• Teacher sends nude photos to 15-year-old student
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    Teacher sends nude photos to 15-year-old student

    kanawha county December 9, 2018 12:00 Hot Recent News

    An American teacher and former Miss Kentucky was arrested Friday because she had sent nude photos of herself to a 15-year-old student. When the parents found out that their son had a rather piquant conversation with his former teacher, they turned to the police.

  • Iran doubles number of missile tests

    Iran doubles number of missile tests

    berlin December 9, 2018 06:16 Hot Recent News

    The Iranian government has increased the number of missile tests this year. In addition, missiles have been tested that the European Union can achieve. This is stated in documents from Western intelligence services that the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag has recognized.

  • UN mission investigates rapes South Sudan

    UN mission investigates rapes South Sudan

    juba December 2, 2018 14:16 Hot Recent News

    The UN mission in South Sudan started an investigation into widespread rapes around the city of Bentiu. Some 125 women and girls have been raped or assaulted there, confirms the UN mission. Médecins Sans Frontières had previously denounced the massive rapes committed in a ten-day period.

  • Son controversial 'hateimam' to the Netherlands

    Son controversial 'hateimam' to the Netherlands

    brussels November 30, 2018 14:48 Hot Recent News

    The son of a Dutch-Moroccan 'hate preacher' who lived in Belgium and two years ago in a film called to murder Christians was expelled to the Netherlands. That is what the Belgian Secretary of State Theo Francken (Asylum and Migration) announces in a 'service announcement' on Twitter. 'He is back to the Netherlands. I already sent his father back, so that's a good thing ', says Francken in his video tweets.

  • Dead Dutchman masked by Whatsapping Brazilian girlfriend

    Dead Dutchman masked by Whatsapping Brazilian girlfriend

    sorocaba November 23, 2018 20:32 Hot Recent News

    The 51-year-old Simone de A. was arrested in Sorocaba (Brazil) for the murder of a 73-year-old Dutchman. The death of Hans van Denderen was probably concealed because the woman sent messages of his name to, among others, the man's relatives. This is what Jose Antonio Proença Martins de Melo, spokesman for the police in the Brazillian Votorantim, says in a conversation with the news site Globo.com. Simone denies having murdered Hans.

  • Agreement London and Brussels on future

    Agreement London and Brussels on future

    brussels November 22, 2018 11:00 Hot Recent News

    London and Brussels have reached an agreement in principle on the political declaration setting out how the future relationship between the EU and the United Kingdom should look after the Brexit. That is what EU President Donald Tusk reports on Twitter.

  • Ivanka Trump violated White House mail rules

    Ivanka Trump violated White House mail rules

    washington November 20, 2018 08:32 Hot Recent News

    Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of e-mails to the employees of the White House last year, government officials and employees through her personal e-mail account. The daughter and advisor of President Trump was in violation, writes The Washington Post.

  • 'EU wants customs border in the Irish Sea'

    'EU wants customs border in the Irish Sea'

    london November 9, 2018 00:00 Hot Recent News

    If there is no agreement on the brexit, the European Union wants to set a customs border in the Irish Sea, between Northern Ireland and the rest of the United Kingdom. For example, Northern Ireland can remain part of the internal market and customs union and the land border with EU member Ireland can remain open. The Times reports this on the basis of a letter from the British Prime Minister Theresa May who has seen the newspaper.

  • Google boss: sorry for approaching intimidation

    Google boss: sorry for approaching intimidation

    mountain view November 8, 2018 16:48 Hot Recent News

    The CEO of Google, Sundar Pichai, has apologized to all employees for tackling intimidation within the company. 'We recognize that we have not always dealt with it properly in the past and we sincerely regret that. It is clear that we have to make changes ', Pichai wrote in a mail to the staff on Thursday.

  • Maassen still gets congé

    Maassen still gets congé

    berlin November 6, 2018 05:48 Hot Recent News

    The German Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer has sent his intelligence chief Hans Georg Maassen out of the way. Maassen had accused coalition partner SPD of left extremism and refused to spy on the patriotic party AfD, which links up with right-wing radical groups, neo-Nazis and football hooligans.

  • Datalek will meet Tomorrowland 2014 visitors

    Datalek will meet Tomorrowland 2014 visitors

    antwerp October 27, 2018 16:00 Hot Recent News

    The organizers of the Belgian dance festival Tomorrowland sent an e-mail on Saturday to 64,007 festival goers who bought a ticket in 2014 to inform them about a data breach. 'The file in question only contains the name, e-mail address, gender, age and postal code, so no payment details, passwords or addresses,' emphasizes spokeswoman Debby Wilmsen of the organization of the festival in Boom near Antwerp.

  • Trump: want to score media with bompost story

    Trump: want to score media with bompost story

    charlotte October 27, 2018 06:32 Hot Recent News

    US President Donald Trump believes the media in the United States are taking advantage of the case with the bomb packs sent to prominent Democrats and Trump critics this week. According to the president, media use this incident to score politically over his back.

  • FBI: packages indeed contain explosives

    FBI: packages indeed contain explosives

    washington October 27, 2018 00:48 Hot Recent News

    The suspicious packages that an arrested man would have sent to, among other prominent Democrats, contain explosive material. That's what FBI boss Chris Wray announced during a press conference. The federal police found the suspected sender on the trail of a difficult to find fingerprint on a mail item intended for Congressman Maxine Waters.

  • Man arrested in connection with suspicious packages of US

    Man arrested in connection with suspicious packages of US

    washington October 26, 2018 19:16 Hot Recent News

    Update- The US authorities have arrested a man in connection with the possible bombs that have been sent to top Democrats, former senior US officials and prominent critics of President Donald Trump in recent days. It would be a 56-year-old man who was previously arrested for terrorism. The president has now responded himself. 'These deeds are despicable.'

  • Powder in bombshades New York innocent

    Powder in bombshades New York innocent

    washington October 26, 2018 01:00 Hot Recent News

    The white powder that was attached in an envelope to packets of pipe bombs sent to New York is probably innocent. According to a first analysis, the stuff did not constitute a 'biological threat.' A federal police officer FBI announced this during a press conference on Thursday. It still has to be sorted out for which substance it is.

  • FBI already warned about extreme right violence

    FBI already warned about extreme right violence

    amsterdam October 25, 2018 05:16 Hot Recent News

    The United States is under the spell of a series of bombships that were sent to high leaders in the Democratic Party on Wednesday. The US Secret Service intercepted suspicious mail for former President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, President Trump's opponent in the previous election.

  • Wave of bomb letters is a political threat to US

    Wave of bomb letters is a political threat to US

    new york city October 25, 2018 01:32 Hot Recent News

    The FBI has intercepted bomb letters that were sent to US ex-president Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and news channel CNN. President Donald Trump has been informed. The White House takes the situation 'very seriously', according to an official. The actions are 'contemptible' and the responsible people will pay for it, according to the White House.

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