Vice-presidents party May lay down function

Vice-presidents party May lay down function

World July 10, 2018 18:09

london - Two Vice Presidents of the British Conservative party are stepping up. Maria Caulfield and Ben Bradley oppose the Brexit plans of Prime Minister Theresa May, reports British media.

May saw the arrival of two prominent ministers in the past few days. Bradley says in his letter of resignation that he can not defend the course of May against the people in his constituency, where 71 percent of voters voted for a British departure from the EU. Caulfield has been calling since last Friday by many voters who do not support the prime minister's course.

The departure of the two of the nine Vice-Presidents of the Conservatives is a new blow to May. Her party is divided on what should be the outcome of the negotiations on the future relationship with the EU and, moreover, has no majority in the British Parliament, where the Tories get support from the Northern Irish DUP.

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