• 'Clinton has 90 percent chance of winning '

    'Clinton has 90 percent chance of winning '

    November 7, 2016 21:51 Hot Recent News

    The last major poll by Reuters and Ipsos States of the Nation to the outcome of the US presidential election, Hillary Clinton gives a profit rate of 90 percent. Thus, the probability of a victory of the Democratic candidate about the same as a week ago in the previous poll.

  • FBI publishes paper from old Clinton affair

    FBI publishes paper from old Clinton affair

    November 1, 2016 21:03 Hot Recent News

    With the publication of research papers, the FBI has drawn attention to an old investigation into a controversial decision by former President Bill Clinton. The documents are about the pardon that Clinton in 2001, on his last day as president, granted to businessman Marc Rich. Suspected of large-scale tax evasion, but was never prosecuted.

  • 63 percent of voters believe in abuse Trump

    63 percent of voters believe in abuse Trump

    October 22, 2016 05:48 Hot Recent News

    A majority of Americans believe the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has been guilty in the past of sexual abuse. A poll by Reuters / Ipsos shows that this is true for 63 percent of Americans. Under the part of the population which looks like Republican, this is one-third.

  • US supply drug trafficker in Mexico

    US supply drug trafficker in Mexico

    October 18, 2016 21:48 Hot Recent News

    The United States has Zhenli Ye Gon, who is suspected of large-scale drug trafficking, Tuesday extradited to Mexico. Chinese-Mexican businessman, a big boy in the pharmaceutical industry, according to the Public Prosecutor immediately locked up in the maximum security prison El Altiplano.

  • Trump: his sick accusers liars

    Trump: his sick accusers liars

    October 15, 2016 05:51 Hot Recent News

    Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Friday lashed out hard at the women who accuse him of sexual assault. During a speech in North Carolina called them liars sick. 'Some do's probably what celebrity they get some free fame. It is fully rigged, 'said Trump.

  • Dibs Hard debate Clinton Trump

    Dibs Hard debate Clinton Trump

    October 10, 2016 05:03 Hot Recent News

    It was right from the start fireworks in the second presidential debate. Donald Trump opted for the full counterattack, now he is under fire made by a leaked video showing his sexist remarks.

  • Eight million for license

    Eight million for license

    October 9, 2016 09:18 Hot Recent News

    The Indian businessman Balwinder Sahani to an auction in Dubai 33 million dirhams (8 million euros) paid for a license plate of the wave-state. Therefore, the real estate tycoon is now a sign with 'D5' on his Rolls Royce screws.

  • Exit Poll: Government wins in Georgia

    Exit Poll: Government wins in Georgia

    October 8, 2016 18:54 Hot Recent News

    According to the first exit polls seems the ruling party Georgian Dream (GD) of Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikasjvili to win the parliamentary elections in Georgia. According to the same polls, the United National Movement (UNM) of ex-president Mikhail Saakashvili's second largest party. Sandra Roelofs, the Dutch wife of Saakashvili, was a candidate for the UNM. Both parties push for rapprochement with the European Union and NATO.

  • Governor pulls support for Trump

    Governor pulls support for Trump

    October 8, 2016 07:33 Hot Recent News

    A leaked video in which Donald Trump on vulgar fashion outlet on women has cost him the support of a prominent supporter. Governor Gary Herbert of Utah, according to US media no longer to vote intend to Trump because of his 'disgusting' remarks.

  • Trump could deduct million loss 18 years'

    Trump could deduct million loss 18 years'

    October 2, 2016 06:09 Hot Recent News

    Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has long paid little income tax possible eighteen. The newspaper The New York Times claims that according to Trump's tax return from 1995. In it, the businessman has declared that he has a loss of 916 million dollars had suffered through bad financial deals early 90s.

  • 'Five million for tax Trump'

    'Five million for tax Trump'

    September 19, 2016 22:03 Hot Recent News

    "Reid Hoffman, co-founder of the website LinkedIn promises 5 million dollars (nearly 4.5 million euros) to give charity as the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump makes his tax returns public."

  • terminated criminal proceedings against McDonnell

    terminated criminal proceedings against McDonnell

    September 8, 2016 21:09 Hot Recent News

    The American Public Prosecution, the case against the former governor of Virginia Robert 'Bob' McDonnell dismissed for corruption. His wife Maureen goes free. That Justice announced Thursday.,, After careful consideration of the recent decision of the Supreme Court and of the principles of federal prosecution, we have decided not to pursue this matter '', informed the department in a statement.

  • Trump and Clinton call each other intolerant

    Trump and Clinton call each other intolerant

    August 25, 2016 17:36 Hot Recent News

    It is more and more intense in its fight for the votes of African-American voters. Republican Donald Trump called his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton Thursday intolerant and stated that she sees blacks only voting-cattle,, and not as people who deserve a better future. '

  • Trump sets sail against 'corrupt media '

    Trump sets sail against 'corrupt media '

    August 15, 2016 04:09 Hot Recent News

    If,, disgusting and corrupt media 'no,, false sense' 'would give to his words, than Donald Trump would rival Hillary Clinton in his own words as defeat by 20 percent difference in the battle for the US presidency. Whether the media or is still at Trump itself in the polls last week Clinton ran on the Republican candidate.

  • Trump endorses still behind Ryan

    Trump endorses still behind Ryan

    washington August 6, 2016 05:51 Hot Recent News

    In an attempt to approach the Republican party board has presidential candidate Donald Trump Friday (local time) yet expressed its support for Comrade Paul Ryan, chairman of the House of Representatives. The decision is notable because Trump earlier this week said to be still not ready and expressed his admiration for an opponent of Ryan.

  • Working American shows Dutchman
    0 Comment 100

    Working American shows Dutchman

    July 22, 2016 11:00 Hot Recent News

    A working American has a winning America, reads a slogan on one of the ads used by Donald Trump. On an attached picture, the Republican presidential candidate appears tough, with baseball cap and without a tie. The other half of the picture shows a famous American miner, although it is a Dutch model.

  • Republicans reluctantly behind Trump

    Republicans reluctantly behind Trump

    cleveland July 17, 2016 17:30 Hot Recent News

    Donald Trump is this week primetime. His running mate Mike Pence is in the starting blocks and the Republican Party is more or less behind him. Who could have imagined a year ago, let alone dared to say aloud that the New York real estate tycoon at the convention in Cleveland would be nominated as a US presidential candidate?

  • 'Donald Trump is best showman '

    'Donald Trump is best showman '

    July 16, 2016 18:18 Hot Recent News

    The Republican convention would be a political bloodbath which would be removed from his own party all the stops so that Donald Trump does not have to be hoisted on the shield. Meanwhile, the rest seems to be in the party ranks just before the convention in Cleveland starts something back. But criticism is enough.

  • Trump called names vice presidents

    Trump called names vice presidents

    July 13, 2016 16:00 Hot Recent News

    US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has named three names of potential vice presidents. It concerns the governors Mike Pence (Indiana) and Chris Christie (New Jersey) and Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House of Representatives.

  • Iran continues Iranian foreign

    tehran July 11, 2016 13:24 Hot Recent News

    The Iranian judiciary has three Western nationals who have Iranian nationality, accused of espionage and cooperation with Western intelligence agencies.

  • Trump wants more support from Republicans

    Trump wants more support from Republicans

    June 19, 2016 14:24 Hot Recent News

    The slain dyed Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is not pleased with the support he gets from fellow party.,, We're going to beat Hillary. It would be nice if the Republicans would help us a bit, '' the businessman complained according to The Washington Post.

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