No chance to visit Charles to Israel

No chance to visit Charles to Israel

World May 7, 2017 17:30

- The chance that Prince Charles or another member of the British royal family visits Israel this year is nil.

That writes Sunday The Times of Israel. The British government does not want anybody to stop fighting relations with the Arab countries. Earlier this year, President Reuvin Rivlin had invited the Prince of Wales to come to a visit in the autumn.

Israel then commemorates that the Balfour Declaration was made exactly one hundred years ago. The British Foreign Minister Lord Balfour stated that his government supported the plans of a foundation of a Jewish national home in Palestine, provided that the rights of non-Jewish inhabitants were not affected. The statement laid the foundation for the foundation of the state of Israel thirty years later.

Since independence in Israel, no member of the British royal family has yet to visit the country in an official capacity. Charles was there for the funeral of the murdered Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and for former President Shimon Peres, and Prince Philip has once been to visit his mother's grave, but that does not count for Israel.

Staying away from British political, military and economic interests in the rest of the Middle East. For example, Charles has been visiting Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Qatar many times. Last November, there were reports that Charles would finally come to Israel in November 2017, but according to the Times of Israel and The Sun, the government is opposed. The invitation of Rivlin would not even have reached Charles.

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