• Computer detects tiny facial expressions

    Computer detects tiny facial expressions

    November 16, 2015 14:30 Hot Recent News

    Lie detectors have been around for years, but researchers from the Finnish University of Oulu have now developed a method to do something more reliable. They have learned a computer to extremely small contractions in the face- so-called micro facial expressions- to recognize.

  • Snap Chat comes with ' selfie filters '

    Snap Chat comes with ' selfie filters '

    November 16, 2015 10:30 Hot Recent News

    Snap Chat introduces special filters for selfies. This was reported by The Verge. The chat service provides users with all the possibilities to use special effects to photos and videos. The ' selfiefilters " are not free ; they cost 99 cents.

  • Cozy night is hell on earth

    Cozy night is hell on earth

    November 15, 2015 07:15 Hot Recent News

    It should be a nice weekend Paris. Four Dutch boys who have tickets for their favorite band Eagles of Death. Shortly before the concert, they still pose together smiling with a beer on Facebook. Less than an hour later they're in hell on Earth and trying to get them crawling over the bodies away from the stately Bataclan Theatre.

  • Kerry hopes consultation without self-interest

    Kerry hopes consultation without self-interest

    November 12, 2015 23:15 Hot Recent News

    US Secretary of State John Kerry hopes that the participants in the consultations on the war in Syria will not put the heels in order to defend their own interests. He said Thursday in Washington that to start with the United States should overcome their disagreements with Russia and Iran on the tenure of Syrian President Bashar al- Assad.

  • Researchers make ' contactless touchscreen '

    Researchers make ' contactless touchscreen '

    stuttgart November 12, 2015 08:30 Hot Recent News

    Researchers in Stuttgart and Munich are working on a screen that can be operated without touching it. The 'contactless touchscreen ' for hygiene reasons would be interesting, because there are fewer bacteria and germs end up on the screen than conventional touch screens.

  • Lawsuit US to faulty packaging pill
    0 Comment 101

    Lawsuit US to faulty packaging pill

    November 12, 2015 08:30 Hot Recent News

    In the United States, 113 women dragged the pharmaceutical company Qualitest to court, because it has sold incorrectly packaged birth control pills. The women claim millions because it have lead to unwanted pregnancies.

  • Britons threatening arms embargo Saudi Arabia

    Britons threatening arms embargo Saudi Arabia

    london November 11, 2015 22:00 Hot Recent News

    The British government tightened its tone towards its major trading partner of Saudi Arabia. If the Arabs refuse to cooperate in an investigation on human rights violations in Yemen, then threatened the British with an arms embargo, said British Defense Secretary Philip Hammond.

  • EU agree to label products settlers

    brussels November 11, 2015 13:45 Hot Recent News

    The European Commission Wednesday formally decided that products manufactured in the territories occupied by Israel in Jewish colonies should be recognizable. The labels must now state that they come from a country which is occupied by Israel since 1967.

  • Tim Cook sees no future for the PC

    Tim Cook sees no future for the PC

    london November 10, 2015 16:45 Hot Recent News

    Apple CEO Tim Cook thinks the PC has had his longest time though. "Why would you buy a PC? No really, cites another reason why you still need," he said in an interview with The Telegraph. Apple 's iPad Pro comes out Wednesday. The new tablet partially focuses on business applications for people in creative professions. The American company has great expectations of it.

  • Finally speed Internet in rural areas

    Finally speed Internet in rural areas

    November 10, 2015 10:15 Hot Recent News

    KPN Telecom Group is committed to outdoor areas to provide high-speed internet. The company announced Tuesday before the first steps, with which a small 100,000 households have been helped. KPN has the solution ' External via Internet 4G " in recent months tested extensively in Groningen Loppersum.

  • Catalan parliament votes for secession

    Catalan parliament votes for secession

    barcelona November 9, 2015 14:15 Hot Recent News

    The parliament of the Spanish region of Catalonia on Monday in majority voted for a resolution that the region will begin to separate from Spain. The two parties who submitted the statement, the nationalist Junts peel Sí (Together for Yes), the small leftist CUP (candidacy People's Unity) have a narrow majority. They want within one and a half year transition to an independent republic.

