Resistance to headscarves is growing in Iran

Resistance to headscarves is growing in Iran

World February 3, 2018 21:51

teheran - More and more Iranians are against the duty of women to wear a headscarf in public. This is shown by a message from the office of the president in which concerns are expressed about the development.

In Iran, all women and girls over the age of nine must wear a headscarf and a wide cloak in public. But in the meantime, according to the presidential message, a majority of the population thinks that women should be able to decide for themselves and not the state of Iran.

Drastic measures taken by the vice squad who pick 'unislamitically dressed women' from the street and heavy fines have no effect.

According to observers, releasing the presidential message is a victory for anti-headscarf movement. Since the end of last year, more and more women are demanding abolition of the headscarf duty.

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