• Owners abandoned Boeing sought

    Owners abandoned Boeing sought

    December 8, 2015 18:00 Hot Recent News

    At the international airport of Kuala Lumpur are three large aircraft parked which is unknown of who they are. Through newspaper ads trying to figure out now the operator of the Malaysian airport yet who the owner or owners.

  • Russia wants to use airbase Cyprus

    Russia wants to use airbase Cyprus

    December 8, 2015 09:42 Hot Recent News

    Russia wants to use a military air base in Cyprus for actions in Syria and Iraq. The Russian ambassador Stanislav Osadtsji in Cyprus said Monday it has filed an application before the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the island state, reported the Cyprus Mail newspaper Monday.

  • Yemen president proposes ceasefire

    Yemen president proposes ceasefire

    December 8, 2015 09:14 Hot Recent News

    President Abd- Rabbu Mansour Hadi of Yemen has made ​​a proposal for a truce of seven days in his country. The cease-fire must begin on December 15, the president wrote in a letter to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon of the United Nations (UN).

  • 'Uncontrolled arms strengthened ISIS' (2)

    'Uncontrolled arms strengthened ISIS' (2)

    london December 8, 2015 08:28 Hot Recent News

    Terror Islamic State Movement (ISIS) has been able to arm themselves well by poorly regulated arms trade. That raises human rights organization Amnesty International in a report published Tuesday on the ISIS arsenal. The movement has arms in hands that are produced, inter alia, in Belgium, Germany and the United States.

  • Ban Ki-moon : more than half-baked measures

    Ban Ki-moon : more than half-baked measures

    December 7, 2015 13:14 Hot Recent News

    UN Secretary- General Ban Ki-moon for the beginning of the second week of important international climate summit in Paris called on the ministers concerned to a " credible and fair agreement " to come. "The world expects more from you than half-baked measures and small plans. Otherwise we are heading off soon on a climate catastrophe," Ban said.

  • ' Soldiers Syria death by attacking coalition '

    ' Soldiers Syria death by attacking coalition '

    london December 7, 2015 08:28 Hot Recent News

    Three Syrian soldiers have been slain by airstrikes likely to be carried out by the international coalition against terror organization Islamic State (IS). The attacks were carried out in the province of Deir al- Zor in eastern Syria, reported the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights Monday.

  • Number of refugees to Italy rises again

    Number of refugees to Italy rises again

    rome December 6, 2015 18:35 Hot Recent News

    Despite the winter season, the number of boat people in the sea area between Libya and Italy again increased sharply. Since last Thursday, according to the Italian coastguard rescued more than 4900 people from the sea, the majority of dinghies.

  • Migrants to Italy

    Migrants to Italy

    rome December 6, 2015 17:56 Hot Recent News

    Despite the winter season, the number of boat people in the sea area between Libya and Italy again increased sharply. Since last Thursday, according to the Italian coastguard rescued more than 4900 people from the sea, the majority of dinghies.

  • ' ISIS fighters slain '

    ' ISIS fighters slain '

    December 6, 2015 17:28 Hot Recent News

    When air attacks on the Syrian stronghold of Raqqa terror militia Islamic State (ISIS) are definitely Sunday 32 jihadists slain. Over forty extremist fighters were injured by the bombing of the international coalition in ISIS- racking. That left the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

  • US wants to discuss North Korea's human rights

    US wants to discuss North Korea's human rights

    pyongyang December 4, 2015 09:00 Hot Recent News

    The United States and eight other members of the UN Security Council on Thursday local time called for new talks on the situation of human rights in North Korea. Let the country according to research by the United Nations to abuses similar to those from the Second World War.

  • Jewish extremists arrested for arson

    Jewish extremists arrested for arson

    December 3, 2015 15:30 Hot Recent News

    Israeli security forces have arrested several Jewish extremists allegedly stabbed a Palestinian house on fire in July this year. Three people on the West Bank lost their lives, an eighteen month old toddler and his parents.

  • Demand for air travel takes flight

    Demand for air travel takes flight

    geneve December 3, 2015 13:00 Hot Recent News

    Demand for air travel has continued to grow rapidly after a strong summer season, thanks to falling ticket prices. This is evident from the transport statistics for October, which the international industry association IATA has published Thursday.

  • Police network roll migrant traffickers

    Police network roll migrant traffickers

    December 2, 2015 23:15 Hot Recent News

    The police Wednesday during an international operation broken up a network of smugglers of refugees. A total of 23 suspects, mainly Syrians and Greeks, were arrested. The coordination of the smuggling was owned by an Albanian. That Europol announced in The Hague.

  • Myanmar gets peaceful transfer of power

    Myanmar gets peaceful transfer of power

    naypyidaw December 2, 2015 19:45 Hot Recent News

    President Thein Sein von Myanmar said Wednesday that the transfer of power in the country will be peaceful. He spoke with opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, who convincingly won the election on November 8 in the Asian country.

  • There is no male or female brains

    There is no male or female brains

    December 2, 2015 11:48 Hot Recent News

    Many scientists have long believed that the brains of men and women were different. A group of international scientists has identified headed by psycho biologist Daphna Joel university in Tel Aviv that this statement is incorrect. The researchers' findings can be read in a publication of the US National Academy of Sciences.

  • Putin does not see Erdogan on climate

    Putin does not see Erdogan on climate

    November 30, 2015 13:45 Hot Recent News

    Russian President Vladimir Putin does not intend to meet with the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the international climate summit in Paris Monday. A spokesperson of the Kremlin said. A conversation with US President Barack Obama is "likely".

  • Heavily Wounded by brawl asylum reception

    Heavily Wounded by brawl asylum reception

    November 29, 2015 16:45 Hot Recent News

    At least two people have been badly injured Sunday during a brawl at Berlin's Tempelhof airport, where refugees are received. One of the guards of the building told the Tagesspiegel newspaper that a number of Syrians and Afghans together has gone to blows during the distribution of food.

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