• Mortality and cost of care seniors sharply higher in winter

    Mortality and cost of care seniors sharply higher in winter

    November 18, 2015 12:45 Hot Recent News

    The mortality rate among seniors is Dutch in the winter 21 percent higher than in the summer, healthcare costs are winter 13 percent higher. According to research from Leyden Academy on Vitality and Ageing to seasonal effects on mortality, cost of care and nursing home admissions among more than 60,000 Dutch people aged 65 years.

  • Justice and press hunt for culprits

    Justice and press hunt for culprits

    November 15, 2015 17:00 Hot Recent News

    Almost two days after the series of attacks in Paris focusing most attention on the identification of perpetrators. France untouched by seven terrorists killed, six of whom blew himself and was shot dead. However, it turns as much as possible to surviving extremists and any helpers.

  • G20 pledges support refugee crisis

    G20 pledges support refugee crisis

    antalya November 15, 2015 14:15 Hot Recent News

    The G20 countries see migration as a global problem that must be solved by all the countries. This is stated in the draft declaration of the G20 summit which takes place this weekend in Antalya, Turkey.

  • Jihadi John forcing inmates to dance

    Jihadi John forcing inmates to dance

    amsterdam November 13, 2015 14:15 Hot Recent News

    Horrific abuses, weird songs and the obligatory dance of tango. Not only was ideologically ' Jihadi John ' completely turned, even in daily contact with prisoners was the most famous of all IS- executioners, Thursday presumably set off by a US drone, complete the toad.

  • DNA nekt killer after 28 years

    DNA nekt killer after 28 years

    November 12, 2015 18:00 Hot Recent News

    The German police has been able to fix 28 years later, the perpetrator of a robbery in Berlin. The killer appears to be a 54-year-old Serb. He was arrested in September in the Czech capital Prague when it appeared that his DNA matched that of the perpetrator of the murder in Berlin in 1987. That the police published in the German capital Thursday.

  • Cameron : ' Brexit ' if not reformed EU

    Cameron : ' Brexit ' if not reformed EU

    london November 9, 2015 00:54 Hot Recent News

    Britain leaving the European Union and other EU countries did not agree with David Cameron's demands for reform of the union. The British Prime Minister will make a powerful warning this week that it is serious, according to several media Saturday. In a letter to EU President Donald Tusk, published Tuesday, Cameron writes that he wants to negotiate British membership and the demand for it.

  • Hackers steal information from system FBI

    Hackers steal information from system FBI

    November 7, 2015 12:59 Hot Recent News

    Hackers who broke into the email account of CIA Director John Brennan, also have sensitive information stolen from a system of the FBI investigation department. It comes to personal information about employees of the US security, CNN reported Saturday.

  • Router as internetspor

    Router as internetspor

    November 6, 2015 13:45 Hot Recent News

    Consumers who are not anywhere in the house have a good wifi signal, often seek refuge in so-called extenders. Several companies are working on systems to ensure a ubiquitous WiFi network. Luma is one of the new router systems which in addition to a good signal also provides extensive intelligence capabilities.

  • Anthropologist Girard deceased

    Anthropologist Girard deceased

    stanford November 5, 2015 13:30 Hot Recent News

    The French anthropologist and historian René Girard is deceased at the age of 91. Which was published by the Stanford University where he served as professor emeritus was attached to.

  • ' Syria earn money on disappearances '

    ' Syria earn money on disappearances '

    damascus November 7, 2015 11:52 Hot Recent News

    The Syrian regime earns money from the people themselves disappear. "Through a sinister black market to be exploited relatives who want to have information about the fate of their loved ones," Amnesty International wrote in a report published Thursday.

  • EU publishes Russian ' disinformation '

    EU publishes Russian ' disinformation '

    brussels November 4, 2015 15:30 Hot Recent News

    The European Union will give as many examples of deliberately misleading information that Russian media outlets to express. The aim is to show the European public that Soviet " disinformation attacks " are the order of the day.

  • FBI : No bomb boat Maldives president

    FBI : No bomb boat Maldives president

    November 1, 2015 15:46 Hot Recent News

    An explosion on board the boat of the President of the Maldives end of September is not caused by a bomb, says the FBI. The Americans have no evidence found. The government of the Maldives said that the conclusion is at odds with findings of previous research.

  • Schultz must also resign to Fyra debacle

    Schultz must also resign to Fyra debacle

    November 1, 2015 15:47 Hot Recent News

    The majority of Dutch voters finds that not only Labour Secretary of State Wilma Mansveld (Track), as well VVD minister Melanie Schutz (Infrastructure) should have resigned after a damning report by the parliamentary commission of inquiry on the Fyra. This is evident Sunday in the weekly poll by Maurice de Hond.

  • Turkish newspaper additionally secured to IS- threat

    ankara November 1, 2015 01:05 Hot Recent News

    Offices of the Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet be extra safe since Saturday. The newspaper reported on the website that the police this week supporters of Islamic State (IS) has arrested suspected it had provided on the newspaper. The extremists were arrested in Gaziantep and had the address of the newspaper with him.

  • Many questions after plane crash Egypt

    Many questions after plane crash Egypt

    October 31, 2015 20:30 Hot Recent News

    The plane crash in the Sinai Peninsula is the deadliest in a Russian device for years, but hours after the accident the 224 dead seem almost forgotten. The main question that hangs over the crash : who or what is the cause? Several theories are doing the rounds, including a technical defect provisionally seems the most likely. However, unrest caused by Islamic State (IS), which claims to have the gear lowered.

  • IS : Russian plane shot down

    IS : Russian plane shot down

    November 4, 2015 18:08 Hot Recent News

    Supporters of terrorist organization Islamic State (IS) claiming the Russian device that crashed in Egypt, having been shot. Responsibility was claimed in a statement published on a website of supporters of IS.

  • Comet 67P contains oxygen

    Comet 67P contains oxygen

    October 28, 2015 21:30 Hot Recent News

    Comet 67P / Churyumov- Gerasimenko contains oxygen molecules. Presumably, the oxygen is already included during the formation of the comet. According to research from the European Rosetta spacecraft circling around the comet, so the Dutch Research School for Astronomy (NOVA) announced Wednesday.

  • Conservatives absolute majority in Poland

    Conservatives absolute majority in Poland

    warsaw October 27, 2015 18:15 Hot Recent News

    The conservative and eurosceptic party Law and Justice (PiS) of former Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski is the big winner of the Sunday parliamentary elections in Poland. According to official results published Tuesday PiS won with 37.6 percent of the vote 235 seats in the Polish parliament, the Sejm, which counts 460 members.

  • WikiLeaks leaks weather data from CIA boss

    WikiLeaks leaks weather data from CIA boss

    October 23, 2015 08:18 Hot Recent News

    Whistleblowing website WikiLeaks on Thursday again information from the account of CIA chief John Brennan made ​​public. This time it is the contact information for friends, among other things, family and officials from the ministries of Defense and Homeland Security.

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