• 'Uncontrolled arms strengthened ISIS' (2)

    'Uncontrolled arms strengthened ISIS' (2)

    london December 8, 2015 08:28 Hot Recent News

    Terror Islamic State Movement (ISIS) has been able to arm themselves well by poorly regulated arms trade. That raises human rights organization Amnesty International in a report published Tuesday on the ISIS arsenal. The movement has arms in hands that are produced, inter alia, in Belgium, Germany and the United States.

  • ' Russian spy ' was moderate Muslim

    ' Russian spy ' was moderate Muslim

    December 5, 2015 12:56 Hot Recent News

    The man who by Islamic State (ISIS beheaded because he would be a Russian spy, was a moderate Muslim who refused to recruitment by militant groups to fight in the Middle East. Radicalized he certainly was not, his adoptive family has told news agency Reuters.

  • French National Front leads in polls

    French National Front leads in polls

    December 4, 2015 00:30 Hot Recent News

    Shortly before the elections in the French regions, it is anti-European and nationalist National Front of Marine Len Pen in a poll to head. In the first round of regional elections Sunday it would FN can rely on the support of 30 percent of voters according to a Thursday by the newspaper Le Monde published polls.

  • Many sick or dead by mistake food

    Many sick or dead by mistake food

    geneve December 3, 2015 14:30 Hot Recent News

    Estimates of the World Food Organisation WHO indicate that an alarming number of people become ill each year or dies by tainted and contaminated food. It's about 600 million people who are ill and 420,000 people, including 120,000 children under five.

  • Demand for air travel takes flight

    Demand for air travel takes flight

    geneve December 3, 2015 13:00 Hot Recent News

    Demand for air travel has continued to grow rapidly after a strong summer season, thanks to falling ticket prices. This is evident from the transport statistics for October, which the international industry association IATA has published Thursday.

  • French unemployment creeps up

    French unemployment creeps up

    December 3, 2015 09:45 Hot Recent News

    Unemployment in France has risen further. The third quarter was on average 10.6 per cent of the French workforce without a job, compared with 10.4 percent in the previous three months. This is evident from figures published Thursday by statistics office Insee.

  • ' Asylum seekers in EU better screening '

    ' Asylum seekers in EU better screening '

    brussels December 3, 2015 08:00 Hot Recent News

    Asylum seekers should be thoroughly screened on arrival in the European Union. They must therefore up to eighteen months in centers being held. That says EU Minister Donald Tusk in an interview published Wednesday on the websites of six European newspapers.

  • Mein Kampf published with explanation

    Mein Kampf published with explanation

    December 2, 2015 13:45 Hot Recent News

    The infamous manifesto of German dictator Adolf Hitler (1889-1945), Mein Kampf, is reissued, provide critical commentary. The South German Institute for Contemporary History (IFZ) uses it to December 31, seventy years after Hitler's death, all copyrights expired for the book.

  • Outcry photo King Philip

    Outcry photo King Philip

    brussels December 2, 2015 13:30 Hot Recent News

    In Belgium fuss over a picture of King Philippe, when all the alarms went off in Brussels for the major terrorist threat calmly sipping a glass at a spa in Brittany. The reaction of the king does not help to calm things down. He speaks of " trifles compared with the suffering of families of victims of the attacks in Paris and Bamako".

  • Hollande unprecedented popularity

    Hollande unprecedented popularity

    December 2, 2015 11:48 Hot Recent News

    The popularity of French President Francois Hollande was in the last three years never as high as today. The confidence of the voters in Hollande increased significantly by the measures he took after the attacks in Paris. This emerges from a poll published Tuesday.

  • Russia gives France puppy after attacks

    Russia gives France puppy after attacks

    November 28, 2015 09:45 Hot Recent News

    German Shepherd puppy Dobrynya swapped Russia for France. The animal is a Russian gift after the attacks in Paris and its aftermath. At the large police operation in Saint-Denis on November 18 was the French police to Diesel. In solidarity Russia offered a replacement and that France has accepted, French media reported Friday.

  • German Minister for Refugees maximum

    German Minister for Refugees maximum

    November 26, 2015 11:00 Hot Recent News

    The number of refugees coming to Europe and which is incorporated, must be maximized. This is suggested by the German Interior Minister, Thomas de Maizière, published Thursday in an interview with the Austrian newspaper Der Standard. Only people who clearly need protection, would be welcome.

  • ' 2015 is warmest year ever '

    ' 2015 is warmest year ever '

    geneve November 25, 2015 12:30 Hot Recent News

    The year 2015 will probably be the warmest year on record. This is mainly because there have never been so many greenhouse gases are in the atmosphere now. Also this year there is a strong El Niño. This is contained in a report by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the UN, which was published Wednesday.

  • Major security blunder Dell

    Major security blunder Dell

    November 24, 2015 11:45 Hot Recent News

    Computer manufacturer Dell has a heavy security misstep. The company has put a so-called security certificate on part of his recent computers, but in doing so has also made the corresponding encryption key.

  • IS stores in new movie on the chest

    IS stores in new movie on the chest

    brussels November 23, 2015 19:45 Hot Recent News

    Terror Islamic State Movement has released a new video in which the attacks are glorified in Paris. The Belgian Syrian scholar Ostaeyen Pieter reported on Twitter. IS via Twitter also proud about the terrorist threat and the associated safety measures in Paris and Brussels.

  • Hollande popularity is rising again after attack

    Hollande popularity is rising again after attack

    November 22, 2015 11:30 Hot Recent News

    The usually in polls miserable scoring French President Hollande gets more respect after the terrorist attacks on November 13 in Paris. According to a Sunday in the Journal du Dimanche poll published no less than 27 percent of respondents satisfied with him. That is seven percent higher than in October. It's a nice score for François Hollande.

  • ' Concert goers hid in dressing room '

    ' Concert goers hid in dressing room '

    November 22, 2015 09:00 Hot Recent News

    Some concertgoers during the attacks in Paris was shot in the Bataclan concert hall, was hiding in the locker room of the band Eagles of Death Metal. One person survived the attack in the dressing room because they hid underneath the leather jacket of one of the band members.

  • Yet again Ebola in Liberia

    Yet again Ebola in Liberia

    November 20, 2015 12:30 Hot Recent News

    In the West African country Liberia is a case of Ebola occurred. The patient is a ten year old boy from the suburbs of the capital Monrovia. This has published an official from the UN in Liberia. The country was officially declared Ebola free on September 3rd.

  • Poorest children to draw short straw

    Poorest children to draw short straw

    November 20, 2015 07:15 Hot Recent News

    Despite progress made since the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989, the world is still an unfair place for children from the poorest countries. This is contained in a report by the UN children's organization Unicef ​​that Friday- on the Day for Children's Rights- has been published.

  • Valls warns against chemical terrorism

    Valls warns against chemical terrorism

    November 19, 2015 11:30 Hot Recent News

    French Prime Minister Manuel Valls on Thursday warned that the risk that terrorists may use chemical and bacteriological weapons. He has announced that it will extend the state of emergency in response to the terrorist attacks last week by three months.

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