• 'Coup Attempt Kazakhstan'

    almaty June 6, 2016 09:09 Hot Recent News

    Police in Kazakhstan have slain five gunmen and two others arrested in the city of Aktobe after an attack on a military base Sunday. The attackers raided gun shops, reported the Interior Ministry Monday.

  • License plate auction in figure 1: 4.3 million

    License plate auction in figure 1: 4.3 million

    June 5, 2016 14:09 Hot Recent News

    License plates with special numbers or number combinations are Saturday for millions afgehamerd at auction in the United Arab Emirates. The prize was offered for the license plate with only the number 1. Businessman Arif Ahmad al-Zarouni was prepared to fork out 18 million dirhams (4.3 million euros).

  • Armed OSCE in Ukraine

    Armed OSCE in Ukraine

    moscow June 4, 2016 13:51 Hot Recent News

    Russia agrees with the arrival of additional, optionally also armed, observers from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) to eastern Ukraine. The new monitors should be stationed in places provide the Ukrainian military and pro-Russian separatists heavy blow. The OSCE will also monitor at depots withdrawn heavy weapons, said Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov Saturday.

  • Princess robbed of purse

    Princess robbed of purse

    brussels June 4, 2016 12:09 Hot Recent News

    The Belgian Princess Astrid was the victim near Paris of a robbery. That confirmed the Royal Palace. Her purse was stolen from her car, more details were not disclosed.

  • 'Freight weapons towards EK '

    June 4, 2016 11:42 Hot Recent News

    Ukrainian customs at the Polish border arrested a Frenchman who wanted to travel to the west with an arsenal of weapons. The prisoner would possibly assassinate the European Football Championship in France, reports the French news channel M6.

  • Paul Ryan yet for Trump

    Paul Ryan yet for Trump

    June 3, 2016 07:27 Hot Recent News

    Donald Trump has a new voting recommendation by. Republican Paul Ryan, chairman of the House of Representatives and, until recently, an outspoken opponent of the businessman, in a column has a 'endorsement'.

  • 'Donors do not run hot for Trump '

    'Donors do not run hot for Trump '

    May 22, 2016 06:39 Hot Recent News

    Many major backers of the Republican party reluctant for a financial contribution to the election campaign of Donald Trump. According to a tour of that approximated fifty of the greatest supporters of the party.

  • American wants to do on 9/11

    American wants to do on 9/11

    May 18, 2016 05:06 Hot Recent News

    An American businessman wants to raise money to another thinly to do about the attacks on the towers of the World Trade Center in New York. That he wants to invent what is really true of conspiracy theories about the terrorist act.

  • 28 million for a pink diamond

    28 million for a pink diamond

    geneva May 17, 2016 22:39 Hot Recent News

    A rare pear-shaped pink diamond has raised at auction almost 28 million euros. Commissioned by Auction House Sotheby's in Geneva Tuesday. The so-called Unique Pink of 15.38 carats was bought by an Asian private collector who offered it by telephone.

  • Uproar over plan erotic theme park Brazil
    0 Comment 1387

    Uproar over plan erotic theme park Brazil

    May 4, 2016 18:07 Hot Recent News

    Bumper cars in the shape of a penis, vibrating cinema seats and a nude pool. These are just a few ideas of sexual businessmen who want to open in Brazil the first erotic theme park in the world in 2018: Erotikaland. Not everyone, however, is waiting here.

  • Bitcoin creator reveals identity

    Bitcoin creator reveals identity

    May 2, 2016 08:56 Hot Recent News

    Australian businessman Craig Wright has admitted being the inventor of the digital currency bitcoin. Wright has technical evidence for the claim and other developers of the technology behind bitcoin have confirmed the news.

  • Trump: Clinton wins because she is a woman

    Trump: Clinton wins because she is a woman

    April 27, 2016 06:56 Hot Recent News

    Presidential candidate Donald Trump thinks his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton has just come so far in the election campaign because she is a woman. 'The only one she's the woman card' Trump said Tuesday, after five States had won the Republican primaries. 'If Hillary Clinton were a man, I think they still would not get 5 percent of the vote,' said the businessman who wants to be president.

  • Pink diamond under the hammer
    0 Comment 100

    Pink diamond under the hammer

    geneva April 7, 2016 14:28 Hot Recent News

    A rare pink diamond comes in Geneva on May 17 under the hammer. Sotheby's expects the special gem of 15.38 carats, 'Unique Pink 'called, will yield between 25 and 33 million. The quality of this copy is described as exceptional in terms of purity and brilliance.

  • King aunt Spain offshore

    King aunt Spain offshore

    April 6, 2016 17:35 Hot Recent News

    An aunt of the Spanish King Felipe VI, Pilar de Borbon, has long had one in Panama, established offshore firm, but perfectly legal and not out of sight of the Spanish tax authorities. This let the 79-year-old De Borbón Spanish media Wednesday. She was named early this week as one of the ringleaders who channeled according to the so-called Panama Papers money to tax havens.

  • ICC former vice president of Congo declares guilty
    0 Comment 118

    ICC former vice president of Congo declares guilty

    March 21, 2016 15:03 Hot Recent News

    Judges of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague on Monday the wealthy Congolese businessman, politician and militia leader Jean-Pierre Bemba found guilty of crimes against humanity. Bemba was the principal responsible for what his militiamen wreaking in neighboring Central African Republic. The punishment will be determined later.

  • ICC doth judge on former vice president of Congo

    ICC doth judge on former vice president of Congo

    March 21, 2016 10:17 Hot Recent News

    Judges of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague do verdict Monday in the case against a wealthy businessman, politician and militia leader Jean-Pierre Bemba. He was once vice president of Congo and a powerful rival of President Joseph Kabila, who reigns Congo since early 2011.

  • Plane crashed affairs; seven dead

    March 20, 2016 05:59 Hot Recent News

    A crash of a small plane in a northern suburb of Sao Paulo Saturday afternoon (local time) come seven people dead. The victims include the former president of the mining company Vale, Roger Agnelli, his wife and two children as well as the pilot of the unit.

  • Hotdog Case Trump takes on the heel

    Hotdog Case Trump takes on the heel

    March 13, 2016 07:17 Hot Recent News

    With the growing number of jokes about the American businessman popularity of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump also increases. The Wiener's Circle in Chicago, a hotdog case, the
    Trump Footlong released a hotdog say and write 7.5 centimeter length.

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