  • Indians claim British crown diamond back
    0 Comment 455

    Indians claim British crown diamond back

    November 9, 2015 14:15 Hot Recent News

    A group of eminent Indians wants to file a lawsuit to get one of the largest diamonds in the world back in India. The diamond is worth an estimated 140 million and called Koh-i-Noor, or Mountain of Light. Small detail : the diamond is part of the British crown jewels and is partly worn by Queen Elizabeth at her coronation in 1953.

  • Two Romanian deceased fire victims

    Two Romanian deceased fire victims

    bucharest November 7, 2015 17:00 Hot Recent News

    Two victims of the fire in a Romanian nightclub, which this morning were flown to the Netherlands, his deceased shortly after arrival. One died in the transport in an ambulance on the way to one of the burn centers. The other died after arriving at the hospital.

  • Romanian nightclub explosion death toll now 38

    Romanian nightclub explosion death toll now 38

    bucharest November 7, 2015 15:30 Hot Recent News

    The death toll from an explosion in a Romanian nightclub has risen to 38. In the last few hours died in Romanian hospitals four young visitors Colectiv Club in the center of the capital Bucharest. In a Belgian hospital burns are another two wounded succumbed to lung damage and infections.

  • Ziggo continues to lose customers

    Ziggo continues to lose customers

    November 6, 2015 11:15 Hot Recent News

    Ziggo has another quarter of lost customers, although less than in the previous period. This is partly due to a price increase on 1 July was implemented for UPC, the rival to the company after the acquisition by Liberty Global merged last year.

  • Share music via Facebook

    Share music via Facebook

    November 5, 2015 19:30 Hot Recent News

    Facebook allows users even easier to discover or share new music with friends. The new feature " Music Stories " allows music files to Spotify, Apple and iTunes music sharing directly in the news.

  • Internet monitoring children

    Internet monitoring children

    November 5, 2015 16:15 Hot Recent News

    Children increasingly need a tablet in making their homework, but how do you as a parent watching or not to use the device to Netflix, Facebook or Instagram visit ? Disney comes with a device that can provide the solution.

  • NASA is looking for astronauts traveling to Mars

    NASA is looking for astronauts traveling to Mars

    November 4, 2015 22:15 Hot Recent News

    NASA is looking for astronauts to prepare for a space journey to Mars. The institute responsible for the American space program speaks Wednesday in his promotional text about the " march next generation to reach new heights and will help us achieve our goal : to set foot on the red planet."

  • First refugees to Luxembourg

    First refugees to Luxembourg

    athens November 4, 2015 10:00 Hot Recent News

    The redistribution of refugees from Greece to Western Europe has begun. A first group of thirty people flew Wednesday with a commercial flight from Athens to Brussels. From Brussels they travel on to Luxembourg, where they are recorded, the government reported in Athens.

  • Sarkozy emerges in drug research

    Sarkozy emerges in drug research

    November 3, 2015 18:45 Hot Recent News

    Former President of France Nicolas Sarkozy is angry because an investigative judge who has requested his phone records. Thus Sarkozy's name popped up suddenly in a controversial investigation into drug trafficking between the Dominican Republic and Saint Tropez.

  • Schultz must also resign to Fyra debacle

    Schultz must also resign to Fyra debacle

    November 1, 2015 15:47 Hot Recent News

    The majority of Dutch voters finds that not only Labour Secretary of State Wilma Mansveld (Track), as well VVD minister Melanie Schutz (Infrastructure) should have resigned after a damning report by the parliamentary commission of inquiry on the Fyra. This is evident Sunday in the weekly poll by Maurice de Hond.

  • Americans send special unit to Syria

    Americans send special unit to Syria

    October 30, 2015 19:30 Hot Recent News

    The United States are less than fifty men of a special unit to northern Syria. President Obama has given its consent to the deployment of this ground troops. That Friday announced in Washington. Sending a small unit in the fight against Islamic State was a few days ago by Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter announced.

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