• Coffin-wife buried
    0 Comment 211

    Coffin-wife buried

    oirsbeek February 17, 2016 12:42 Hot Recent News

    The body of the dead Gerda van der Molen (91), over 2.5 years was hidden in a homemade coffin by her son Peter in their homes, has been released by Justice and buried in the cemetery of the South Limburg Oirsbeek.

  • EU chief: rather die than marry her

    EU chief: rather die than marry her

    February 16, 2016 21:56 Hot Recent News

    European Commissioner Günther Oettinger hard lashed out at the political leader of anti-immigration party Alternative for Germany. 'If it was my wife would I make tonight by side,' Oettinger said about Frauke Petry. Reported that the German radio station Deutschlandfunk.

  • ESA launches new satellite

    ESA launches new satellite

    frankfurt February 16, 2016 21:14 Hot Recent News

    The European Space Agency on Tuesday launched a new satellite. The artificial satellite should help scientists in the future to follow the global warming and weather phenomena and predicting El Niño.

  • 'Phone Providers massively in error '

    'Phone Providers massively in error '

    amsterdam February 15, 2016 08:49 Hot Recent News

    Providers of telephony violated for years by the law works with all-in prices, which no breakdown was made for call charges and the price of a phone. That Consumers Claim suggested this weekend following a ruling by the Supreme Court.

  • Unknown shares envelopes with money

    Unknown shares envelopes with money

    February 14, 2016 00:28 Hot Recent News

    In mailboxes at a senior apartment, under the windshield wiper of a car, shelves and shopping carts of a supermarket: in more and different places were residents of the town of Bünde, Bielefeld in Germany over the past week, envelopes with money.

  • Turkey warns Syria Kurdish militia

    Turkey warns Syria Kurdish militia

    February 14, 2016 00:21 Hot Recent News

    Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Saturday confirmed that the Turkish army bombarded with artillery Kurdish YPG militia in northern Syria. He demanded that the group withdraws immediately region that has recently conquered the north of the city of Aleppo.

  • Poland against term 'Polish death camp '

    Poland against term 'Polish death camp '

    warsaw February 13, 2016 20:00 Hot Recent News

    Poland wants to get rid of the term 'Polish death camps', when referring to the Nazi Auschwitz-Birkenau, Sobibor and Treblinka. That said, the Polish Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro Saturday. If it were up to him, the use of the term is punishable.

  • Iraq: IS-half field recaptured

    Iraq: IS-half field recaptured

    February 12, 2016 18:28 Hot Recent News

    Iraqi forces have recaptured half of the territory that was under control of terrorist organization Islamic State (IS). This was announced by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi Friday at the international security conference in Germany.

  • arrange with your driver's license fees

    arrange with your driver's license fees

    February 12, 2016 17:28 Hot Recent News

    Adjusting your identity card or driving license tax, surcharges and municipal permits. 1500 people are doing there as of Monday a trial with it. Minister Ronald Plasterk (Interior and Kingdom Relations) then gives the start signal for the test with online identification with the government.

  • 12 step a first aid stick for your PC
    0 Comment 291

    12 step a first aid stick for your PC

    February 12, 2016 17:00 Hot Recent News

    Your computer refuses to boot? Or do you want a computer system to which the soap is still retrieve your personal information? The rescue comes a bootable USB drive with emergency software: Paragon Rescue Kit. Make sure you make that solution in advance.

  • The Independent disappears from newsstand

    The Independent disappears from newsstand

    london February 12, 2016 15:21 Hot Recent News

    British broadsheet The Independent cease to exist as a paper newspaper. The latest edition will appear on Saturday, March 26th, after the newspaper goes online only continue. Therefore today the jobs of between eighty and one hundred journalists at risk.

  • Koenders wants fast Internet global rules

    Koenders wants fast Internet global rules

    February 12, 2016 13:49 Hot Recent News

    There need to accelerate international agreements on the safety rules for the Internet. The government therefore wants to set up an international commission to make proposals for keeping the Internet secure and enhance digital collaboration between countries.

  • Munich agreement on cease-fire Syria

    Munich agreement on cease-fire Syria

    February 12, 2016 07:49 Hot Recent News

    Seventeen countries, including major powers like the United States and Russia, are Friday at the Security Conference in Munich agreed on a temporary truce in Syria. The violence must stop gradually and be completed within a week. Attacks against Islamic State and other terrorist organizations will continue.

  • 'Police loses fight against cybercrime '

    'Police loses fight against cybercrime '

    February 11, 2016 13:49 Hot Recent News

    The police are losing the battle against cyber criminals. With that warning comes Inge Philips, commissioner of the High Tech Crime Team of the police. She urged Thursday to the House for a law that allows the police computers, servers, phones and other devices may hacking.

  • Belgian courts angry with Justice Minister

    Belgian courts angry with Justice Minister

    brussels February 10, 2016 17:21 Hot Recent News

    Judges in Belgium have strongly criticized by Justice Minister Koen Geens. The minister could include commenting on a judgment of the court in Ghent where a rapist was imposed only a suspended sentence. Geens also suggested that judges should receive further training on sexual violence.

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