle app for Android

    amsterdam October 28, 2015 11:30 Hot Recent News

    People with Android devices can now also use the app for the digital kiosk Blendle. The app is Tuesday and Wednesday in the Play Store. Alexander Klöpping, co-founder of Blendle, which is Tuesday.

  • Thuisarts.nl follows visitors with cookies

    Thuisarts.nl follows visitors with cookies

    October 28, 2015 11:30 Hot Recent News

    The data of people who have sought information and advice about their health on the website thuisarts.nl has inadvertently been collected by so-called tracking cookies and shared with others. That made Dutch College of General Practitioners (NHG), the organization behind the site on Tuesday.

  • Table service at McDonald's

    Table service at McDonald's

    amsterdam October 27, 2015 11:14 Hot Recent News

    Customers of McDonald's quickly get to choose. The hamburger chain starts with an experiment in which people can create their own citizens. The company picks this year known international concepts such as the McCafe and the Salad Bar in Netherlands.

  • Japan wants to restarting nuclear reactors

    Japan wants to restarting nuclear reactors

    October 26, 2015 15:12 Hot Recent News

    Despite fear and protests among the population Japan will weather a nuclear reactor in southwestern startup. The governor of Ehime, Tokihiro Nakamura, has already given the green light for 3 reactor of the power plant in Ikata, the Japan Times reported Monday.

  • Slovenia sees again passing thousands of border

    Slovenia sees again passing thousands of border

    rigonce October 24, 2015 11:32 Hot Recent News

    The amount of refugees that pulls through Slovenia to the west of Europe, remains enormous. More than 1,300 refugees in the night from Friday to Saturday from Croatia come across the border. In the small border village Rigonce, which counts only 170 inhabitants, in the last 24 hours have passed only 13,000 refugees.

  • Vatican denies brain tumor

    Vatican denies brain tumor

    rome October 21, 2015 11:17 Hot Recent News

    The Vatican denies Pope Francis has a benign brain tumor. The Italian newspaper Quotidiano Nazionale unveiled Wednesday on its front page that the 78 -year-old pope secretly by helicopter to Tuscany flew to consult a Japanese doctor there.

  • Xiaomi makes mini - Segway

    Xiaomi makes mini - Segway

    October 19, 2015 17:47 Hot Recent News

    Chinese phone maker Xiaomi was already renowned for his excursions into other genres gadget , but now it has a very special device launched. It is the Ninebot Mini , a small electric transport that resembles a small version of the Segway.

  • Intel chip on Raspberry- competitor

    Intel chip on Raspberry- competitor

    October 16, 2015 15:58 Hot Recent News

    Chip manufacturer Intel has unveiled the first device that are super small Curie chip is supplied. It is able to use a new Arduino computer owners for self- construction projects, a bit like the Raspberry systems.

  • US to keep troops longer in Afghanistan

    US to keep troops longer in Afghanistan

    October 15, 2015 14:13 Hot Recent News

    The USA keep their troops in Afghanistan longer. The major part of 2016, the strength is maintained at 9800 people. Then the number of troops will be reduced gradually. President Obama makes the decision Thursday to the world.

  • Just fill in the moon

    Just fill in the moon

    October 15, 2015 11:57 Hot Recent News

    It sounds like a science fiction story but scientists are convinced that rockets off even on the moon to Mars in the future will stop to refuel. It is a relatively small detour , but in a rocket traveling through the moon is less than 68 percent of the weight saved.

  • Australia refuses pregnant migrants
    0 Comment 160

    Australia refuses pregnant migrants

    canberra October 15, 2015 09:48 Hot Recent News

    Australia is not pregnant immigrant women on the island of Nauru . Even if they refuse medical treatment on the Micronesian island. That Minister Peter Dutton of Immigration said Thursday , reports the BBC.

  • Smartphone recognize depression

    October 14, 2015 13:59 Hot Recent News

    Smartphones have a large number of sensors on board. The right combination of sensors, the device is able to detect when a user is going through a manic or depressive episode , according to an Italian study .

  • Prisoners Alcatraz survived escape
    0 Comment 137

    Prisoners Alcatraz survived escape

    October 11, 2015 16:55 Hot Recent News

    Frank Morris, John Anglin and his brother Clarence in 1962 escaped from the infamous Alcatraz prison on a small island off the coast of San Francisco. Always it was thought that they did not survive the dangerous crossing. Unfairly , say relatives of the three who even claim to have proof.

  • US Presidential Election toy of 158 families

    US Presidential Election toy of 158 families

    amsterdam October 11, 2015 08:43 Hot Recent News

    Not unemployment , the war in Syria and the nuclear deal with Iran is the main theme of the US presidential election , but oil . That can be seen from a survey by the New York Times was the source of the campaign money that the Democratic and Republican candidates received so far. Half of the money comes from only 158 families , outdated newspaper .

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