• More countries agree with Merkel on migration

    More countries agree with Merkel on migration

    brussels June 30, 2018 13:24 Hot Recent News

    Another fourteen European countries have pledged to Germany to take back migrants faster. Among the countries are the Netherlands and critical countries in the area of ​​migration such as Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary, reports the German news agency DPA.

  • Tusk: migration agreement is far from successful

    Tusk: migration agreement is far from successful

    brussels June 29, 2018 14:42 Hot Recent News

    'It is far too early to speak of success.' That is what EU President Donald Tusk said after the summit in Brussels where government leaders negotiated after one night a political agreement on the approach to migration. This was the easiest part, compared with completing the agreements on the ground, according to the Pool.

  • Boy sent away to shorts, returns in skirt

    Boy sent away to shorts, returns in skirt

    aberaeron June 21, 2018 10:54 Hot Recent News

    The 16-year-old student Louis Fice from Wales was sent home by his school last week because he came to school in shorts. Shorts are not part of the school uniform, that's how it sounded. No point Fice thought and returned in a skirt a little later.

  • Pudding cake lost in space

    Pudding cake lost in space

    derbyshire June 20, 2018 10:39 Hot Recent News

    Primary school students have lost sight of a cake that they have sent into space. The transmitter that should have kept the position of the baking is no longer traceable.

  • Salvini wants to count Roma

    Salvini wants to count Roma

    rome June 18, 2018 18:39 Hot Recent News

    Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini wants to know exactly how many Roma people live in Italy. To get a picture of the situation 'we have to do what was once called counting', said leader of right-wing populist party Lega on TV channel TeleLombardia. As far as he is concerned, counting may also be called 'personal registration' or 'snapshot'.

  • Head of German migration service

    Head of German migration service

    berlin June 15, 2018 19:57 Hot Recent News

    The German minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer has sent the head of the national migration service (Bamf) to the lane. Jutta Cordt has to leave as a result of a scandal surrounding unjustly assigned statuses to asylum seekers.

  • Belgian minister causes traffic jams

    Belgian minister causes traffic jams

    brussels June 15, 2018 07:33 Hot Recent News

    You would expect it in Zimbabwe sooner, but also with our southern neighbors it happens. A Belgian minister has several times with roaring sirens in escort transport through the country causing enormous traffic jams.

  • OPCW confirms use of sarin in Syria

    OPCW confirms use of sarin in Syria

    the hague June 13, 2018 17:45 Hot Recent News

    The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has confirmed that in March last year the nerve gas sarin was most likely used in the Syrian city of Ltamenah. This is stated in a report by the special investigation committee that was presented on Wednesday. The team members also concluded that chlorine gas was used in an attack on a hospital. The bombing took place on 24 and 25 March 2017.

  • Mars-trolley Opportunity parked

    Mars-trolley Opportunity parked

    washington June 12, 2018 20:57 Hot Recent News

    The Mars trolley Opportunity can not do any research for the time being because there is a huge dust storm on the red planet. In an area that is larger than North America, the sun is currently being darkened. Space Agency NASA decided to park the vehicle, which sent a signal to earth last Sunday, because the batteries are no longer being charged.

  • Trump and Kim together around the table

    Trump and Kim together around the table

    singapore June 12, 2018 02:33 Hot Recent News

    The talks between Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump started at the Capella Hotel in Singapore. A serious handshake preceded the meeting, leaving Trump his jovial stance. Kim laughed cautiously while Trump kept his face tight for a long time. Then he led Kim with a big smile to the library where both men started their maintenance.

  • US gets back diplomats from China for mysterious disorder

    US gets back diplomats from China for mysterious disorder

    washington June 7, 2018 06:03 Hot Recent News

    The US Department of State has retrieved a number of diplomats from Guangzhou in China after complaints about a mysterious condition that resembles minor brain damage. The complaints resemble those of a previous incident with a possible noise attack at the US embassy in Cuba, a spokesperson said.

  • Mueller wants Manafort back behind bars

    Mueller wants Manafort back behind bars

    washington June 5, 2018 05:48 Hot Recent News

    Paul Manafort, former campaign leader of US President Donald Trump, has tried to influence possible witnesses against him. Special prosecutor Robert Mueller has therefore asked the judge to take Manafort back into custody.

  • Sánchez officially new Spanish Prime Minister
    0 Comment 104

    Sánchez officially new Spanish Prime Minister

    madrid June 2, 2018 10:48 Hot Recent News

    Pedro Sánchez Saturday took the oath on the constitution with the Spanish king Felipe, making him officially the new Prime Minister of Spain. The 46-year-old economist and leader of the Social Democratic PSOE is the first prime minister in the history of Spain who took the oath without the presence of the Bible or a crucifix.

  • Family topman Korean Air in disrepute again

    Family topman Korean Air in disrepute again

    seoul May 31, 2018 15:30 Hot Recent News

    Justice in South Korea has issued an arrest warrant against the wife of top manager Cho Yang-ho of Korean Air. According to the judiciary, the 69-year-old Lee Myung-hee has misbehaved miserably several times over the past seven years against personnel and thus misused her position.

  • NATO and Russia meet again in Brussels

    NATO and Russia meet again in Brussels

    brussels May 31, 2018 13:48 Hot Recent News

    For the first time since NATO sent Russian diplomats away because of the attack with nerve gas on the former double spy Sergej Skripal and his daughter Yoelia in Salisbury, both parties have again held political consultations. The so-called NATO-Russia Council met at Ambassador level at NATO headquarters in Brussels on Thursday.

  • Cipier still warned Herman on Saturday

    Cipier still warned Herman on Saturday

    liege May 31, 2018 10:00 Hot Recent News

    A jailer from the prison where the Liège shooter was stuck, on Saturday sent a report to the management about his radicalization, Belgian media reports. In spite of this, he was allowed to go on leave for 36 hours on Monday. Benjamin Herman then shot three people, including two female agents. He is the main suspect of a fourth murder.

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