• High monk away after allegations of misconduct

    High monk away after allegations of misconduct

    beijing August 15, 2018 08:48 Hot Recent News

    One of the most prominent Chinese monks has stepped down as chairman of the Buddhist Association of China. The Chinese authorities previously announced that they would investigate this master Xuecheng, the abbot of a temple near Beijing. He was accused of sexual misconduct.

  • Brussels is sending half a million euros to Lombok

    Brussels is sending half a million euros to Lombok

    brussels August 14, 2018 12:16 Hot Recent News

    The EU is giving financial support to the victims of the heavy earthquake on Lombok. The European Commission is donating 500,000 euros extra for emergency humanitarian aid, according to a spokesman. Last week, Brussels sent 150,000 euros to the Indonesian Red Cross for emergency supplies in the east and north of the island.

  • 'Johnsons unmoved by death Ivana'
    0 Comment 433

    'Johnsons unmoved by death Ivana'

    kuala lumpur August 14, 2018 07:00 Hot Recent News

    The Johnsons were not very curious when the police came to tell them that 18-year-old Ivana Smit had died. They did not make any effort to see with their own eyes where the girl should have fallen. In addition, their apartment appears to have been cleaned before the police could do a trace investigation.

  • Many deaths from heavy fighting with Taliban

    Many deaths from heavy fighting with Taliban

    kabul August 13, 2018 16:37 Hot Recent News

    Heavy fighting between Taliban fighters on the one hand and police and army on the other hand in the Afghan city of Ghazni have claimed many lives. At least a hundred agents and soldiers were killed and many dozens of people were killed alongside the Taliban.

  • Erdogan threatens US with fracture alliance

    Erdogan threatens US with fracture alliance

    washington/ankara August 11, 2018 19:03 Hot Recent News

    In the conflict with the United States, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatens the NATO partner with a break. If the Americans remain so disrespectful, then his government will 'seek new friends and allies.' Erdogan gave that warning in a sent contribution in the New York Times.

  • 21,000 people fled for California fire

    21,000 people fled for California fire

    london August 10, 2018 17:15 Hot Recent News

    Hundreds of firefighters are fighting in California against a fire that threatens thousands of homes south-east of Los Angeles. As a precaution, approximately 21,000 people were evacuated in and around Lake Elsinore.

  • Quarrel on Facebook ends in shooting

    Quarrel on Facebook ends in shooting

    tampa August 10, 2018 14:51 Hot Recent News

    A quarrel about politics on Facebook has been completely out of control in the United States. An angry 44-year-old man jumped into the car and opened fire on another user of the social networking site, reports the local newspaper Tampa Bay Times. The victim (46) ended up in hospital with multiple gunshot wounds.

  • Children died after boat accident Turkey

    Children died after boat accident Turkey

    ankara August 9, 2018 10:36 Hot Recent News

    At least nine people were killed because their boat capsized off the Turkish coast. It concerns seven children and two women, says the district head of Kuşadasi against the Turkish state press agency Anadolu. They tried to illegally cross over to Europe according to the authorities.

  • Brand Algarve can still take days

    Brand Algarve can still take days

    lisbon August 8, 2018 16:18 Hot Recent News

    The Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa has warned that it may take days before the huge natural fire that rages in the Algarve will have been extinguished. The authorities sent another 120 firefighters to the tourist region in the south on Wednesday.

  • Spanish fighter jet fire missile by accident

    Spanish fighter jet fire missile by accident

    siauliao August 7, 2018 21:54 Hot Recent News

    A Spanish fighter plane accidentally fired an anti-aircraft missile during a practice mission over Estonia on Tuesday. According to the newspaper El Pais, the projectile did not cause any damage. An investigation has been conducted into the cause.

  • North Korea returns South Korean

    North Korea returns South Korean

    seoul August 7, 2018 08:57 Hot Recent News

    North Korea repatriated a South Korean citizen who illegally crossed the border last month. The South Korean authorities speak of a 'positive humanitarian gesture', the South Korean news agency Yonhap reports.

  • 'London wants extradition suspects nerve gas \u0026 # x27;

    'London wants extradition suspects nerve gas \u0026 # x27;

    london August 6, 2018 16:48 Hot Recent News

    The British government is going to ask Russia to deliver two men to Britain. They are suspected of committing an attack with the deadly nerve gas novitsjok. According to the newspaper The Guardian, which raises sources from the government and secret service, the text of the extradition request has been drawn up and is ready to be sent to Russia.

  • Brussels to EU court for Hungarian asylum policy

    Brussels to EU court for Hungarian asylum policy

    brussels July 19, 2018 13:21 Hot Recent News

    Brussels challenges Hungary to the EU court because the asylum and return legislation of the country is not in line with European law. The European Commission has also sent the country a letter of formal notice about a new law that criminalises organizations or people who offer help to people who want to apply for asylum and residence permits in Hungary. Enabling the EU court is the last step.

  • Ethiopia and Eritrea restore relations

    Ethiopia and Eritrea restore relations

    asmara July 8, 2018 21:12 Hot Recent News

    After almost twenty years, Ethiopia and Eritrea will restore relations. This was decided by the Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and the Eritrean President Isaia Afewerki at a joint summit. The countries are rivals that were almost at war.

  • Packed Spanish rapper free in Belgium

    Packed Spanish rapper free in Belgium

    ghent July 5, 2018 15:39 Hot Recent News

    The Ghent court has released a Spanish rapper conditionally. The singer 'Valtònyc' was arrested in Belgium after fleeing from Spain because of a conviction of 3.5 years in prison. The council chamber still has to decide whether it will be extradited to Spain.

  • Trump puts NATO under pressure over defense budget

    Trump puts NATO under pressure over defense budget

    washington July 4, 2018 07:24 Hot Recent News

    US President Donald Trump is putting NATO countries under pressure to spend more money on defense. At the NATO summit, next week in Brussels, he will tell the participating countries that the United States is not the 'biggest piggy bank in the world', his spokesperson said.

  • Half world searches for football players in cave

    Half world searches for football players in cave

    chiang rai July 2, 2018 04:39 Hot Recent News

    Thai Seals yesterday succeeded in penetrating a little deeper into the flooded cave complex, where twelve teenagers and their football coach have been missing for more than a week. After days of heavy rainfall, the weather is finally favorable and the water level in the cave, located near Chiang Rai, has decreased slightly.

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