• VVD and SP want to get rid of fake newswater dog EU

    VVD and SP want to get rid of fake newswater dog EU

    the hague March 5, 2018 16:45 Hot Recent News

    VVD and SP want to get rid of the controversial office of the European Commission that has the task of fighting fake news. The government must advocate the abolition of EUvsDisinfo in Brussels, according to government party VVD and opposition party SP. The two parties seem to have a view of a majority in the House.

  • Life-threatening wedding procession stops in the middle of the highway: 'Disgusting'

    brussels March 4, 2018 11:51 Hot Recent News

    The life-threatening antics of participants in a wedding procession have caused a chaos on the A12 towards Brussels on Saturday night. A fellow road user recorded with a smartphone how revelers stopped in the middle of the highway to throw the groom in the air. Minister of Mobility Ben Weyts reacts furiously. 'It is time that examples are set. Disgusted. The street is not theirs. '

  • Girl (17) almost stabbed to death by 'husband' and brother

    Girl (17) almost stabbed to death by 'husband' and brother

    laupheim March 3, 2018 12:21 Hot Recent News

    The partner and brother of a seventeen-year-old Libyan girl injured the young woman with knife stabs in Germany and sent images of this to the new friend of the victim. The men committed the assassination attempt because the pregnant teenager had a friend and wanted to get rid of the traditional Islamic marriage with a 34-year-old Syrian, reported German media Saturday.

  • Lifetime for bucket-list-murderer

    Lifetime for bucket-list-murderer

    February 28, 2018 14:03 Hot Recent News

    A 26-year-old British, who has been fantasizing about murdering a person for years, has been given a lifelong prison sentence to carry out that wish. She and her friend lured their 18-year-old victim, the autistic Aaron Pajich, to their home in Australian Perth. The teenager was tortured and murdered.

  • Democrats come with their own version memo FBI

    Democrats come with their own version memo FBI

    washington February 25, 2018 05:36 Hot Recent News

    The Democrats have published their version of the memo about the role of the FBI in Russiagate. In that letter, the FBI and the Ministry of Justice have not misused their position in the investigation into Russian interference in the American elections.

  • Oxfam publishes complete internal report

    Oxfam publishes complete internal report

    london February 19, 2018 08:57 Hot Recent News

    On Monday, Oxfam UK published the full internal report on (sexual) misconduct after the earthquake in Haiti in 2010. The British aid organization has become embroiled in a sex scandal and wants to open up with the publication.

  • Lavrov calls charges US 'gaggle'

    Lavrov calls charges US 'gaggle'

    munich February 17, 2018 12:36 Hot Recent News

    Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov does not want to comment on Saturday on the investigation of the American special prosecutor Robert Mueller. In his indictment, thirteen Russians and three Russian authorities are accused of interference in the American elections and political trials.

  • Dream job for chocolate fanatics

    Dream job for chocolate fanatics

    reading February 12, 2018 13:39 Hot Recent News

    Chocoholics attention. Eating as much chocolate as you want and at the same time earning a living, you can. The British confectionery manufacturer Cadbury's is diligently looking for chocolate tasters and has published a vacancy.

  • Navalny in the attack

    Navalny in the attack

    moscow February 9, 2018 04:33 Hot Recent News

    Russiagate, or the possible interference of the Kremlin in the American elections, has received a spectacular follow-up in Russia itself. Anti-corruption blogger Aleksej Navalny, who is excluded from the presidential election next month, says he has evidence that billionaire Oleg Deripaska was the secret emissary of the Kremlin in 2016 with Paul Manafort, then the campaign chief of Donald Trump.

  • Ukraine enforces alimony with 'wall of shame' list

    Ukraine enforces alimony with 'wall of shame' list

    kiev February 6, 2018 12:45 Hot Recent News

    Ukraine has launched an online register containing 75,000 names of fathers who do not pay the maintenance. With the 'wall of shame' the country wants to enforce that they still pay. Those on the list may not travel abroad unless they pay for six months. In case of an entry on the list, the police may confiscate the vehicle of the person in question.

  • 'Putin would have liked to have been on the US black list'

    'Putin would have liked to have been on the US black list'

    moscow January 30, 2018 12:57 Hot Recent News

    Russian President Putin is sad that his name does not adorn an American list of 'Russian oligarchs'. This was reported by the Russian news agency Sputnik on Tuesday. Putin reacted so jokingly to a 'Kremlin list' published by the US Treasury Department with the names of business people close to the Russian power center.

  • 'Trump ordered dismissal of special prosecutor'

    'Trump ordered dismissal of special prosecutor'

    washington January 26, 2018 06:18 Hot Recent News

    US President Donald Trump had ordered the dismissal in June last year of the Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, who is investigating alleged Russian interference in the Presidential elections. It never came from a dismissal, because a leading Trump lawyer advised against this. He even threatened with boarding if Trump Mueller would fire.

  • Sisi switches off his opponents

    Sisi switches off his opponents

    cairo January 24, 2018 04:39 Hot Recent News

    Will it be Al-Sisi? Or Al-Sisi? Tens of millions of Egyptians have only one real choice at the presidential election at the end of March: the incumbent leader. His potential rivals have been professionally eliminated in recent weeks. The last contender, former army boss Sami Anan, was arrested yesterday.

  • Madsen mistreated journalist for murder

    Madsen mistreated journalist for murder

    copenhagen January 23, 2018 13:48 Hot Recent News

    The Danish inventor Peter Madsen has mistreated and tortured journalist Kim Wall before he murdered her. This is clear from the full charges that were published on Tuesday. Last week, the prosecutor already said that the murder on Madsen's submarine was planned and prepared.

  • Deadly hotel fire Prague up

    prague January 21, 2018 12:48 Hot Recent News

    The death toll due to the hotel fire in the Czech capital Prague has risen to four. Two women died from their injuries one day after the fire, a spokesperson for the hospital said. Nothing has yet been published about their nationality.

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