• Powder in bombshades New York innocent

    Powder in bombshades New York innocent

    washington October 26, 2018 01:00 Hot Recent News

    The white powder that was attached in an envelope to packets of pipe bombs sent to New York is probably innocent. According to a first analysis, the stuff did not constitute a 'biological threat.' A federal police officer FBI announced this during a press conference on Thursday. It still has to be sorted out for which substance it is.

  • FBI already warned about extreme right violence

    FBI already warned about extreme right violence

    amsterdam October 25, 2018 05:16 Hot Recent News

    The United States is under the spell of a series of bombships that were sent to high leaders in the Democratic Party on Wednesday. The US Secret Service intercepted suspicious mail for former President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, President Trump's opponent in the previous election.

  • Wave of bomb letters is a political threat to US

    Wave of bomb letters is a political threat to US

    new york city October 25, 2018 01:32 Hot Recent News

    The FBI has intercepted bomb letters that were sent to US ex-president Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and news channel CNN. President Donald Trump has been informed. The White House takes the situation 'very seriously', according to an official. The actions are 'contemptible' and the responsible people will pay for it, according to the White House.

  • Saudi Arabia confirms dead journalist Khashoggi

    Saudi Arabia confirms dead journalist Khashoggi

    riyadh October 20, 2018 01:32 Hot Recent News

    The Saudi authorities have confirmed the death of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. According to the Saudi prosecutor, there is a fight between him and people he met out there at the consulate in Istanbul that led to his death, reports Saudi state television.

  • Prime Italian Italy quarrels between Lega and M5S

    Prime Italian Italy quarrels between Lega and M5S

    rome October 18, 2018 12:16 Hot Recent News

    The two leaders of the Italian coalition government are talking about plans in the controversial budget of the country. But Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte stressed on Thursday in Brussels that there is no break in the government team. Conte has become a government leader as a neutral figure and not a member of a party.

  • Trump: crown prince knows nothing about Khashoggi

    Trump: crown prince knows nothing about Khashoggi

    washington October 17, 2018 01:16 Hot Recent News

    US President Donald Trump was told by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman last Tuesday that he has no idea what happened at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. The dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi disappeared there two weeks ago. The Turkish authorities think he was killed.

  • Young lawyers forced to work through the night

    Young lawyers forced to work through the night

    amsterdam October 16, 2018 20:16 Hot Recent News

    Working in the City of London demands the utmost of people- trainees at a law firm have again experienced last week. Their boss sent them an e-mail on Friday at a quarter to five with the question if they could work through the night. Those who refused, had to provide 'proof' to legitimize the failure.

  • Cabinet Italy approves its own budget

    Cabinet Italy approves its own budget

    rome October 15, 2018 23:48 Hot Recent News

    The Italian cabinet has approved its own budget for 2019 on Monday, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said. The document is now being sent to Brussels where the European Commission will look into it. Conte told reporters that the budget 'keeps our promises while keeping the public accounts in order.'

  • Belgium votes in local elections

    Belgium votes in local elections

    brussels October 14, 2018 15:16 Hot Recent News

    Belgians cast their vote on Sunday in municipal and provincial elections. They are the first polls since 2014 and are seen as an important indicator for the parliamentary elections in May next year. Approximately 8.2 million Belgians can vote for municipal councils and in Flanders and Wallonia also for provincial councils.

  • Kavanaugh: I was emotional because of innocence

    Kavanaugh: I was emotional because of innocence

    washington October 5, 2018 09:48 Hot Recent News

    In a letter sent to the Wall Street Journal, US candidate chief Justice Brett Kavanaugh stressed that he is innocent and writes that he feels unfairly treated. For that reason, he was so emotional when he had to make statements for a Senate committee last week.

  • 'Packets with ricin is action by ex-marineman'
    0 Comment 104

    'Packets with ricin is action by ex-marineman'

    washington October 3, 2018 23:48 Hot Recent News

    The packages with suspicious content intended for the Pentagon, the White House and Senator Ted Cruz's office were probably sent by an ex-navy man. That's what people who were involved in the investigation said Wednesday to Fox News. The deadly poison ricine was found in at least two intercepted mail items. The FBI has taken the stuff for further research.

  • Trump accused of tax fraud

    Trump accused of tax fraud

    new york October 2, 2018 22:32 Hot Recent News

    Donald Trump got involved with suspicious tax constructions when he took advantage of his father's wealth. That writes the New York Times Tuesday. The US president has long presented himself as a self-made billionaire, but research from the paper has shown that he has received at least 413 million contemporary dollars (357 million euros) from the real estate empire of Fred C. Trump.

  • 'This document can cost Ronaldo the head'

    'This document can cost Ronaldo the head'

    October 1, 2018 11:48 Hot Recent News

    How hard Cristiano Ronaldo screams about fake news and however much his girlfriend can support him, according to a journalist from Der Spiegel, they have enough documentation that would prove the wrong of the professional footballer, and specifically 'a dangerous document'.

  • Top public broadcaster Australia away after rel

    Top public broadcaster Australia away after rel

    sydney September 27, 2018 12:16 Hot Recent News

    The boss and chairman of the Australian public broadcaster, Justin Milne, resigned on Thursday after a scandal about an e-mail sent instruction to director and editor-in-chief Michelle Guthrie. Milne sent, according to publications from The Sydney Morning Herald in May, Guthrie the assignment to get rid of two journalistic employees, Emma Alberici and Andrew Probyn.

  • Race against the clock to save injured solo sailor

    Race against the clock to save injured solo sailor

    perth September 23, 2018 09:00 Hot Recent News

    Ships from several countries are in a race against time to save a wounded solo sailor. Indian Navy officer Abhilash Tomy participated in the Golden Globe Race, according to CNN, when his boat ran into trouble at some 3300 kilometers southwest of the Australian city of Perth.

  • Drug discovery in fruit shipment to prison

    Drug discovery in fruit shipment to prison

    freeport September 22, 2018 09:48 Hot Recent News

    Two alert Texan prison employees have accidentally done a big drug discovery. They were sent out to pick up a load of overripe bananas that had been donated to the State's Custodial Institutions. However, there appeared to be more than fruit in the boxes.

  • Man threatens with shooting after game Fortnite

    Man threatens with shooting after game Fortnite

    huntington September 19, 2018 13:48 Hot Recent News

    A 45-year-old American from Long Island has completely broken through a defeat in the popular video game Fortnite. He sent an eleven-year-old boy a series of messages in which he threatened to open the fire at the house and at the young gamer's school.

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