• Senate VS wants to hear Assange

    Senate VS wants to hear Assange

    london August 8, 2018 18:12 Hot Recent News

    The US Senate intelligence commission has asked Wikileaks founder Julian Assange to testify. This is reported by the whistleblower's website, which says via Twitter that the lawyers of Assange are considering the request. A possible meeting would have to 'meet a high ethical standard.'

  • British government publishes Brexit plans

    British government publishes Brexit plans

    london July 12, 2018 13:39 Hot Recent News

    The British government has published the blueprint for the intended future relationship with the European Union. The 98-page document shows that London wants to maintain close ties with the EU in some areas, including by continuing to cooperate with various EU agencies.

  • US wants additional import duties for China

    US wants additional import duties for China

    washington July 11, 2018 07:39 Hot Recent News

    The US government has published a list of Chinese products for which it wants to increase import duties by 10 percent. In total, it is about 200 billion dollars worth of goods. With the list, President Donald Trump's government is heading for a further escalation of the trade war between the United States and China.

  • Turkey dismisses 18,000 civil servants

    Turkey dismisses 18,000 civil servants

    ankara July 8, 2018 07:33 Hot Recent News

    Turkey dismisses more than 18,000 civil servants, including police officers, soldiers and academics. That is in a Sunday published decree. The redundancies come on the eve of the expected lifting of the two-year state of emergency. The dismissed civil servants are accused of having links with terrorist organizations or with groups that act against national security \u0026 # x27; \u0026 # x27 ;.

  • Again mass dismissal Turkish officials

    Again mass dismissal Turkish officials

    ankara July 6, 2018 19:15 Hot Recent News

    Turkey discharges thousands of civil servants per decree on Friday evening by several government departments, including the police and the army. Prime Minister Binali Yildirim told CNN Turk. Yildirim did not say exactly how many people were told the guard.

  • Loss of ice Antarctica has tripled since 2012

    Loss of ice Antarctica has tripled since 2012

    washington June 13, 2018 19:36 Hot Recent News

    The loss of ice on Antarctica has tripled since 2012. As a result, the sea level only increased by another 3 millimeters in that period. This is reported by space agencies NASA and ESA, which supported international research that highlighted the alarming sea level rise.

  • Sea level rise too fast for coral reefs

    Sea level rise too fast for coral reefs

    yerseke June 13, 2018 18:18 Hot Recent News

    Many coral reefs can not keep up with the expected rise in sea level. In particular, tropical coasts and low-lying islands have a greater chance of flooding and erosion. This appears Wednesday from international research, where the Dutch researcher Aimée Slangen of NIOZ Zeeonderzoek cooperated. The research is published in the science magazine Nature.

  • • Chinese hackers make marine-info US booty \u0026 # x27;

    • Chinese hackers make marine-info US booty \u0026 # x27;

    washington June 8, 2018 20:33 Hot Recent News

    Chinese hackers have broken into the computers of a company that works for the US Navy. As a result, sensitive information has been captured, including plans for a supersonic torpedo that can be fired from submarines on enemy ships. The system should be operational by 2020. The Washington Post writes this Friday.

  • Sir Ian Kershaw to Crossing Border
    0 Comment 110

    Sir Ian Kershaw to Crossing Border

    the hague June 6, 2018 10:03 Hot Recent News

    The British historian Sir Ian Kershaw, internationally renowned for his research on Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany, is one of the participants of the festival Crossing Border next autumn in The Hague.

  • Vatican embraces women's football

    Vatican embraces women's football

    vatican city May 30, 2018 15:12 Hot Recent News

    Pope Francis, a great sports enthusiast, has given his first blessing on the first women's football game of the Vatican. The duel is part of a sports and family celebration at the Pio XI complex on 10 June. Two teams of staff members have the scoop. The episcopal press service SIR published that news.

  • Al-Sadr gets 54 seats in Iraqi parliament

    Al-Sadr gets 54 seats in Iraqi parliament

    baghdad May 19, 2018 14:42 Hot Recent News

    The political block led by the Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr comes with 54 seats in the Iraqi parliament and is clearly the largest group. The National Electoral Council announced this on Saturday. Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi's party with 42 delegates did not go beyond third place, behind the al-Fatih coalition (47). The turnout was historically low, which put Sadr on the map.

  • Dozens of IS suspects arrested in Turkey

    Dozens of IS suspects arrested in Turkey

    ankara May 15, 2018 10:57 Hot Recent News

    The Turkish authorities have arrested dozens of foreigners who would have ties with the terrorist organization IS. Anti-terrorist units in Istanbul met at the same time buildings in thirteen districts, say sources within the police against the Turkish state press agency Anadolu.

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